I am ticked off!!!

by codeblue 22 Replies latest members private

  • codeblue

    I guess I shouldn't be, but I am.

    Last Sat. we came home and found in our front door, an Examining Scriptures 2005 with a Memorial invite in it. On the inside cover of the Examining Scriptures the page was filled up telling us how much we are missed. The person who left it invited me to call her and "visit".....

    After 1 and 3/4 of a year we are finally missed? Now I get an invitation to visit?

    And this morning, at 11:30, doorbell wrang. GEEZ.......I didn't answer it, I was getting "pretty" in my upstairs bath...(lol...for real)

    I opened the door after they left and found another Memorial invite...with nothing written on it except the time. This person was so lame they didn't want to identify who left it.....

    I know I shouldn't be getting upset.....they are doing the job they think they will be rewarded for. (As I did at one time).

    I know that IF I really missed someone, I certainly wouldn't wait almost 2 years to tell them. Here again the love they show is not real Christian love but just a formality for an event they think I don't know about. (which i find quite insulting)

    Can anybody here identify with how I feel?


  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    you should burn the invites and leave just enough so you can still tell what it is...then nail it to your door.

    I did this once to a Watchtower and the JW's never came back.

  • bebu


    No, I am glad to say that this kind of experience hasn't happened to me.

    ...On the other hand, I finally sent out my Christmas email newsletter on Presidents' Day! I guess these JWs are thinking like I was: better late than never! (Of course, you would prefer 'never' at this point, wouldn't you? )

    Aack! Please don't hit me!


    Edited to add: ROFL @ Nancy!!

  • MonkeyPrincess

    I understand your frustration, you are right.. they are only doing what they think is right. But it can be insulting
    being that after all this time they finally think about you.

    Now im afraid they are going to find me, its been 2 years since anyone has come around.


  • cindykp

    Yes, I can! Its so stupid! And to take so long? Thats terrible. I dont know if they bring that stuff to df'd people or not. I hope they do, cause I have a few things to say to them myself!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    CB - out for a couple of years. Have yet to hear from a single of the local Pharisees or Scribes in tow.... the only ones they miss are those good little dubs who stay right in line -

    I wouldn't be surprized to find the Memorial invite in the door though - but not yet!

    shunning is easier - fine with me


  • HadEnuf

    I know just what you mean codeblue! When people see you and say how much they've missed you when you've been gone like four years or more and you've never heard from them EVER, by phone, letter, etc. What a CROCK...

    Cathy L.

  • Sunnygal41

    Yes, Code, honey, I CAN identify with how you feel..........I came home one time and found a very long verbal invitation to one of the special talks on my answering machine. It was done by a young man from the local KH, a kid really, and I felt soooo furious at first............I wanted to call up and tell them in no uncertain terms to never call me again.........but, like you realized that they were only doing what they were programmed to do.............so, I let it go............I LOVE Nancy Drake's idea tho.........that sounds like a GREAT idea! LOL!


  • Sassy

    well I have missed you CB.. but only because we haven't caught each other online often enough lately!! I can't imagine not seeing you for a yr and half!!!...

    as for the dubs.. I dont' know how that feels.. as I have been inactive for over two years.. they dont' bother even once to check on me.. there will be no memorial invite in my door

  • Odrade

    well, the invites in the door aren't too weird, even after so long. Someone just got all zealous-ed up. But I'm a little perplexed why they wouldn't leave their name. Is it the same person who left the daily text booklet? I'd say THAT'S a little insulting.

    Yeah, who needs it.

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