I Just Bought "Combatting Mind Control" for My Counselor as a Gift...

by BabaYaga 14 Replies latest members private

  • BabaYaga

    ...well actually it was not so much a gift as a selfish action, I really hope this helps in my own recovery. She just really didn't seem to "get" it. I didn't know how to make her understand.

    Hope she reads it... and I hope it helps.

    Thank you all for being here, my online typing friends.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dearest Baba,

    It's so difficult for some outsiders to get the point we escapees endeavor to put across. Perhaps our defecting from a literal, despotic political regime would be more in their grasp. Nevertheless, we "online" friends surely can relate ... yes?!?!?



  • BabaYaga
    Beloved CoCo said: Nevertheless, we "online" friends surely can relate ... yes?!?!?

    Hear, hear to that, Dear One! And huge hugs to you!

  • BabaYaga

    Any suggestions from anyone? What would give someone a "Cliff's Notes" version of what our lives were like... sounds like a tall order, doesn't it?

    Wow. A "Cliff's Notes" of our experience is sortof impossible... (or is it?)

    A link? A list? A quick run-down explanation?

  • BabaYaga

    Sorry... inexplicable double post.

  • purplesofa


    Good for you, I went to a therapists shortly after my exit and she really did not get it. It's a bit frustrating that you need to educate the very person you are paying to help you!!!


  • BabaYaga
    Precious Purps said: It's a bit frustrating that you need to educate the very person you are paying to help you!!!

    Isn't that the truth! I am so divided about whether I should even keep going... but... this might help us both, you know? We'll see.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    My therapist is reading it at the moment, I loaned her my copy. I'm not seeing her at the moment but if she ever sees any dubs in the future, she'll be prepared.

  • drwtsn32

    I recently got "Breaking the Bonds"...I think it's the successor to "Combatting Mind Control." So far it's excellent. I'm hoping it will teach me techniques to help break the rest of my family out.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Thats a damn good idea. Hope your counselor reads it.

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