Question regarding death in dreams...

by kittyeatzjdubs 14 Replies latest members private

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    These past few nights, my dreams have been rather dark. I had one where I was locked in my car in the middle of a tornado and another where there was a bunch of weird weather happening and I figured out that it was due to a earthquake coming. The most disturbing so far was one that I had last night...

    I don't remember the exact details, but basically I was with my mother (who is a dub) and I think we were arguing about my life and the choices that I made. Then she goes home, and my sister calls me and tells me that she (mother) died in her sleep last night. She said that according to the doctor, she was only 56 (not sure of meaning), she was having heart trouble, and that she went peacefully. I conversed with my sister several times in the dream, but only over the phone. I remember being very sad, and coming close to crying, but I never actually cried. I told my sister that I had just spoken to her and that she had seemed fine. From that point on it seems that I went out and started visiting all the people I know that are/were close to me. I remember visiting one friend from an old congregation. (In real life I knew he was gay, but he never came out till he left the borg. I haven't seen him in years) I went to his house and he was walking around in a dress (?) and he just kept holding me. I remember I kept wanting to go see my aunt (mother's sister) and my cousin to tell them, but I kept getting sidetracked.

    That's really all I remember. I keep trying to think happy positive thoughts when I go to bed, but I keep having these dark forboding dreams.

    Any interpretations/insight are more than welcome.

    ~luv, jojo

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    According to my Dream Dictionary - death in our dreams often is a positive thing and can signifiy rebirth , or a transition going on in a relationship . A signal to take up a new role in life. What I would like to know is what the dream I had two nights ago means ....I dreamt that I gave birth to two puppies !!! I kid you not ...what is up with that !

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    The book also talks about visiting someone can suggest your concerns are to be alleviated especially if the visitor is wearing bright colors.It also could mean you want to contact that person in real life .

  • Finally-Free

    I've had weird dreams lately. Last night I dreamed that someone had put me in the trunk of their car. I wasn't dead, and I got out, but was very concerned that I didn't have my shoes on. No socks either.



  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Cars in a dream can symbolize where we are going on our life journey .Are you in control of the car , Are you the driver ? Are you alone in the car ? Storms can represent outbursts of emotion, anger,and conflict .Violent storms suggest violent passions ,while the way we weather the storm reflects our ability to cope with life's hardships . Storms also clear the air . and can give the dreamer a feeling of release after the storm has cleared .

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Shoes are associated with our position in life. Walking w/o shoes indicates going through a tough time , taking off your shoes signifies that you are leaving your past behind you . Shoes keep us grounded and are a symbol of moving ahead as well as a reminder to be sympathetic to others ( 'be in someone else's shoes " )

  • Dansk

    I envy you. I really do. I don't dream Been an insomniac for 30 years.


  • ButtLight


    Do you eat chocolate before you go to bed? I heard that can cause nightmares. (may not be true, just something I heard)

  • parakeet

    My JW mom is extremely superstitious about dreams and believes dreaming about death is a premonition of a death in the family. I've never told her that over the years, I've dreamed about the death of virtually everyone in our family. So far, no actual deaths. Knock on wood!! :-)

  • hambeak

    I'm curious too I had a dream that I spent the night with a total stranger and when I woke up was in a different city and totally unfamiliar surroundings. I felt so apprehensive in my dream frightened actually. Could it be I had watched a news program about a guy that woke up in Denver with total amnesia?

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