Child custody case material now available

by cherjcd 19 Replies latest members private

  • cherjcd


    I have just put up our product line on the internet. It includes a packet of material for child custody cases as well as videos, cassette tapes, CD roms, documentation packets and books.

    I hope that this will help many ex-JW's.


  • Satanus

    Thanks, that could save a few kids.

    Btw, have the macgegors moved to edmonton?


  • Uzzah

    DO NOT PAY for these items. Most of them are available for free from various online sources.

    This to me looks like yet another money grab (albeit maybe well intentioned) opportunity by a religious group.

    Hey you Christians at this outreach!! ever hear "You received free, give free?"

    Think about it.


  • cherjcd

    Hi SaintSusan,

    No the MacGregor's haven't moved to Edmonton. We will be moving to Nelson to be with them in a few years when our employment is done here in Edmonton.


  • cherjcd

    Hey Uzzah,

    We didn't receive our material free. If you know where people can get material free, why don't you direct them there?


  • Uzzah


    here is a great place to start.

    If anyone ever needs it and can't find it online I can copy the Preparing booklet and mail it to them FOR FREE.

  • cherjcd


    That's great!! Can you send them the video for free too?


  • NeonMadman
    DO NOT PAY for these items. Most of them are available for free from various online sources.
    This to me looks like yet another money grab (albeit maybe well intentioned) opportunity by a religious group. Hey you Christians at this outreach!! ever hear "You received free, give free?"

    I think that's a bit of an unfair swipe at a ministry that has done a lot of good. When Jesus said you had "received free" and should "give free", he wasn't talking about paper, ink and plastic. He was talking about information that would lead people to come to know him. That we can easily give "free" to anyone we meet. But I see nothing in his words that would prevent anyone from charging a fair price for printed literature or other manufactured media that offered detailed information on specific issues.

    The items offered on the web page cited are bound books and videotapes, not just photocopies. Those things cost money and time to develop and produce (and even photocopies cost something to make). A ministry that just gave such things away for free probably wouldn't survive financially. And, the specific information found in those materials is not found anywhere for free on the net, that I've ever seen. One might approximate the information by doing a lot of research, but isn't that one of the main reasons why people write nonfiction books? To gather information on a topic into one place so that it's available without extensive research?

    I know the MacGregors - they are fine people, have done a lot of good with their ministry, and have led many people out of cults. They spend much of their time traveling and addressing churches and conferences about cults and destructive groups. The amount of energy thay devote to their ministry would probably have made them quite wealthy, had they chosen to focus it on a secular business, but instead they choose to devote their energies to glorifying the Lord. But a ministry such as theirs has expenses, and they are able to meet these expenses, at least partially, by selling useful materials related to the topics they concern themselves with. I think that's a much healthier way to support a ministry than to constantly be begging for donations.

  • Uzzah

    I personally cannot comment on the videos you sell. I have never seen them.

  • NeonMadman
    I personally cannot comment on the videos you sell. I have never seen them.

    Perhaps, then, it would be better to refrain from attacking until you have knowledge of what you are attacking?

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