Hair Falling Out... AGAIN??

by Sassy 20 Replies latest members private

  • Sassy

    When I first chose to stop attending meetings and never go back but still lived in my same apartment where the congregation knew me.. my hair was falling out in droves.. I would wake up with hair on my pillow..

    it was so stressful wondering if they would call... or stop by..

    there was a couple in the apartment two doors down the PO and his wife went to see often.. I was sure they would see me on one of their visits and bug me.. or see me and decide there was reason to come back with another elder... (since I was eventually living with my bf)

    Finally just to get out of the stress I moved.. that was a year and two months ago.. my hair stopped falling out..

    now recently my hair is falling out again! not to the amount as before, but enough to be definately concerened again..

    and I am once again attributing it to the cult.. the WTS stress..

    a month ago I had a thread about a co working that is a JW that just found out I stopped attending meetings.. I won't get into details since that thread is out there and anyone wondering about it, can search on topics under my id and read the thread entitled DA Letter..

    but my point is the amount of reaction that the WTS has on us.. even on our subconsious..

    just getting stressed at work.. her threatening that if I don't turn myself in to my elders (who have no idea where I live) or she will....

    and now my hair is falling out again..

    I am hoping this is a short term problem

  • purplesofa

    I feel for ya Sassy.........

    my daughter went through a difficult time at school about the age of 10( a boy was sexually harrassing her and we had to get the authorities involved)

    Her hair was think and almost to her the time it stopped falling out she looked like a cancer patient and had to wear a hat.

    Stress and worry can effect us so drastically physically.

    I remember your thread about the was when i first came here.

    I hope things level out for you soon


  • jeanniebeanz


    When I left it all behind, I lost almost all my hair. I had to wear a scarf, and it fell out in patches all over my head the size of a quarter. My doctor told me to quit brushing it more than once a day, and wash it only every three days making sure that I used a lot of conditioner so that when I would comb it out the comb would go through easily.

    It was the stress and fear. If your situation is for the same reasons, it is temporary. My hair stopped falling out after about three months and started growing back about a year later.

    Have you been to the doctor?


  • talesin

    I hope so, too, dear Sassy.

    I'm sad to hear that you are receiving harrassment, albeit from a new source. I wasn't here for that thread, but will check it out. Why can't they just leave you alone? grrrrrrrr


  • exjwshell


    I have had the same problem...for YEARS...then, one day (8 years ago) I ended up in the emergency room with the most horrific, migrane headache I've ever had...Thank Goodness I found a good doctor who ran a bunch of tests and a few days later I found out that I have Graves Disease...It's a thyroid disorder. There are MANY symptoms of any type of thyroid problem, but hair loss/hair falling out is one of the most common.

    Graves Disease is an over-active thyroid - but high thyroid and low thyroid function have similar symptoms including headaches, achey feeling, feeling sleepy all the time or sleepliness (can go either way), hair loss, dry hair, loosing weight or gaining weight (or not being able to lose weight), feeling cold (especially hands and feet) or hot (can also go either way), heart palpitations, anxiety, etc..there are just a ton of different symptoms that you would never think are thyroid related.

    According to my doctor and all of the research I've done on my own, stress and anxiety are common factors to those of us with thyroid problems.

    If you are curious or have any other questions...feel free to PM me!


  • bikerchic


    I went through the same thing with my hair falling out while I was leaving the B'org, husband and rebuilding my life. Stress does incredible things to your system and losing hair is certainly a big warning that you are under lots of stress.

    I had been going to the same hair stylist for several months and she noticed it big time and told me about this product:

    It is awesome stuff! My hair started coming back in within weeks of using this product and to this day it's thicker than ever before! I highly recommend it and she swears that it also helps men (women too for that matter) who have the natural thinning hairline baldness going on because her son who was experiencing a receding hairline used it and has a full thick head of hair now as well.

    I am totally sold on this product and used it for only a year. I don't use it now but if I ever experience my hair falling out again I will start using it again. I really should use the regular products by Nioxin for good maintenance but right now the cost prevent me from doing that. It is really a good product to maintain healthy shinny hair as it keeps the residue that form on the hair folicals as a by product from other hair products from building up preventing healthy hair growth.

    Check it out, it's cheaper from this web-site but they do sell it at Sally's. I think a starter kit is about $39 and well worth the cost as it lasts months. You can also get it for $29 at Super Cuts when they are having a promotional sale going on so you might want to check there before Sally's.

    Good luck and happy shampooing!


  • OldSoul

    I am so sorry to hear, (((Sassy))). It isn't fair to anyone for any to live in fear of being "found out" for perfectly legal and normal human activities and interactions.

    Vent freely, as always...we'll read and respond...shared frustration and anxiety is never quite as heavy...


  • frankiespeakin


    Maybe you can learn some relaxtion excersizes, take up yoga meditation, or maybe get some brainwave altering cds and listen to them with head phones for 1/2 hr every day that might help,,while your dealing with this situation. They calm me down alot.

  • gypsywildone

    Shell is correct, get your thyroid checked. Extreme stress can bring on thyroid problems, which can lead to hair loss.

  • whyamihere

    I am so sorry Sassy. I never had that problem. I hope things improve(and grow back) for you. I remember going gray at 16 with all the stress!


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