Possible Reasons For The Faithful And Discreet Slave Change

by DT 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    I've been thinking a lot about the new Faithful and Discreet Slave understanding.

    First of all, I regard the Faithful and Discreet Slave doctrine to be the core doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses. Without a single charismatic leader like other cults, the Watchtower Society needed to have something to keep the rank and file in line. The FDS doctrine was mysterious and served to give the organisation a leadership structure that appeared to be directly connected to God. It went unquestioned by most Jehovah's Witnesses.

    It was even used as the main test for apostasy. Many accused of apostasy were asked if they believed that the FDS was being used by God to lead the organization. Answering in the negative would almost guarantee disfellowshipping, while a convincing answer in the affirmative meant that any other source of "confusion" could possibly be handled without disfellowshipping.

    It's odd that they would radically alter the doctrine that they were most concerned about their followers accepting.

    I thought I would provide my own speculation on why they may have felt they needed to make this change.

    The newly anointed were becoming a problem. The increasing numbers were an embarrassment. Also, an anointed apostate could potentially be far more damaging than a regular apostate.

    There is also the factor that many newly anointed appear to be either mentally unstable, dishonest or overly ambitious. If it ever became routine to question the legitimacy of these newly anointed, it could lead to questioning the legitimacy of the entire FDS concept.

    I'm sure the Governing Body felt it was necessary to open the doors again to the anointed class to have a larger pool of candidates to serve on the Governing Body. They just might not have anticipated all the problems and embarrassment that this would cause.

    A bigger pool of potential candidates isn't very helpful if most of them are mentally unstable, dishonest or overly ambitious. I expect that some of those in power (perhaps non Governing Body members operating behind the scenes) realized that a cult cannot survive without competent leadership. The current GB are a bunch of clowns who have been making one embarrassing mistake after another. There is simply too much money involved in the organization for this trend to continue indefinitely.

    The Governing Body might also be concerned about a coup led by rival anointed ones.

    If my understanding of the new understanding is correct, the new FDS is tied to an organizational arrangement rather than individuals. Individuals only make up the FDS when they are participating in that organizational arrangement. This strips the anointed of any specialness while they are on earth. The organization becomes more clearly the idol that Jehovah's Witnesses worship.

    This reduces the chances of a rival faction of anointed breaking away and confusing the followers. It also opens up the possibility of members of the great crowd serving on the Governing Body. Perhaps this is why they have been slow to appoint new GB members in recent years. They may soon have many more people to choose from.

    It could also be the case that certain members of the GB would at least like to have the option of fleeing to a country that doesn't extradite to the United States. This would be easier if they can leave members of the great crowd in charge (perhaps people they can trust to keep their seats warm if they decide to return later).

    Well, this is just my speculation for now. I welcome your thoughts.

  • snare&racket

    "There is also the factor that many newly anointed appear to be either mentally unstable, dishonest or overly ambitious. If it ever became routine to question the legitimacy of these newly anointed, it could lead to questioning the legitimacy of the entire FDS concept."

    Yeah, the irony that the FDS was calling itself mentally ill and a liar did not go amiss. The bride of christ ws arguing with itself, worse than that..judging itself and making a clinical diagnosis concerning some of its claimed members. Its ironic that they never once questioned their doctorine or teaching, despite knowing they made errors in the past. Instead they stuck a pointy finger out and said LIARS, SICKO's and FRAUDS ! Though the finger was pointing right at them ! The one FDS!

    The second I heard that there was an anointed JWs website set up in Jan 2012 where they claim to help JWs and assist the Gov Body in providing food... this kinda makes sense as the last straw and a reason to take the dictatorship up a notch !

    So many people used to ask the obvious questions like "how do the anointed communicate with the gov body? Are they written to and asked for advice or opinions on new light? Do the anointed write aticles?" etc etc etc... and now these issues are gone.

    I used to know a few anointed that claimed to 'just know' by some magic force what the gov body was going to do or doing. That they felt in union with them. Well obviously that was all turkey talk !...... Not a suprise to me obviously, but now all the anointed that have said that openly to people are going to look preeeeeety stupid.

    I must add..... in the back of my mind I am wondering if this is a ploy to oust apostates. Is the source reliable? Will mentioning it to JW's be traced back to the original source..ie, us lot,. Is it a real new thought or a bear trap ? Are they smart enough to think like that? Who knows.. time will tell.

    In honesty for the above reasons and many of yours, it makes sense that its real and genuine and I think a few of us were expecting it!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    ‘Possible Reasons For The Faithful And Discreet Change’

    All the above!

  • DT

    Here is a thought.

    Remember when the baptism questions where changed in 1985? It has been argued that was a change in the conditions of membership and you could reject the changes by no longer attending meetings. I've heard that there are some that haven't been to meetings since then that are basically immune from disfellowshipping. If the Watchtower Society tried to take any action against those people, they could possibly be sued for taking action against nonmembers. I know the Mormons have gotten into trouble for trying to excommunicate people who had already resigned.

    Could this be a similar situation? This is a change in a core doctrine that changes the power structure of the organization. It could even be viewed as a coup that has changed the actual nature and identity of the religion. The one baptism question asks if you acknowledge that you will be associated with God's spirit directed organization. I'm sure the wording of that question will stay the same, but the meaning is now completely different. It has changed from God's spirit working through the anointed to God's spirit only working through the Governing Body. A person who implied acceptance of the first arrangement by baptism wouldn't be under any obligation to accept the change and could indicate this be no longer going to meetings.

    Since there is already a large group who have faded and failed to show acceptance of this new arrangement, the Watchtower Society could find themselves in a difficult legal position if they try to take any judicial action against them.

  • grumblecakes

    DT- i think you've pretty much nailed it with the whole embarrassment over the newly annointed. im not so sure about rival factions being viewed as a threat, im stil "in"and ive never heard about any concerns about this. the fear and dread of apostasy that the GB has already instilled is pretty freakin intense.

    i would add to the speculation that they are going to make more changes (even more controversial ones) and this was their needed first step, so their authority could not be questioned by anyone, no matter how weird they get (i have a feeling they are going to get more strict about some things and make some financial decisions that could upset the flock).

    snare & racket- also very good points. ive heard some annointed says the same things. wow. interesting what you propose about it just being an 'apostate trap'. i remember one of those circulating around 2000-2001 (something about the door to door work stopping), some people got in some hot water backthen! i dontthink this is a trap but im keepin my mouth shut till its announced at meeting just in case...

  • grumblecakes

    whoa! DT you just blew mymind with the 1985 thing!! so how did that work (i wasnt aroundback then) did they just announce "if anyone isnt cool with this change, nows your chance to walk away"? and what were the questions pre 1985? why was it such a big change?

  • DT

    Suppose you are a fader and prepared a document like this. I wonder what the elders would do if they ever tried to form a judicial committee against you and you claimed that you had proof that you were not a Jehovah's Witness and any further action on their part would be illegal.

    I hereby dissolve my association with the religion known as Jehovah's Witnesses. This is in response to a coup within the organization where a small group of men who call themselves the "Governing Body" have claimed complete leadership of the organization. Previously, it had been a doctrine of the religion that a group of thousands of spirit anointed Christians were leading the organization and providing spiritual food at the proper time.

    If my previous association with Jehovah's Witnesses can be viewed as acceptance of the earlier arrangement, the fact that I have discontinued attending church meetings and participation in their ministry should be seen as evidence that I reject this change in leadership that alters the actual nature and identity of the religion known as Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I will not imply that Jehovah's Witnesses now have any legitimate leaders or representatives by submitting this letter to any of those who claim an official position within that organization. My refusal to participate in church activities should be sufficient to show that I am no longer associated with Jehovah's Witnesses.

    As an added precaution, I will have this letter signed and dated by witnesses as proof of my feelings on the matter. I will then have it as proof of the date when I ceased being a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. This should help protect me if members of that religion harrass me in the future.

  • Listener

    By taking Russell out of the picture (new light claiming he was not the F&DS) they are fixing up another problem that previously existed. Ex JWs have argued that Russell would meet with a small group of people to discuss bible issues and the religion was formed from there, so why can't Christians do the same as Russell today?

  • DT

    "so how did that work (i wasnt aroundback then) did they just announce "if anyone isnt cool with this change, nows your chance to walk away"?"

    No, it was all very sneaky. Hardly anybody noticed the change, even though it was pretty profound. Previously, the questions involved making an unreserved dedication to God. In 1985 it changed to becoming associated with God's spirit directed organization. This made it easier to argue that the person agreed to live by the rules of the religion including disfellowshipping and shunning, even if the only agreement was not objecting to the new questions.

  • grumblecakes

    but couldnt they announce that "_______ is no longer a Jehovahs witness" without any legal rammifications? isnt that why they stopped using "df'ed & da'ed"? so they can still fommand the cong to shun and not be sued?

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