Will Your KH Participate in Drills?

by cameo-d 11 Replies latest members private

  • cameo-d

    It seems that starting in Jan.2009 there will be drills and exercises for PODs to respond to CRI-like scenerios. This is part of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.

    POD (Point of Dispensing) locations are where the public or certain other groups would go to receive life saving antibiotics or other medical during a large scale public health emergency.

    Apparently this is an operation to align with the CRI (Cities Readiness Initiative) to prepare metro areas to dispense to the entire community within 48 hours.

    From what I gather the "faith based community" is being enlisted to assist in communications with the at risk populations.

    I think it may be referred to as "first strike". The POD plans are well integrated with federal, state and local emergency management.

    Should there be an emergency....these sites to dispense antibiotics will include places like schools, firestations, "faith based" meeting places, large parking lots, etc.

    Because of this being an emergency situation, rules have been relaxed. Non medically licensed personnel can perform POD functions.

    Some facets of the drills and exercises include a call down drill. This would verify the accuracy of names and contact info on the list. Also helps to establish back up staff. Will help determine time factors, availibility, etc.

    Some exercises will use a sampling method instead of entire list. Also there must be organization for crowd and traffic control; parking attendents.

    POD must meet certain criteria according to CDC guidance.

    Because many of these drills are to be held in MSA's (Metro Statistical Areas=pop. 3 million+) and because antibiotics must be distributed to all qualifying population within 48 hours, available resources for this procedure should be available within a two mile location of every community.

    So anyway, I am just wondering, do you think the KH would participate in something like this? If so, would it be strictly for their membership? Or is it possible they would include the rest of the community?

  • lawrence

    Ted and the rest of the hoodlum GB members care for the world, as much as Titus cared for Jerusalem. "Readiness" to them is the next light bulb which explodes in a mad man's mind. The R & F march to Ted and the gang's drums.

  • yknot

    Could you provide a link to this story......

  • halcyon

    They will probably remind elders to review their procedure for calling members in their book study groups "should an emergency arise," identify young MS's who have served as parking attendants at past memorials, and leave it at that. No drill. IF they go one step further, it would be to make an announcement reminding pubs to come to the KH should an emergency arise and they will be taken care of there. Tying it in with the Meeting Attendance exhortation, of course, because if they don't come to meetings, they might not get that life-saving call! Don't be left Out In The Cold!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Kingdum Hall drills in an emergency are simple......"Okay Brothers now everyone pray to Jehovah for divine Protection.....please ignore the Nuclear Fallout outside and pray...."

  • watson

    Probably too "innerfaith" for Gov Body. Unless their tax status is threatened, I don't see them participating.


    During 911,Bethal locked the doors..The door to the Ark was closed..LOL!!.........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • cameo-d

    Don't you think they would see this as Jehovah providing protection?

    These drills and exercises are scheduled to start in Jan. 2009.

    I was just wondering if maybe thats why they dropped one of your meeting days ...so they can schedule for alerts and drills, and emergency info coordination/

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    Probably too "innerfaith" for Gov Body. Unless their tax status is threatened, I don't see them participating.

    I agree with Watson. The society will have to address this soon. If an emergency occurs, if the station you are to report to is a church, can you go in and receive life saving drugs or treatment?

    I really don't think the government will give a damn, and make all JW's a place of their own, or an outside table, that says "For Jehovah's Witnesses ONLY" sign.

    Will the JW's allow the KH to be used? I doubt it. They have never allowed anything to go on in a KH, other than weddings and funerals. And think about them, a funeral, they have to be of very good standing, and god forbid if you want to get married in a KH. You have to jump through hoops, and pass inspection on everything. And to allow a non-JW to be in charge of a KH, even temporarily, won't happen.

  • cameo-d

    I really don't think the government will give a damn, and make all JW's a place of their own, or an outside table, that says "For Jehovah's Witnesses ONLY" sign.

    I wonder if they would participate in drills if its jws only?

    maybe certain halls would cover all jws in the area.

    I think the papers said locations need to be in 2 mile radius and possibly walking distance for some in case of road blocks. This is talking about inoculating heavily populated areas of 3 mil. people within 48 hrs. so I would imagine they need a lot of individual locations and the jws are very organized. they know how to reach everyone and get them in.

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