Aposta-cruise to Alaska

by finally awake 24 Replies latest members meetups

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Just Ron and I just booked a cruise to Alaska on the Golden Princess for 9/1/2012 (roundtrip from Seattle). It would be a blast if anyone else from here was on board. I'm considering getting VAA t-shirts made up - LOL

  • watson

    I'm headin' there about that time too. Different line....


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Which line/sailing if you don't mind telling? I'll be looking at everyone in port wondering

  • TheSilence

    Look for Russia whilst you're there.

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    I'm already in Alaska. Do you stop in Anchorage?

    BTW, as an Alaskan and seeker of truth, it bothers me a bit how Palin's words got twisted. She said you can see Russia from Alaska, which you can at some points. Tina Fey, acting as Palin on SNL, said the stuff about seeing Russia from her house, along with a lot of the other stuff. Just a personal pet peeve.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Now that would be a very cool cruise

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    Sorry! The closest we get is Juneau.

    Can't say much about politicians we are from Illinois where are goveners make our license plates.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    The prison had to open a special governor's wing just to accomodate all the former Illinois governors.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    It bothers me too. I used to live in AK (Southeast AK) and even I could read a map and saw that there were several US and Russian islands in the Bering Strait that were only kilometers apart. People really need to get over Sarah Palin. She lost, and now she's consigned to the John Edwards/Joe Lieberman/Jack Kemp/Lloyd Bentsen/Geraldine Ferraro/Bob Dole/Sargent Shriver/Edmund Muskie dustbin of history. Move on. The jokes are so 2008.

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    Yes, that is what comedians do. I personally have seen Russia from Kotzebue. It's not like across the street, the weather has to be really clear. I do remember seeing a video of SP speaking to a church saying, "God WANTS this pipeline to go thru! (Loud applause and yelling response)." The first time I went to Alaska I expected to see lots of old hippies hanging out. My great-great Aunt lived there at one time and was very good friends with Sydney Larence. My mom had some of his paintings. I had seen many pictures and colored postcards. When I finally went I was shocked to see that for the most part you see.................REPUBLICANS!!!!! Just not what I expected. I should have known, all the mineral rights of the natives gone, oil, oil, oil. $$$$$$$ Many there feel that they are like Texas...not really part of the lower states. If you get past that, it is an awesome, fabulous, unserpassed place of beauty with a life style that is different because of weather and distance. I love it.

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