by Jacqueline 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cruzanheart

    Big Tex got the cops called on him one day when he was leading a group of women out in service at an apartment complex. Big Tex got caught and was asked to leave the premises. Well, there were three problems with that scenario: (1) he wasn't driving the car; (2) the car was locked and the person driving was inside an apartment somewhere; and (3) when BT reached down to pick up his briefcase the last time, his pants split! So here he is, being harassed by an officer for not leaving the premises and thinking he's going to add indecent exposure to his list of sins! I think he ended up walking across the street (bookbag firmly held to the backside) and waited for the group over there.


  • Jacqueline

    Thanks for the stories...anybody have anymore?

  • maxwell

    A little late jumping in this thread, but thought I'd add a story.

    It was maybe 10-15 years ago. I was a teenager. With my dad and two other guys. I may have told this story here before, but I'll type it again. Anyway, we usually tried to avoid having all men in a car group. Stereotypes, the world we live in, whatever, can make that seem scary to some people, but anyway, we couldn't avoid it that day. We lived in a rural area, and we were working a territory far out on the edge of our rural territory. A small town that was just a widening of the road. All four of us black guys. My dad and I finish working our houses and come back to the car. The other two guys are still at the door talking. We are riding in one of the other bros. cars so my dad and I are are sitting in the back seat with the doors open on this warm summer day. A police car pulls up behind us and the policeman gets out and walks up on my side and looks in at us and says "hi" and how are ya'll. something to that affect. We return the greeting and my dad tells him what we're doing and he acknowledges it. I am sure he knew what we were doing all along. So by this time the other two guys come back from the house they were at. The policeman watches them approach and notices one with his hand in his pocket. And he says "you always have your hand in your pocket like that?". And the bro. says "yeah, I guess so". The policeman goes "I guess you must be the one with the gun." And we all laugh. So he tells us he got a call. Apparently, the caller had chosen to heighten the urgency by suggesting that he might have a gun. I can't remember what else he says but it was probably some friendly advice or something about the people in the town and he sends us off. We were finished with that area any way.

    I never noticed that police were called in the few short years I worked up around the No. VA area just outside of DC. Its an all urban area and we have a lot of recent immigrants, hispanics, ethiopians, etc. staying in apartments, and I noticed another poster said something about people thinking we were the FBI. Same thing would happen sometimes with the recent immigrants in some of the apartments in the area. I never had anyone say that, but had one guy openly say, I thought you were the FBI coming up here in those suits.

  • Alleymom

    Grace --

    I just finished listening to your audio message, and it was really an encouragement! I am so sorry that you have been having a bad day, and I will pray for you.

    On the tape, you referred to the beautiful letters Linda Hull wrote to you. Hey, Linda Hull and and Emily Hood were the first two ex-JW's I ever spoke with! It must be 10 or 12 years now since I first called their telephone recording. Emily wrote me several wonderful letters, and I really enjoyed the audiocassettes they made.



  • mouthy

    Just found this again Ally Thanks Marg for saying I was encouraging. mad a lot of errors in that testimony -----I was very nervous------

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