exorcising demons

by jaguarbass 23 Replies latest members adult

  • jaguarbass

    I just had to post on this topic in my life.

    I have 4 cocker Spaniels, the father and his 3 sons. The father is 10 the boys are 9.

    Since one of the boys was about 2, the best I can describe him is he has been demon


    He gets perturbed set off by the slightest matter and his eyes start to bulge out and become glassy

    and he growls for 5 or more minutes, all of the other boys stay away, sometimes one will

    get in his face and they fight. We always try to seperate him when he gets in this state.

    It usually happens several times a week, for 7 years until about a month and a half ago.

    A month and a half ago I decided to perform an exorcism on him, his name is Carson.

    He was having a fit, possesion, episode, and I said Carson in Jesus name I command

    the demons to come out of you. He got madder I repeated Carson in Jesus name I command

    the demons to come out of you, He got madder, This went on for several minutes

    until he finnally calmed down, which he always does anyway.

    I didnt tell anybody, its border line wacky, flacky and I forgot about it.

    Today my wife comes home and tells me did you notice Carson hasn't been growling in

    over a month, Then I told her about my exorcism.

    Now I am telling you.

    In the bible demons were in animals Jesus sent demons to a herd of swine and they

    jumped off a cliff.

    All of our dogs go to the vet regularly have all their shots and are well taken care of.

    I do know that Carson has had a heart murmur, but hes 9 years old and outside of the

    murmur has always been in good health. We walk our dogs regularly about a mile and

    a half an evening.

    Also I work in a jail and from time to time have to take scitzophrenics to the hospital because

    they try to kill themselves, The scitzos that I have dealt with seem to me to be demon


    I get to sit with them just me and them for 8 hours and I ask them the classic questions.

    They watch and listen to bad things, think bad thoughts and usually try

    to kill themselves because the voices, they call them, demons, I call them are telling

    them to kill and hurt other people, they dont want to so they try to kill themselves.

    What the state does to scitzsos that I see is fill them up with thorazine so heavily

    that they dont even know there own name they are floating.

    The do the Thorazine shuffle.

    It makes them a vegetable no good to the demons or themselves.

    I had to take a scitzo to the hospital yesterday who tried to kill herself.

    She was discharged from jail at the hospital but not from the hospital.

    The charge nurse was freaking out because I was leaving her with a scitzo

    who was trying to kill herself.

    I told her the state just released her. Now you can do what you want with her.

    The hospital planned on doing all kinds of test because they saw the deep pockets

    of the state. I called my captain and told him the hospital had plans to keep the inmate

    for several days doing test. My captain called the probation officer and had her paroled

    so as not to incur the medical bills to the facility.

    Its just food for thought life is weirder than you think and weirder than you can think.

    I dont even know if I believe in Jesus or the bible but the above are my experiences.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    jag, you are a respected member of this board, but I'm sure the arm-chair psychiatrists will have plenty of negative things to say.

    I have had a couple experiences with demonic activity, but since it was "just my imagination", I don't talk about them too much.

    If you asked all of your friends and acquaintances, privately of course, about any supernatural experiences they have had, you would be surprised as to how many have, and not told anyone for fear of ridicule.

    By the way, I think the dog made the whole thing up.

    Judge Dread

  • sabastious

    Demons cease to exist when you exercise them from your brain as being real.


  • Mary

    The hospital planned on doing all kinds of test because they saw the deep pockets of the state. I called my captain and told him the hospital had plans to keep the inmate for several days doing test. My captain called the probation officer and had her paroled so as not to incur the medical bills to the facility.

    *blink* WTF? Soooo.....who gets to pay her hospital bill?

  • jaguarbass

    Personally I have been out of the tower since 83. When I was a witness I was afraid or

    concerned about demons. When I left the tower I reprogramed my brain with Silva mind

    control, its self hypnosis with positive affirmations. i pretty much designed my world

    of thought doing that, health, prosperity, staying out of the way of moving objects.

    It worked pretty good. I had my house paid off by the time I was 40, saved a lot and invested,

    Been healthy for 58 years.

    No demons or demonic concers since I left the tower and reprogramed my brain.

    I just see what I see.

    The Scitzoprhenics that I have talked to all tell me that I am the best therapist they ever

    had, they say that the md's and state provided care only dope them up.

    That makes me think that our society is run by business. The medical portion is run

    by the drug companies. The drug companies treat scitzophrenia by doping them up

    to oblivion, probaly sooner or latter they successfully kill themselves.

    That doesnt prove demons or no demons but I do believe that is the way medical

    care works regarding voices, demons.

    I do know when I see them after they have been drugged up they hardly know their

    own name.

  • jaguarbass

    *blink* WTF? Soooo.....who gets to pay her hospital bill?

    You do the Obama plan.

    If your in jail and a ward of the state, it seems the state would be responsible.

    If your released from jail, then society, the hospital passing on the bill to those

    who have insurance pay for it.

    When I started working back in the 70's full health insurance for a family of 3

    with no deductable was 100$ a month.

    Today for me and my wife the plan that my work offers me would cost 800$ a month

    for my wife and I.

    The way our system worked before Obama was those with insurance paid for

    those without insurance by higer premiums and higer bills.

    I think it will still be the same way only know with Obamas plan we will have higher premiums

    and higer bills and fines for those who cant afford insurance, but business and Obama will be smilling.

  • jaguarbass

    blink* WTF? Soooo.....who gets to pay her hospital bill?

    The detention facility that I work for did not want the medical bill

    and the security provision on their books.

    If somebody has deep pockets theres no end to the amount of test that

    can be run.

    There is an end but it takes a while to get there.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    You lived with a demon possessed dog for SEVEN YEARS before even thinking of trying to exorcise the demon using Jesus' name?

    I hate to call BS but REALLY?

  • jaguarbass

    I have no reason to BS anyone. I dont care if you believe my story or not.

    Not everyone would think the dog demon possessed they might describe it as a alpha dog

    trying to establish and maintain the pecking order. Medical professionals I talked to suggested

    a dog psychologist.

    My story is deffinitely not based on the scientific method.

    I just am so therefore I post whats on my mind.

  • Rabbit
    Demons cease to exist when you exercise them from your brain as being real.

    Yep! Same for me, demonz 'bothered' me when I was a dub -- and believed in them. Once I didn't *POOF* 'they' had no more effect on me. Ever.


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