Hey I talked to a Dub at the door today!

by FreeWilly 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreeWilly

    Finally, the Dubs pried themselves away from the coffee shop this morning and 'worked' my neighborhood. I saw them coming so I had to decide what topic to discuss. Well after the intro, I decided to explain, that yes I have read the Bible, and I feel the God portrayed in it is very brutal and cruel to his creation. She asked why and I told her I felt that God's instruction to attack the Caananites was due to a promis he made to Abraham over Real estate. What did the Caananites do to them? She explained that when people do not follow god and worship Pagan Gods, Jah punishes them. I replied, but that's not why the Bible says they should be killed. The Caananites were attacked because of a promise (unbeknown to them), not because they disobeyed. Besides, God never tried to convert them to Judaism or reform them in any way, he just wanted them out of the way. She fumbled and said she'd have to do more research and would return with her hubby.

    It ought to be interesting.

    Any ideas ?

  • sass_my_frass

    Good one. I've been thinking that it would be best, when it happens to me, to not leave them with the idea of 'I'll research it and get back to you', I'd rather they just left me alone. The advantage to them is that they don't go home and brainwash themselves with a forty year old watchtower article, they might just forget it for a while, but later remember that there was something they questioned.

  • Evanescence

    Ohhh dear.....

    Better stay off god/Jehovah's territory! lol!

    I wonder how he would welcome people walking on his territory, knocking on his door and give him a watchtower mag?

    Evanescence *WARNING tresspassers will be prosecuted! class*

  • Frog

    Nice choice fw, don't you just love it when they fumble around, exposing their lack of personal input into their own beliefsFrog x

  • Wolfgirl

    That's a good one. I'll have to remember that. If they ever come around. Well done!

  • greendawn

    It shows that the JW publishers are not fit for the so called preaching work of the end, they are just sent out to promote the interests of a multi billion dollar company without really knowing who they are really serving and what sort of issues they are really peddling and arguing about.

    It's all very superficial, in a serious religion this is all done by well trained and professional persons not ignorant laymen/women.

  • googlemagoogle

    JW literature always seems tu suggest that every nation was aware of jehovah and his commandments. as if the people of jericho or other canaanites would have had a choice. even the gibeonites where treated like sh't after everyone found out where they were from.

    another sick thing is that god supposedly used babylon to "discipline" his people, and then punished babylon for the very act of "disciplining" his people. wtf?

    one thing they'd probably will come up with is that the canaanites were sacrificing children to baal, and that "some historians say that they wonder why god didn't destroy them earlier" (yeah right, "historians".. lol). the israelites on the other hand(apart from that they were worshiping baal too) did kill the canaanites INCLUDING their children and even their animals... as you said, it was a war for territory though. there were other nations around who had the same or similar culture to the canaanites, however israel never touched them.

    as you correctly said, it was not a crusade for judaism, it was a war for real estate.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    The Caananites were attacked because of a promise (unbeknown to them)

    I'm not backing the dubs here, but there's an easy reply to your question.

    "Do not say in your heart, after the LORD your God has thrust them out before you, `It is because of my righteousness that the LORD has brought me in to possess this land'; whereas it is because of the wickedness of these nations that the LORD is driving them out before you. Not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart are you going in to possess their land; but because of the wickedness of these nations the LORD your God is driving them out from before you, and that he may confirm the word which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. "Know therefore, that the LORD your God is not giving you this good land to possess because of your righteousness

    For myself, it has nothing to do with real estate, the literal or the flesh - the "land" is a spiritual home, here and now, beyond the Jordan (stream of judgement) - it is a land like no other, and as said above, and below, it is not something that is earned.

    For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God - not because of works


    every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old

  • blondie

    A more alert JW might have put forth that Rahab and her family were not destroyed because they believed that the Israelites God was the true one based on the stories they had heard about the parting of the Red Sea.

    Also they would have pointed out how the Gibeonites disguised themselves as being from far away and made an agreement with Joshua and the other Israelites not to destroy them. When Joshua found out they were really Canaanites and honored the agreement.

    But in the end, the Canaanites were not the only "wicked" people in the area with similar "sins." They just happen to occupy the land that Abraham had been promised. A point to bring out to JWs.

    Also in some cases everyone was slaughtered including very small children and babies. And in other cases women "who had never known a man" (virgins) were spared. I wonder how they knew that? Take girls 12 and under? Why was having had sex (even when married) make a person a religious danger?


  • Mary
    She fumbled and said she'd have to do more research and would return with her hubby.

    The point of what you should further say to her is moot........I guarantee you she won't be back.

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