
by greenie 36 Replies latest members private

  • greenie

    Seriously. Is there something wrong with pumpkins? Are pumpkins to be looked down on? Because apparently my Dub is not thrilled about possibly having a pumpkin in the yard. Not a jack-o-lantern. A pumpkin. And this is what I should look forward to the rest of my life? He was the initially dishonest one, not me. I don't think he did it on purpose at all but still. Sometimes I feel like he should be the one to deal with the consequences. I certainly didn't head to my local KH to find a mate. He's the one that came out into the "world" (gosh I hate their terms) but now I'm supposed to feel bad about everything that I do or want to do. Goodness.

    How am I supposed to do this?

    Sorry, needed to vent. Will you be my friends?

  • greenie

    Oh, and for those others involved in JW/Non-JW relationships, do you sometimes feel like you're living under a cloud, just waiting for the other shoe to drop, even in good times? Sometimes it all feels fake to me.

  • mrsjones5

    You're not a jw, do what you want to do. I know you love him but you shouldn't be made to feel bad over a pumpkin.

  • greenie

    That's exactly it though. I do feel bad over a pumpkin. And then I feel bad for feeling bad over a pumpkin. It's a little vicious.

  • mrsjones5

    Yeah, circular ain't? Just jump off. My parents can't stand the idea of my having a Christmas tree or that my younger kids believe in Santa. But know what? That's their problem not mine, I don't try to get them to go "worldly" and make them feel guilty for not being so. I love my parents (even though they drive me crazy) but I won't be made to feel guilty over the pleasure of celebrating the holidays.

  • greenie

    I know what you mean. I guess it feels harder because I'm at the starting point, not towards the end. I was supposed to be starting a "normal" life with this person and now it seems it will be anything but.

  • trueblue
  • nelly136

    halloween or whatever connotations aside, it is a very tasty seasonal vegetable with a big yield for little effort, if you call it a squash you may be able to enjoy your pumpkin in peace :)

  • mrsjones5

    I wish jgnat was here. She would be able to give you great advice about being an unbelieving mate to a jw. A very wise and level head woman she is. But I digress, it's towards the beginning and you need to set some ground rules now. If you're going to celebrate the holidays, do it, and tell him you won't accept being gulited about it. If he has a problem with that it's his problem. I know it hard cuz my hubby trys to make me feel gulity about stuff that i didn't do or didn't mean and I refuse to feel guilty about it and will tell him so. But to keep your sanity and a level of self-esteem you have set those ground rules and stand up for yourself.

    I hope I'm making sense

  • knows better
    knows better

    im sorry for you.. its just starting. as advised in another thread.

    GET OUT NOW !!!

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