Putting the "mutations cannot increase information"-argument in the grave once and for all.

by bohm 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    A while back i did the topic: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/192117/1/Putting-the-probability-argument-against-abiogenesis-in-the-grave-once-and-for-all on the probability argument, and today im going to give its retarded twin brother, namely the "no-information" argument, a similar treatment.

    Let me begin by an example of the argument in one of its forms:

    We do observe tremendous variety today within different types of animals, but this is not evolution. It is just the shuffling of existing genetic information. We do not observe information beingadded, causing one kind to “evolve” into another kind, i.e., cats into dogs. (source: random lobotomized blogger i found on google)

    Theres plenty of things wrong here, but im going to focus on the "information" part. Im going to do a bit of mindreading: If you do not believe in evolution, and you somewhat agree with the statement, i can predict with 100% certainty that you have abselutely no idea about what information mean in the statement. I can predict with 100% certainty you repeat the argument because you read it in an article or blog somewhere where a guy claim he knows what information is, but there are only two options: Either he have no clue or he is lying.

    Thus whenever you repeat the argument, you are either repeating complete ignorance or a lie. Is that the best way to defend a God?

    Thats a big statement, but its easy to back it up. The entire argument hinge on the word "information" (some creationists use complexity, they are usually the ones who are lying rather than just being stupid), that is the quantity that creationists claim cannot increase. So before we seek evidence for the claim, we must agree what information is.

    Unlike more vague concepts such as momentum, temperature and gravity, information in science is a mathematical term like "computeability" and as such it require one to express him/herself with some level of clarity. There are basically two ways of thinking of information classically:

    • Shannon entropy: This has to do with the amount of surprical attached to each symbol of a fixed alfabet. Its closely related to coding theory and very widely used in (modern) statisical mechanics and artificial intelligence.
    • Kolmogorov complexity: This has to do with the amount of bits in the smallest programs that can produce a given signal. its generally uncomputeable and mostly of theoretical interest, though it also find some applications in eg. the MDL principle.

    Its possible to apply these terms to the genomen (and hence evolution) in different ways, and for each such application i can think of the amount of information does indeed increase through the evolutionary process.

    But im not going to get lost in all the theoretical applications, because im not the person who claim mutations cannot increase information (complexity, whatever). My point is that IF a person want to claim that, the person has to do two things:

    • define "information", "complexity", etc. This is so obvious it takes either a liar or a very naive person to miss it, but nevertheless it is never done. If a creationist is not happy about shannons information theory or kolmogorov complexity and want to attempt a completely new definition, i think thats very intersting - but then its even more important to make it perfectly clear what the new definition is.
    • Provide some evidence information does not increase. This should be obvious. If one is using one of the two definitions i provided, the evidence is obviously a mathematical proof. If a creationist want to create a completely seperate theory with another definition of information, well, evidence in some form is still required, emperical or mathematical.

    EVERY time one read statements such that information cannot increase, the two completely fundamental questions above are left unanswered. Its amazing anyone will continue to propagate such an obvious lie, but that is nevertheless the case. The closest thing one ever get to a definition is circular argumentation like this: "Information is the stuff in the genomen which make animal amazing and i dont think can be created by evolution", though its usually wrapped into a huge obfuscated explanation.

    And for the love of God, dont point me to Dempski. I have read several of his articles, and he is a pretty medicore mathematican who use his skills to lie to sell books and talks. What dempski does is extremely transparent. He allways says: "Information, comlexity, specified complexity could be ..." and then give a gazillion different definitions.
    Later, he pick and choose amongst the different definitions, and what happends is that when he proove something cannot increase, it does not apply to evolution, and inasmuch some of his definitions apply to evolution, he never prove it cannot increase (indeed it is obvious itcan). If someone here believe i dont understand Dempski, or Dempski has puplished something that is not blatanly dishonest, it should be possible to point me to the particular article and page where Dempski define information/complexity/pseudo-specified-information-complexity-whatever, applies it to evolution, and show it cannot increase.

    If someone read this and believe i got it all wrong, i will be very happy to have the discussion at length here. I claim such a person will be completely unable to define information, complexity, etc. in a meaningfull, rigerous way that does not hinge on circular reasoning, and i invite anyone to show me i am wrong by providing an answer to the two questions i posed above.

  • gubberningbody

    Some observations on your approach:

    1. It's antagonistic (or at least seems to be...nothing in the post seems to invite a discussion)

    2. Where's the attempt to find a common ground?

    3. What possible motivation can you supply to those who differ such that they'd be willing to spend the time that you've spent with this subject?

    4. The suggestion that one must not present an expert witness at their "trial" in their defense to speak to any evidence presented does not accord with the sense of justice which characterizes most judicial systems.

    If the motivation is to change the minds of people to accord with your own mind, another question comes to mind...

    5. Why do you care what others may or may not think on this manner?

    Now I'll ask the question that I ask anyone who seems really motivated pro or con any cause...

    6. What process of reasoning did you use to determine that this misunderstanding people have with regard to this matter was the most important thing to deal with at the moment you posted this?

  • bohm

    Gubberningbody: The lowpoint of all dialogue is the lie. It completely negate communication and distort all attempts to have a meaningfull exchange of ideas. Very few people want to make a living out of lying. The few who does are usually sociopaths, and a few want to impose their lies onto others through propaganda. THEY are the people i have an issue with, and they are the people i am trying to attack in threads like this.

    Let me make it clear - i dont believe it is possible to make a thread such as "putting noahs ark in the grave once and for all" or "putting 607bc in the grave once and for all". These things are not lies, it is within the realm of possibility, even though i think the chances these things are true are very small. However, saying "noahs ark is exhibited at times square" or "encyclopedia britannica says jerusalem fell in 607bc" IS a lie and it deserve a harsh treatment.

    The subject of this post fall in the last category. When i researched the subject i have found it is build upon abselutely zero evidence, and i believe it only exist as a meme amongst creationists (allmost all of them well-meaning!) because a small group of creationists who knows better has desided the truth does not matter and spread the lie as propaganda. THEY are the ones i dont care to antagonize, not the majority (i assume all who believe this argument has any merrits and post here fall in that category) of creationsts/non-evolutionists.

    Your right, i could say it in a less confrontational way - but i believe i am putting myself more at risk by coming clean with two claims that are very easily falsified if the "no-information" argument did have any merrits. I hope some of the many well-meaning creationists will research it and realize it has no legs to stand on.

    Not that i believe it will change their minds with regard to the other evidence - but moving the discussion away from an obviously false statement, and into the realm of reality, would be a great leap forward.

    with regard to your point number 4) im not sure what you mean. If you mean dempski, im all for someone bringing him in! i just want to prevent someone copy-pasting 50 pages of his drivel by making it clear from the start where the problems with dempski lies.

    i want to stress i dont believe anyone on this site is repeating this argument while knowing it is not true.

  • cantleave

    Bohm you are right. But someone with faith will say "god can do anything" or "the bible says.....". They don't need logic because faith doesn't require it.

  • gubberningbody

    Bohm, if you're as concerned with truth as you seem to be concerned, I'd recommend you spend a little time in learning how to use English in a manner such that your points are intelligible.

  • notverylikely

    Bohm, if you're as concerned with truth as you seem to be concerned, I'd recommend you spend a little time in learning how to use English in a manner such that your points are intelligible.

    Ad hominem much?

  • bohm

    GB, i have spend many years trying to learn english. i am not a strong spellar in my own language, and have taken special courses to learn how to write when i was a kid (my dad is semi-dyslexic and i think i have a bit of it to). im sorry if my english is to poor for your taste.


    GB, you began another thread here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/195779/1/Since-the-internet-is-available-and-and-dissenting-viewpoints-are-available-Ive-come-to-the-conclusion-that-people-who-really-believe-the-lies-taught-by-the-WTBS-are-morons

    where you call all who believe in the WTS morons. i think it would be interesting to hear your perspective on that thread seen through the 6 questions you asked me earlier, but nevermind for the moment and let me make one thing clear - i think there is a very, very large difference in a delibrate lie (insisting there is an argument against mutations adding information to the genomen when there is no such thing and never was), and just a wrongfull interpretation of evidence (607bc, the WTS is gods organization, etc.).

  • gubberningbody

    If the motivation is to change the minds of people to accord with your own mind, another question comes to mind...

    5. Why do you care what others may or may not think on this manner?

    Now I'll ask the question that I ask anyone who seems really motivated pro or con any cause...

    6. What process of reasoning did you use to determine that this misunderstanding people have with regard to this matter was the most important thing to deal with at the moment you posted this?

  • bohm


    I think your questions are weighted, and it is very difficult to answer them without sounding like a mean SOB. For example, "If the motivation is to change the minds of people to accord with your own mind". I think the question hint at me having some worldview i want all to live by, or that i believe i have a special insight others should have, to.

    Like i have stated before, i am speaking out on this matter strongly because i believe it does not rest upon an interpretation of evidence i disagree with, but rather on a complete lack of evidence, ie. a lie. so let me answer your questions:

    6) i dont think it is possible to rank all subjects on a list after which are the most important misundertandings to do away with or argue against. I think thats a very simplistic worldview. Like i said, i think the fundamental argument rely on propaganda and a lie, and talking against these things will open more fruitfull venues of discussion that are based on facts and actual evidence. Furthermore, by marrying myself 100% to a completely polarized worldview, i am making myself very vulnerable if a good counter arguments actually existed. part of my post is ment as a joke, to.

    5) its a discussion forum. you think i would go here and not give a rats ass what other people think? you think thats normal?

  • bohm

    GB: Lets turn it around. you started a thread earliar today with this topic:

    Since the internet is available, and and dissenting viewpoints are available I've come to the conclusion that people who really believe the lies taught by the WTBS are morons

    that i disagree with. Let me reask some of your question (since you believed they were valid when you asked them to me, i suppose you have answers ready. I changed some of them slightly so they apply better)

    2. Where's the attempt to find a common ground?

    3. What possible motivation can you supply to those who differ such that they'd be willing to spend the time with this subject?

    If the motivation is to change the minds of people to accord with your own mind, another question comes to mind...

    5. Why do you care what others may or may not think on this manner?

    Now I'll ask the question that I ask anyone who seems really motivated pro or con any cause...

    6. What process of reasoning did you use to determine that this matter was the most important thing to deal with at the moment you posted this?

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