NEW LIGHT - Watchtower Quotes

by UnDisfellowshipped 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped
    Below are Watchtower QUOTES about NEW LIGHT!

    I would love to hear everyone's comments (including current Jehovah's Witnesses).

    You can distribute these Quotes FREELY!

    I got these Quotes from which is the BEST WATCHTOWER QUOTES WEBSITE ON THE INTERNET!

    And, now, here are the QUOTES (I will try to add more soon):

    *** New World Translation Reference Bible ***

    Proverbs 4:17-18

    18 But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.

    *** New World Translation Reference Bible Ephesians 4:14 ***

    14 in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error.

    *** The Living Bible Ephesians 4:14 ***

    ...forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different, or has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth.

    *** Zion's Watch Tower, February 1881, Page 3 ***

    If we were following a man undoubtedly it would be different with us; undoubtedly one human idea would contradict another and that which was light one or two or six years ago would be regarded as darkness now; But with God there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, and so it is with truth; any knowledge or light coming from God must be like its author. A new view of truth never can contradict a former truth. "New light" never extinguishes older "light," but adds to it...

    *** The Watchtower October 15th 1954 Issue, Pages 638-639 ***

    Questions from Readers

    How does Jehovah's spirit help the "faithful and discreet slave" arrive at the truth of a matter?
    The Society does not claim infallibility or inspiration. How much is dependent upon the written Word? How can we be sure that this is the organization Jehovah is using when some things are published and later changed? -C. P., United States.

    In regard to how the truth is brought forth through Jehovah's organization, please note that if the Watch Tower Society were infallible there would be no need for future correction of viewpoints held; but because it is not infallible and has never claimed to be, from time to time corrections are necessary. If Jehovah's spirit operated in the way it did upon Bible writers, inspiring them to write according to Jehovah's thoughts, then no future corrections in matters would ever be necessary. But because the spirit does not operate in this way today some corrections are made from time to time.

    Jehovah God, in fact, foretold or indicated that such would be the case. At Proverbs 4:18 (AS) it states: "The path of the righteous is as the dawning light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." While the light is still dim the broad outline of an object may be visible but the details of it are not always distinct, and as the light increases these details may be seen with more clarity and a corrected view is obtained. Full dependence is placed upon Jehovah's Word in the formulation of truth and it is from his Word that proof should be forthcoming. However, with greater clarity and understanding, new truths are discerned and something that previously appeared very logical may require revision.

    Jehovah did not say that the entire matter would be seen in crystal clarity instantaneously. With these last days in mind, Jesus spoke of the "faithful and discreet slave" that would be appointed to bring forth "food at the proper time." (Matt. 24:45, NW) This is a progressive process, food being continually provided, and as we advance in the stream of time and observe further fulfillment of prophecy new truths are discerned and brought forth and constitute fresh and nourishing food for our day. Some truths were not essential for us prior to the time of their discernment, otherwise Jehovah would have caused them to become known earlier.

    Even the erroneous viewpoints held by Jehovah's witnesses during the first world war served their purpose in contributing to the fulfillment of prophecy, for Jehovah had long ago foretold a condition of spiritual uncleanness upon his people at that particular time and the cleansing work that would be done. Hence such things are to be expected according to prophecy and their occurrence is a confirmation that this is Jehovah's organization, rather than a cause for raising question concerning Jehovah's use of the organization.

    Jehovah uses this organization because it is meek and teachable and is not set and bound in its viewpoints.

    It is an organization that looks to Jehovah for guidance and direction and watches his maneuvering of matters on the world scene and the outworking of events that fulfill prophecy and it lines up its views in accord with these things. It is willing to change and keep up with the developing conditions, to keep up with the light as the light is revealed brighter and brighter. That is why Jehovah can use this organization, and certainly the facts show that he has been using it and is continuing to use it. He is bringing the increase. He is using this organization to preach the good news of the established Kingdom in all the inhabited earth. Prophecies are being fulfilled upon this group. We are counseled to remain close to the organization, for even if the organization does have views that are later changed, our safety lies in remaining within the organization and changing with it when the light increases and new truths are discerned.

    No other organization has shown this flexibility to alter its views, to keep up with the changing times, to be alert to the increased light that comes from Jehovah from the temple, for other groups are bound by their centuries-old creeds. Rather than a stumbling stone, the Society's readiness to alter its views when necessary should be a source of comfort and encouragement, an assurance that there will be continual advancement and increase in learning, an ever-brightening light as we approach closer to the perfect day with its noonday brightness. A false religion may have some truth in it, but it never gets rid of its many falsehoods and the truth it does have continues to be contaminated. With Jehovah's organization the beliefs can be established from the Bible, and when some erroneous view does creep in it is soon ferreted out and discarded.

    An analogy might be drawn between the first and the second presence of Christ Jesus. At his first advent certainly the apostles at first thought he would be an entirely earthly King and that the kingdom would be earthly. Only after Pentecost did they learn that it was to be a heavenly kingdom. Prior to that time they could not discern this truth, and they entertained a false idea, as shown by Acts 1:6-8 (NW): "When, now, they had assembled, they went to asking him: 'Master, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?' He said to them: 'It does not belong to you to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction; but you will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you.'" Likewise it was some time until they saw clearly that they were no longer under the Mosaic law as such, as shown by Acts chapter 15. But that did not mean that they were not Jehovah's servants and his channel for bringing the truth to the people. So we should not stumble because the same is true today.

    In fact, this ability to discard the erroneous as the light increases marks the difference between Jehovah's true worshipers and the false religions of Christendom. When it can be clearly shown from the Bible that an idea once held does not have sufficient Scriptural support and that a different viewpoint has the weight of Bible testimony behind it, then the new viewpoint is adopted and the former understanding is set aside. To be too proud to do this is to have a pride that would presage a fall. (Prov. 16:18) Increased understanding of the Bible itself and growing proof from the Bible itself are the basis for altering the viewpoint. This organization is always probing and studying to find solid foundations in the Scriptures for its beliefs and as the light increases the foundations of our beliefs become stronger and stronger. We have ears to hear a clarified truth, not ears that refuse to hear. We have eyes to see the increased light, not eyes that refuse to see. We are anxious for new light and for new "food at the proper time."

    This Jehovah supplies, not through individuals, but through his organization. (Prov. 3:5, 6) He has so operated with this group in the past and he is still doing so, as the physical facts abundantly confirm. Past history of the organization has shown that those who split off, thinking themselves smarter than the Society, are soon swallowed up in the seas of humanity. The new ideas they entertain are soon forgotten. They are not preached world-wide to all the inhabited earth, as Jesus said would be done with the truth. These separating, disgruntled ones are not fulfilling the prophecies that Jesus said would be fulfilled by his true people. It is this organization that is enjoying that fulfillment and it is through this organization that Jehovah sends further light and spiritual food that rectifies any erroneous conceptions previously entertained, as well as adding to the rich storehouse of spiritual food available for those devoted to him and willing to exert themselves in his service by telling it to others.

    Jesus said: "All the same, wisdom is vindicated by its works." So this organization is vindicated as the one Jehovah is using by its activity in doing the preaching work Jesus foretold and in being used to fulfill many other prophecies.-Matt. 11:19, NW.

    *** The Watchtower August 1st 1972 Issue, Page 460 ***

    Loving Oversight of the Congregation of God

    18 Each week the principal Bible study aid published by Jehovah's witnesses, the Watchtower magazine, is studied by the congregation as a whole. This is done in the form of a question-and-answer discussion. For this meeting the entire congregation usually meets in one place. Through the columns of The Watchtower comes increased light on God's Word as Jehovah makes it known. Because of the vital nature of these discussions, the Watchtower study is the most important meeting for all of Jehovah's Christian witnesses and interested persons. Therefore, the Watchtower study conductor, who presides over this meeting, has an important responsibility. This study enables all to be united in the same line of thought.-1 Cor. 1:10.

    *** The Watchtower May 15th 1976 Issue, Page 298 ***

    Preaching Christ-Through Envy or Goodwill?

    It is a serious matter to represent God and Christ in one way, then find that our understanding of the major teachings and fundamental doctrines of the Scriptures was in error, and then after that, to go back to the very doctrines that, by years of study, we had thoroughly determined to be in error. Christians cannot be vacillating-'wishy-washy'-about such fundamental teachings. What confidence can one put in the sincerity or judgment of such persons?

    *** The Watchtower February 15th 1981 Issue, Page 19 ***

    Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible?


    We can benefit from this consideration. If we have once established what instrument God is using as his "slave" to dispense spiritual food to his people, surely Jehovah is not pleased if we receive that food as though it might contain something harmful. We should have confidence in the channel God is using. At the Brooklyn headquarters from which the Bible publications of Jehovah's Witnesses emanate there are more mature Christian elders, both of the "remnant" and of the "other sheep," than anywhere else upon earth.

    *** The Watchtower December 1st 1981 Issue, Pages 26-27 ***

    Truly, all the foregoing demonstrates that the pathway of Jehovah's people has been and is like the bright light that gets ever brighter. (Prov. 4:18) As they came out of the gross darkness enveloping 'Babylon the Great,' the world empire of false religion, it was not to be expected that they would see all things immediately in their true light. (Rev. 17:5) The brilliance of revealed truth could have had a blinding, even a confusing, effect upon them spiritually. This could be compared to a person's coming out of a totally dark room into bright sunlight. It would take time for the person's eyes to adjust to the sudden glare of brilliant sunlight.

    The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter

    2 However, it may have seemed to some as though that path has not always gone straight forward. At times explanations given by Jehovah's visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as "tacking." By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds.

    *** Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock (1991) (Secret Elders Rule Book), Pages 100-101 ***

    Propriety of Disfellowshipping

    When making decisions or answering questions about judicial reproof, disfellowshipping, disassociation, or reinstatement, elders should be certain that their decisions and answers are based solidly on the Bible and are in harmony with the most recent statements by the Society. (Compare 1 Corinthians 4:6.)

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 21 October 2002 3:54:52

  • Blueblades

    The secret elders rule book:On page. 232 of the Proclaimers book,there is a picture of the Pay Attention book.So, that it exists is no secret.Of course its been on the internet.But for those rank and file members they can see the picture of it in the Proclaimers book.This has been brought to our attention before.Just repeating it for those who may have missed it.Blueblades

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The world had ended and the apostles were asking the wts to explain about the lies they had told - and so they began, "It's actually new light and blah, blah, blah .............". They said, "Just record it, we'll have to come back when your finished". The Lord said, "How did you go?" and they replied, "You'll never have to worry about it, they won't ever be going anywhere".

  • happy man
    happy man

    Well undisfellowshipt, you are very clever to find evry smaler or bigger wrongnessJW have, but as I say to you before, when i read that you belive in hellfire, and you dont care if it is a place ther peopel are pain fore ever, then i must say you are a bigg hyppocrite, it is very easy to find wrongnes in evrything if we want to , be carful so you not se the wrongness in you fellow mans eye, but not the bigg stock in your one.

    From my site of wuie , your credbelity is ciro after i read this terribel thing, that you can acept that the lord are going to pain evry man fore ever, who not are in the same faith as you.

    One thing , this freemanson thing, Russel was never freemanson,and so farfe i now he say so himself, I have also heard that JW are the only religon who are banned from the freemansons, sounds like the opposite of what you said.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hi Happy Man,

    You said:

    Well undisfellowshipt, you are very clever to find evry smaler or bigger wrongnessJW have, but as I say to you before, when i read that you belive in hellfire, and you dont care if it is a place ther peopel are pain fore ever, then i must say you are a bigg hyppocrite, it is very easy to find wrongnes in evrything if we want to , be carful so you not se the wrongness in you fellow mans eye, but not the bigg stock in your one.

    I just want to say again, that, I believe in what the Bible says.

    The only thing I know about Hell is what is written in the Bible.

    I posted a reply on your other Thread, and I listed a lot of the Scriptures that talked about what Hell is.

    Who am I to tell God what to do to people after they die?

    Like I said before, it could be true that Hell is simply the Grave and people will go out of existence, but I still do not want to go there, because it would mean an Eternity separated from God (even if it is not a conscious Eternity).

    And, I do care VERY MUCH that people, perhaps even my own family, will not be saved by God.

    You said:

    From my site of wuie , your credbelity is ciro after i read this terribel thing, that you can acept that the lord are going to pain evry man fore ever, who not are in the same faith as you.

    I am very curious, what do you believe is going to happen to the people who do not join your Religion?

    Also, what you said is not entirely accurate. I said that everyone who rejects Jesus Christ will be forever separated from Him (as they wished).

    You said:

    One thing , this freemanson thing, Russel was never freemanson,

    Well, can you give me some references so I can have proof of this? Where did you get that information from?

    You said:

    and so farfe i now he say so himself, I have also heard that JW are the only religon who are banned from the freemansons, sounds like the opposite of what you said.

    I would really like to know where you got this information from, so I can check into it more.

    I am definitely no expert, however, I have read A LOT of Books and Websites about Freemasons (as well as personal experience with some of them).

    Can you explain why in the world Russell used several Freemason Symbols and "Buzz Words" on his Publications, if he was not connected to the Freemasons?

    Also, I highly, highly, highly doubt that JW's are banned from becoming Freemasons by the Freemasons.

    From my research, I have found out that there are Freemasons in EVERY RELIGION ON EARTH.

    Through my research, I have found that 1 out of every 6 men are Freemasons or are in a Group connected to Freemasons.

    I even know of some JW's who are Freemasons.

    Like I said, I don't know how much the JW's are connected to the Freemasons, I just know that there is some connection.

    Also, you said that I like to "pick on little and big things" that the Watchtower Society has done wrong.

    Well, actually, in most of my Threads, I post Watchtower Quotes and Bible Verses only, with one or two of my own comments.

    It is the Watchtower's own comments, along with the Bible, that condemns the Watchtower Society, not me.

    I think you are trying to "shoot the messenger".

    If someone exposes a wicked policy of an Organization or Group, who is guilty for making the Organization or Group look bad? Is it not the Organization or Group that had the wicked policy in the first place?

    I welcome any and all comments and questions.

    In Christ, I send my Christian Love to you

  • SYN
    No other organization has shown this flexibility to alter its views,

    A definite candidate for The Understatement of the Month!

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Very stictly speaking, I don't think you can be a practising catholic and a freemason.

  • link

    Happy Man,

    All of your posts seem to carry the same error: The religious organisation that you belong to claim to be the only true religion and unless you follow their doctrines and beliefs then you are not a Christian. Those responding to you do not belong to such organisations and therefore do not make these claims on behalf of their own beliefs.

    They freely admit that it is their understanding based on their knowledge of the Bible. You claim that your view is the only possible one, although much of it is only loosely based on the Bible. Cant you see how wrong you are? (Obviously not!)


  • gumby

    Un dfed,

    And, I do care VERY MUCH that people, perhaps even my own family, will not be saved by God.

    Tell me. Is your family worse than the people you know that will be saved? It is really sad that religion has done to you what the witnesses did. They instill fear in you to conform or believe a certain way......don't they UNDISFELLOWSHIPPED?

    You must realize there will be billions who will never hear the gospel if the lord comes.Do they all die too.

    Perhaps your family dosen't believe what you do because....Their heart tells them they are NOW doing the right thing........just like YOU think YOUR right.Muslims believe as strong as do you. Why would God kill them if they THOUGHT they were doing right? That would NOT be a loving God.

    Give your family a break and quit worrying about them.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hello Gumby,

    You said:

    Tell me. Is your family worse than the people you know that will be saved?

    My immediate family (my Dad, Mom, and Sister) are loving, sincere, pretty honest, people who truly want to know the real truth. I have no doubt in my mind that God will open their eyes (if not soon, then at some point later in life).

    However, I do have some relatives, who for some reason, have been doing really hurtful, mean, and sometimes illegal, things to me and my Parents.

    They don't seem to care anymore about whether or not they hurt people or break the law even. They are still JW's.

    You said:

    It is really sad that religion has done to you what the witnesses did. They instill fear in you to conform or believe a certain way......don't they UNDISFELLOWSHIPPED?

    Well, the JW's certainly did instill fear in me and my family. However, I no longer belong to any Organized Religion, and I read the Bible without going to any Church at the moment.

    The main thing that I believe is, that, if someone rejects the True Jesus Christ, they will not be saved.

    I mean, if someone rejects Jesus, then Jesus is not going to force that person to go to Heaven and be saved.

    You said:

    You must realize there will be billions who will never hear the gospel if the lord comes. Do they all die too.

    I have absolute confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ that He will judge everyone's hearts and minds who never got to hear the Gospel.

    Jesus Christ is the Only Judge. He is Perfect in Wisdom, Knowledge, and Justice. Jesus is Love.

    You said:

    Perhaps your family doesn't believe what you do because....Their heart tells them they are NOW doing the right thing........just like YOU think YOUR right.

    I agree, my Parents and my Sister do truly believe that the Governing Body is teaching them the Truth, although I am very happy that, ever since Dateline, they have been having A LOT of doubts.

    I truly believe that Jesus Christ will set them free from the enslavement of the Governing Body.

    You said:

    Muslims believe as strong as do you. Why would God kill them if they THOUGHT they were doing right? That would NOT be a loving God.

    Well, that is an interesting comment. Like I said above, Jesus will judge everyone who never got to hear the Gospel.

    But, if God were to Save everyone who THOUGHT what they were doing is right, then that would mean that God would have to reward Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and Judas Iscariot with Eternal Life in Heaven, along with J.R. Brown and Ted Jaracz and all the Pedophiles.

    Would that be a Just and Fair God?

    You said:

    Give your family a break and quit worrying about them.

    I don't worry about whether or not they will be Saved, instead I Pray to the Lord that He will open their eyes and set them free from the Watchtower, and He has already opened their eyes more than I ever thought would happen.

    However, I think most people on this Website are worried about their JW Relatives, not only about their Eternal Salvation, but also about the dangers of them getting hurt or killed by some of the Governing Body's "Current Light", like No Blood (at least not all Blood), etc.

    I welcome any and all comments and questions.

    I send my Christian Love to you Gumby!

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