The Year 2012-Armageddon is not what it used to be

by wednesday 21 Replies latest members private

  • wednesday

    Armageddon is not what it used to be. I had to read further. I think we have discussed the year 2012 before, but I guess I missed them.

    any thoughts on this?


    I saw the History Channel program regarding 2012....guess we'll just have to wait and see if anything happens when the planets line up!!!


  • wednesday

    I guess a lot of us watch the history channel. I saw that too and then went looking for more info. I know I've seen some discussion on this board about it.


    I haven't had time to do any further research, but I plan to start. I'm interested in finding out more on the "Web-Bot Project"...never heard of it! I haven't seen this topic discussed on here, but I probably missed it. Maybe someone will supply the thread and we can see what was discussed...



    O.K., here's a site that explains a little on Web-Bot:

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Most memorable line from the introductory video: "Don't cancel your appointments for 2013."

    Maybe the world will end someday. In fact, given enough time, it's almost a certainty. but I do not believe that any religious zealot, new-age or "old-age" mystic can tell me anything useful about it.

    Also, with this public post on this public forum I hereby claim all remaining dates until the end of time as the date I predict the end of the world will come.

  • IP_SEC

    2012 is the supposed end of the mayan long count calendar. It is curious that they designed a calender with an end date that happens/or not to correspond to a fairly infrequent galactic alignment.

    That is about all we know about 2012.

  • hamsterbait

    October 2013 an asteroid wil pass so close it will

    1: pass just outside the orbit of the moon.

    2: pass between the earth and the moon

    3: hit the earth.

    The scientists who released this to the news were ridiculed, yet within 6 months the british government set up a project for preserving plantlife. The facility is able to withstand thousands of megaton shockwaves.

    This came out sometime in the 90s forgive me if I can be no more precise.

    Senile Hammy


  • Quentin

    The Daily the archives should find info on 2012...some interesting reading on that site....hehhehheh...some loony-tune as well.......could google too, I suppose...

  • DJK

    I saw the show on 2012 and I may have missed something. It wasn't clear to me if the Mayan calander ended on 12/12/12, to purposely indicate the end of the earth or did the calander just run out of space?

    There was a documentary I watched years ago that stated our present day calander was the most accurate. An early astronomer discovered it took the earth 365 days and six hours to make a complete revolution around the sun. Every fourth year a day would be added to the calander to compensate for the extra hours. February 29th. Question is, who's calendar is the most accurate?

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