Interview with an Unbelieving Mate (UBM): Template

by Simon 0 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Simon

    I thought there were a few questions that didn't really apply and other that were missing from the previous version of this (such as anything to do with children!) and also that the language needed changing slightly so I've come up with a modified version. Feel free to use whichever you think suits you best and add / remove questions as appropriate.

    Again, it's based on the original Interview with an Apostate: Template that I created and the idea is to share or not share only as much as you feel comfortable with.

    Tell us a little about yourself and your family.


    Are you the wife or husband?


    How did you come to have a spouse who is a JW? Were they a JW when you met, did they convert / return to it or did you leave?


    Are you religious? Do you have a recognized faith?


    Did you know anything about the JW religion before you got together?


    Do you see your partners faith as a positive attribute or a negative and if so why?


    Do you discuss religion together or is it 'an elephant in the room'?


    How familiar are you with the JW doctrines or is it just 'your partners thing'?


    What is your view of the JWs as a close-but-still-outsider looking in?


    How 'active' a JW is your partner? How much time do they spend on the WTS?


    Do you feel any pressure to convert or to attend meetings? Do you ever attend with them?


    Have you ever considered becoming a JW? What puts you off or convinces you not to?


    Do you ever try to pressure your spouse to stop attending meetings or to attend your church?


    Do you feel that your partners JW associations are friends with you as a couple or mostly just your spouse? Do you have the same group of friends?


    How do you explain your partners faith and practices to outsiders? Do you bother?


    What strains has it put on your relationship? Do you feel the WTS imposes itself into your relationship with your spouse?


    How does the differing view of the future affect your goals and plans for retirement together?


    Does your spouse contribute monetarily to the WTS? Do you resent the expenditure?


    Are either of your immediate families also JWs?


    Do you have children? How involved are they with the religion?


    Do you object to your children being taught the religion or spending so much time in it?


    Do you feel your children are negatively affected at all by their parents religious differences?


    Would you support or object to restrictions on any medical treatment for your spouse or children based on the religion?


    Are you aware that your partner and children believe you will be killed at armageddon? How does it make you feel?


    Do you feel you or your spouse are ever included or excluded from family events just because of your status?


    Are you or your families activities negatively affected because of your partners religion? (e.g. xmas, birthdays)


    Do you want your spouse to leave the religion? (Or have they already left)


    What did / would you most look forward to doing when / if your partner left the religion?


    How do you feel about religion in general?


    How has your life been impacted by your partners involvement with the WTS?


    Are there things in your life you blame the WTS for?


    Have you attended any face-to-face meetups of ex-JWs?


    What do you think of the ex-JW community? Why did you seek it out? Are there things you think they should do differently?


    What are your plans for the future?


    What advice would you give to anyone who is in a relationship with a JW?


    What would you change in your life if you could go back and talk to yourself?


    Do you have any regrets about your life with your partner due to their faith?


    Can we read your life-story anywhere? (links to online or books)


    Want to share your own story? Please use the Interview with an Unbelieving Mate (UBM): Template and post it in the Personal Experiences & Reunions section with the title "Interview with an Unbelieving Mate (UBM): [your name or alias]"

    Please leave the line above in to help people find this template and instructions (but you can delete this line)

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