Satan's Organization -- Who -- Evidence of Identity?

by Marvin Shilmer 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Satan's Organization -- Who -- Evidence of Identity

    *** w30 10/1 p. 301 Millions of Prisoners to Hear the Gospel***: "Satans organization claims to be Gods organization, and persecutes those who are actually members of Gods organization. Satans organization sails under the high-sounding name of "Christendom". It boasts of a membership of over 500,000,000 persons. Its members are in bondage to creeds, customs, rites and ceremonies; they dare not disown these or criticize or expose them. To do so would bring down on their heads taunts, reproaches, disfellowship and persecution. Many thousands of the Lords people are held in these denominations as prisoners, afraid to express their disapproval of the creeds, methods and customs of the organization."

    So, Satan's organization disfellowships members for daring to criticize or expose beliefs and traditions for what they are. Imagine that! Members of Satan's organization are made to fear expressing disapproval of beliefs by exposing them for what they are. It is true that the following quotation shows why Satan's organization is among the worst enemies of religious freedom and truth when it says:

    ***w00 2/15 p. 29 Cyril Lucaris—A Man Who Valued the Bible ***: "They proved to be among the worst enemies of religious freedom and truth. Sadly, this is a stance that in various ways survives even to our day. It is a sobering reminder of what happens when clergy-instigated intrigues stand in the way of freedom of thought and expression."

    Let's see. Now all we need to do is figure out who disfellowships its members for daring to expose teachings for what they are. Wonder who that could be?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • cyber-sista

    Wow. The WT Org really nailed themselves with these articles. These are not the type of articles the WT will bring up in magazine references nowadays, I 'm sure of that. Too bad more JWs don't go back and look into or study the roots of their religion. I wish I would have before I wasted so many years in there. But we were always too busy with the newest study article and book and/or theocratic activity--guess they didn't want to leave us too much time to think...

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hello, cyber-sista

    You write:

    "These are not the type of articles the WT will bring up in magazine references nowadays, I 'm sure of that."

    One of the quoted articles is from the year 2000. It is current.

    The 1930 article is a timeless editorial. It just goes to show who's using the same weaponry today.

    Marvin Shilmer, always looking for what fits the shoe

  • hillary_step


    Staggering hypocrisy that could only be foisted on those trained in the art of pseudo-logic.

    This is how a conversation unfolded that I had with a well educated loyal JW elder recently :

    Step - Can you not see, that in attacking other religions for changing their policies, the Society does exactly what it condemns other religions for doing.

    Elder - Well, it is very different. Jehovah is using us to expose their hypocrisy.

    Step - Will you accept that other religions who criticize the WTS feel the need to do a similar thing because the many policy changes that the WTS have made?

    Elder - No, I do not, it is not similar at all.

    Step - On what basis do you make that comment?

    Elder - On the basis that we have the "truth' and Jehovah is using us and not them.

    Logic, WTS style.

    Best regards - HS

  • proplog2

    The 30's article is interesting because it includes "disfellowship" as a false religious practice. I don't think they disfellowshipped people until the late 40's. I remember in the early 50's you could be disfellowshipped and have to show your repentance by attendance at the meetings for 5 or 10 years. I'm not against excommunication in cases of flagrant violation of community standards & "DUE PROCESS".

  • heathen

    True the WTBTS has no tollerance for freedom of thought or expression but I think the other churches are far more intollerant toward the dubs because they try to use political means to persecute . The dubs do not try to ban other religions using the government to enforce it .

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Howdy, HS

    Elder to Inquiring Mind Wanting To Know: "We know we are right because we are right!"

    Now who is so stupid not to understand and accept that simple message?

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hello, Heathen

    You write:

    "True the WTBTS has no tollerance for freedom of thought or expression but I think the other churches are far more intollerant toward the dubs because they try to use political means to persecute . The dubs do not try to ban other religions using the government to enforce it."

    Both are using leverage at their closest disposal to advance their own agenda. I deplore political persecution. I also deplore theological persecution. Ever heard of the inquisition?

    If given opportunity and means, how would the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania apply itself? One can only wonder:

    ***w52 11/15 p. 703 Questions from Readers ***: "Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws. The law of the land and God’s law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship. However, God’s law requires us to recognize their being disfellowshiped from his congregation, and this despite the fact that the law of the land in which we live requires us under some natural obligation to live with and have dealings with such apostates under the same roof."

    Marvin Shilmer

  • hillary_step


    "True the WTBTS has no tollerance for freedom of thought or expression but I think the other churches are far more intollerant toward the dubs because they try to use political means to persecute . The dubs do not try to ban other religions using the government to enforce it."

    Perhaps the other churches see a danger in allowing a religious group, who as you state have a zero tolerance toward independant thought and self-expression, from existing as such a structure within a civilized society.

    I too deplore religious persecution on the basis of open doctrine, but I actually think that groups who seek to protect the rights of its citizens by drawing attention to the harmful and anti-social behavior of certain groups are actually serving the needs of society.

    As it is the WTS use every means, both legal and political at their disposal to protect its ability to continue foisting a regime of severe social punishment and internal sanction against any of its adherents who try to excercise their civil right to freedom of speech. If they continue, against all pressure to hold to such a stance, they only have themselves to blame for any actions that might threaten their existence.

    After all, hey prove themselves very capable of adopting flexible doctrines when their backs are against a legal wall. However, they only do so when a gun is held at their heads and often after years of death and misery for their adherents.

    Best regards - HS

  • heathen

    I think it's one thing to have rules to regulate the behavior of members but yet another to violently oppress and actively deny someone the right to worship God the way they chose to do so . I don't think it's the responsiblity of society to determine for others the way they perceive God . The religion is voluntary there is no threat to keep members from leaving .

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