the new personality

by msil 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • msil

    I would like to start a discussion thread as it relates to mind control and the tactics which are used.

    "Brothers, keep on putting on the new peronality..." - how well do you remember that?

    Suggested discussions are:
    - does the society knowingly use mind control?
    - what forms do they use?
    - what methods are effective against it?
    - any peronal experiences working with a counsellor like Steven Hassan?

    I have a lot to say on this issue but will post it as the thread continues.

  • Ray Skyhorse
    Ray Skyhorse

    Welcome Msil. I'm a newbie as well. FYI there's a lot of information on this topic in the archives. If you do a search on "cult" you'll see that this subject has been covered.

    I've just begun reading "Releasing the Bonds" by Steve Hassan and I hope to gain some insights on cults from his book and by talking to people here.

    I am interested in this topic because I hope to plant seeds of doubt in my wife's mind. She's Borg. I was never one of them so I need to talk to former members in order to gain knowledge and insight. I need to develop strategies to get her out.

    I encourage you to post anything you have to say about this topic. I'm all ears.

  • gsark

    As my favorite example, the 'Reasoning From the Scriptures 'book, pag 194..

    Was the nmae Jehovh used by the inpired writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures?

    To save bandwidth, I will not reproduce the 4 paragraph answer here, but suffice it to say. the question is not answered. The paragraphs merely state that the bible writers quoted hundreds of passages of the Septuagint, and surely they must have used the Tetragrammaton in their quotes.

    But this doesn't answer the question that was asked. Why not just say "We don't know"?

    This is mind control, blatant and in writing. JW's are directed in writing to walk away from that door leaving the householder with a belief that had no evidence presented with which to substantiate it.

    Plenty more where that came from.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • VeniceIT

    JW New Personality==Cult personality!


  • Pathofthorns

    Terms such as: obedience, loyalty, unity and organization which are so often stressed in JW culture really can be summed up in one word: CONTROL.

    Many never stop and think about it because they have been in it for so long, but the whole system is designed to keep everyone in line and prevent any sort of independance beyond what is "acceptable".

    Terms such as "guidelines" and "suggestions" always cracked me up because we knew they really meant "rules" and "laws".


  • Frenchy

    Some good comments here. The 'Theocratic language' is very potent and an important tool in constraining the mind and keeping it focused on the Society's objectives while at the same time filtering out external stiumuli that would throw a bad light on what is being presented. "Buzz words" are repeated over and over again to reinforce those mental barriers.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • msil

    According to cult experts one of the primary ways in which cults achieve final mind control is by the introduction of "phobias" on their members.

    What phobias does the WTBS use in your opinion?

  • waiting

    Hi msl,


    fear of Satan
    fear of thousands of demons always "looking to devour someone."
    fear of Smurfs
    fear of Witchcraft
    fear of anything pagan
    fear of offending God by having false religion in our house. ie: pictures of angels
    fear of false religion infiltating our thoughts/actions
    fear of articles of false religion - ie rosaries, etc.
    fear of "offending" God
    fear of Second Death
    fear of Armageddon & not surviving
    fear of your children dying at Armageddon because you're not a good enough parent.
    fear of "falling out of the Truth"
    fear of "being overtaken by Satan"
    fear of "having a spirit of independence"
    fear of "overstepping our assigned place"
    fear of ..........................

    Many fears - all instilled on a regular, mind boggling schedule of meetings.


  • Anchor

    You've said you have a lot to say.

    So far what I see is your questions all over the board, on everything from new personality, motives to specific IP packet sniffing, what Simon may have in place. I repeat: Is this a term paper we are to help you with?

    Share more, please. We regularly get visited by trolls, even techy WT trolls ....


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Waiting! Geez, when you make a list of them like that, it sure does make things crystal clear! Thank you for putting it so succinctly.

    My fave fear-inducing phrase: from a km in 1976, the world is referred to as 'a demon-filled void.' And people think we ex-dubs exaggerate! What sort of 'new personality' displays that kind of paranoia? A CULTIC ONE!

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