For FreedomLover and other newbies

by Lady Lee 11 Replies latest members private

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    As so many here have extended their joy that you have been able to set yourself free, I too am joyful for both of you.

    Leaving a high control group is not an easy thing to do. Shortly you will discover how conditional the love of JWs is. There may be times and losses you never expect. Cling to your husband and your love of freedom. It is a gift and never to be handed over to others again.

    You have made enormous strides in setting your mind free. And yes your husband has had a whole group of people here encouraging him to not give up or give in to the fears. The truth is that he has shown himself as one who loves his wife deeply and has patiently allowed you the freedom to discover your own path out of the org.

    You are a rare couple indeed. Not so many share the bond that you two have and gain freedom to love and learn. Bravo to both of you.

    The road isn't over. It is one thing to examine the things we were taught and discover the lies, half truths and manipulations. The old beliefs collapse. But often there is a need to replace them with something. One thing you will not find here is the conditional acceptance that you experienced as a JW. Each one of us needs to find our own way. To rebuild a set of beliefs that works for us. The wonderful thing is that there is no time limit for that.

    If you choose to continue a belief in God or a higher power then he (or she) knows the road you have travelled and gives as much time as needed to recover. Many choose to give up all beliefs in God. And the wonderful thing is we don't care. Each one is a person, with a unique character and personality and a unique set of beliefs. Take time to build. Take all the time you need.

    Also be aware that there may be times when fears try to overtake you. The WTS has planted many fears of leaving. The demands to stay close, attend meetings, do more service, pray more, avoid so many things... may appear when you least expect them. Talk to your husband, Talk to us. Don't keep the fears to yourself. You have both been through so much together and have such a huge base of info and support here.

    Remember to breathe and take one step at a time.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Amen, and amen.

  • GoingGoingGone


    Your post brought tears to my eyes and gave me goosebumps... it was beautiful! And so true.


  • bythesea

    Thank you, LadyLee....I needed to hear that! You say wonderful things often.....bythesea

  • freedomlover

    thank you, thank you, thank you,

    oh did I mention - THANK YOU LADY LEE!?

  • Aude_Sapere

    Beautifully put.

    Thank you, Lady Lee. Lovely.


  • oldflame

    Lady Lee,

    Nobody could of said that any better....

  • TopHat

    Lady Lee, You write beautifully and put much thought in to your writing....

    I know I can take lessons from you. Thanks

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Lady Lee -

    Your words are filled with insight that these new free people need to know.

    Wifey and I left together - just like we have done everything in life for the past 30 years. But there are differences in the way people react to the freedom from mind control. I have needed to vent and share a lot of my thinking - mostly here, but also to some others in my life that were willing to listen. I also wrote extensively in my journals. [Unfortunately all that was lost with the recent death of my old computer - but they served a purpose] I thank the Father for all that have been there, in my case.

    Wifey on the other hand has not spoken much, and has just dropped the fantasy like a shroud.

    It is so thrilling to see these people come out of the fog.


  • Billygoat
    The wonderful thing is that there is no time limit for that.

    ((((Lady Lee)))) What a wonderful piece. Thank you! This is so true! I love the above, as it is something I really try to remember when the anxiety of Life hits me. I stop and tell myself, "Hey. You have the rest of your life to figure this out. Chill out!"

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