Publicly reproved... how would explain?

by Bryan 20 Replies latest members private

  • Bryan

    Do you agree with my discription below?

    Thanks, Bryan

    "Public Reproof. A n elder, from the stage, tells the whole congregation that you have been publicly reproved, which means they can talk to you, but they should think twice about associating with you (edited)outside the Kingdom Hall)."

  • Sassy

    that really never made sense to me.. you are publicly shamed.. the congregation is told you have done something (obviously bad enough to be dfd for) and that you were given a lighter sentence... but still bad assocation..

    When I was publicly reproved, I didn't association with anyone because I felt so much shame that I was unworthy I thought to be with any of them.. then I was reprimanded by the elders for not assocating with the cong. They told me that there was a reason that Jehovah only reproved me instead of disfellowshipped me. I said.. but I am not good association, I did something wrong.. They didn't like my attitude

  • Corvin

    Sounds about right.

  • Atilla

    Ah, that actually sounds like some official line you would hear from a Society man at Brooklyn or on the WT-Media site. I might depend from congregation to congregation but it has been my experience that being publicaly reproved can be just as bad as being disfellowshipped. Forget about having any responsibilities for atleast a 1 or 2 years and prepare to just eat water and bread. Basically, your life will be over and everyone will be looking down your throat and over your should for the slightest indescretion. Also, forget about any good dub girl dating you and you probably won't be invited to any dub parties, which might not be a bad thing. Basically, public reproof is a quasi-like state that is just about as bad as disfellowshipping in the eyes of many JW's unless of course you dad is an elder and then it just might blow over in 6 months.

  • Stefanie

    When it came to reproof and DF, there was always a local needs part that told everyone what the person did. You just had to put 2 and 2 together.

    I always got that sinking feeling when the po would step up after the service meeting to make an announcment.

  • Englishman

    It used to be called probation.

    It was either a secret probation or announced if the offence was public knowledge.

    I once witnessed a 15 year-old girl have all her misdoings read out to the entire congregation. They even included the name of the man (a non JW) with whom she'd had a dalliance.

    Then they read out her punishment which included her being in bed at 9pm every night.


  • Bryan

    Thanks everyone.

    I take it, you have no problem with the wording.

    I also love the stories!


  • Gadget

    "Public Reproof. A n elder, from the stage, tells the whole congregation that you have been publicly reproved, which means they can talk to you, but they should think twice about associating with you (edited)outside the Kingdom Hall)."

    I disagree. Public reproof is to inform the congregation that even though they may be aware of your misconduct in the past, all this has been resolved and you are once again pure in the eyes of jehovah and suitable for association with the congregation. If after this individuals in the congregation decide on a personal basis that they wish not to associate with you this is in no way the responsiblility of the congregation elders, and they can in no way be held legally responsible for this...............

  • undercover

    They (the elders) are supposed to just read what's written on the card, something like, "This is to inform the congregation that So-and-So has been publicly reproved." Seems like they might say something about the restrictions in place and that's it.

    If this elder actually said something to the effect about not associating with someone outside of the meetings, he was overstepping his authority and what the WTS has allowed them to say. The WTS ain't dumb. They know that they have to be careful about how these kind of announcements can be made. Lawsuits have come about because of the way some of the elders have announced DFings, DAings and PRs.

  • Bryan

    Public reproof is to inform the congregation that even though they may be aware of your misconduct in the past, all this has been resolved and you are once again pure in the eyes of jehovah and suitable for association with the congregation.

    Too funny! That's probably just how the borg would say it on live TV.


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