Can Lightning Strike Twice? New GB Prediction!

by donuthole 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • donuthole

    No more random anointing at all. No more "I just have a feeling" vagueness. The Watchtower amps up the language implying that many (most?) partakers in the past were mentally unstable or overly ambitious/power hungry. Let's call them the "Uzzah Class" (See 2 Samuel 6:6-7) Can a more Biblical arrangement be followed? Yes! In order to be "anointed" you must have hands laid on by the Faithful Discreet Slave/Governing Body. (See Acts 8:18; Acts 19:1-6) The "laying on of hands", would be figurative, meaning that they would simply approve you, like CO's, DO's, etc. The current FDS would be able to pick and choose who they wanted from the entire rank of Witnesses to fill top spots, including the governing body. This would consolidate power at the top and eliminate the competition at the same time -- similar to Rutherford's service directors.

    Let's see -- I'll say five years.


  • sir82

    Interesting - if implemented, this would open up GB appointments to "other sheep".

    Thus making being of the anointed completely and utterly irrelevant - thus no need to post the count of partakers each year.

    A reasonable guess.

  • wannabefree

    Donuthole ... many were ready to see you as a true prophet and follow you to building your own mult-billion dollar publishing/real estate non-profit enterprise, I think it would be wise to cease with the prophecies while you are ahead

  • besty

    nice one donuthole - I like the left field thinking...

    "Do you know of any reason why you should not serve as an elder anointed one?"

    There are enough vain people with extreme need for significance who would ditch their earthly hope in a heartbeat. Either way you gonna croak.. so what the heck...bitch was moaning the whole time anyways :"-)



    I thought of that too. You could be right. I never thought they would say such a thing about the " normal " anointed, but I did wonder if GB would have a secret way of choosing thier members. Twister and beer-bong maybe??!! Your theory sounds crazy, but...nothing shocks me anymore! If they could find a specific scripture to give them the authority to do the actual choosing of who is anointed they would. Since they can't, unless they decide to include some non-canonical stuff of thier choosing, the next best thing is to turn up the heat, and condemn any who disagree with the GB, or can't keep pace with the Org. It's easy, not pioneering, not a Bethel, then they obviously cannot be anointed, at best you are a weak [ other sheep ], I mean just look at the sorry spiritual fruitage of some of these [ other sheep ]! Thank God we are not sinners like them!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Interesting. . . but I just see the "partakers" number disappearing. . .

    Maybe they'll even tell the elders to stop counting!

  • straightshooter

    They need new partakers, because who will be the future GB members when this overlapping generation will need another overlapping generation.

  • donuthole

    The present GB arrangement doesn't have logevity with a closed anointed-class. Stop-gaps like reversing the 1925 "door is closed" policy will only go so far. Yes there will be younger "company men" who start partaking that won't be reviled and ridiculed and jeered, but the pool of leadership candidates will dry up.

    An option is to open the GB to non-anointed. They flirted with this with the nethanim "helper" arrangement. The FDS 3.0 may allow for this. For example, there are many non-anointed in the writing department who are collectively working to provide "proper food at the proper time."

    However, a problem with this is that you lose the esteem/allure of having leaders selected by God. The "laying on of hands" arrangement provides a way out. Whoever is anointed by the FDS is anointed vis a vis by God himself. Consider how the rank and file have never questioned who is appointed to the Governing Body. They accept this as some sort of myserious divine rite directed by Jehovah. I would imagine they would accept the "anointing" of members the same way.

  • panhandlegirl

    That sounds like a good game plan on the part of the GB. If I was still a member of the borg, I wouldn't buy the argument,but I believe the r/f would accept it as " new light." I think the rest of the so called anointed will not take being demoted in this manner lightly. It will be interesting to see what happens.


  • flipper

    Just like I posted on a few other threads dealing with this alleged " new light " - the WT society wrote a WT study article in the summer of 2009 already pointing to the GB AS the alleged " faithful slave " and that ONLY they are the ones who dispense the alleged " spiritual food ". Here is the link to the WT article I started a thread on : The GB has been prepping the rank & file Witnesses to accept ONLY the GB as the alleged " faithful slave " for several years now- it's just that rank & file JW's minds are gullible and have been so dumbed down the information goes in one ear and out the other. They don't pay attention at meetings like they used to ! LOL ! ( Understatement of the year ) Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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