The Watchtower guilt machine is indeed a powerful tool

by Nocturne 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nocturne
    Knorr and company really hit the jackpot when instituting(or should i say refining) dfing as the final 'solution,' to keep straying at a minimum.

    May the bastard and his evil cohorts rot forever, for even suggesting this religious judicial system has anything remotely to do with a loving God.


    Man...I totally agree with you on that one. The whole dfing process is wrong and evil.

    And Randy,

    That's amazing what you wrote there. And can I also say that I also love your website, and all the information you have in it....keep up the good work

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Hey Noc.,

    Ya know, there is just no graceful way to leave the Watchtower Society. When you let them know you?ll no longer be a JW, it?s ?lights out? for you. You will also no doubt be "demonized" by the group. You are also prolly correct in your assumption that you will loose all your friends when they get the news, as well as some family members (if you have any besides your mom). And you should also brace yourself with the possibility that your relationship with your mom may also suffer. It will depend on her of course and how much love she has for you verse her love and loyalty for the Watchtower Society. Some quick advice here, don?t argue with your mom about the Watchtower Society. Try to avoid all dialogue with her regarding the JW faith. It only seems to aggravate the situation. And also, by not being pulled into such conversations with her, you will maintain control instead of her. You will now have to become the parent. You are now wiser than she is. It?s a sad revelation, but you are now the parent and she is the child. Try to remember this concept when she tries to "teach" you of your "bad" decision to leave the group. You know better. You don?t have to convince her that your decision is appropriate. You know it is. You don?t need her approval in this area. There?s power in this awareness.

    I think when we come to realize the reasons behind the way that people act the way they do, it helps us to gain insight into human behavior and thereby gives us peace. The whole shunning thing is just a cultic protectionism maneuver. That?s all it is. It serves to keep the masses ignorant (JW?s in this case) from the ?outsider?, by demonizing the outsider and diminishing anything the outsider may have actually learned and then tries to share with the group. It?s a simple controlling technique, and it works pretty well too. But knowing and realizing that this is just a cultic tactic, it tends to help the one who has left the group achieve an understanding of why he or she is being ?shunned?, and (I believe) helps the one to have peace about the whole process. When we maintain the proper perspective on this shunning business, it doesn?t have to have all the negative emotional feelings attached to it (guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, regret, rage, etc.) that it is intended to have on the one who leaves. This doesn?t take away the pain of lost relationships (which will no doubt be cast aside), but it makes its much easier to accept what is happening, without all the other unnecessary feelings confusing the situation.

    Good luck to you Noc.,


  • HappyDad


    This decission you made isn't the end of all things in your life. It is the beginning of a brand new life. Take small steps until you are able to run.

    Once the mind is clear, all kinds of good things happen.

    If you still believe in God without the WT then ask Him for help. His grace is unbelievable.


  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry
    If you still believe in God without the WT then ask Him for help. His grace is unbelievable.

    Best advice in this thread, Noc.!

  • CeriseRose


    I know from personal experience how hard it to do something that you know will hurt and bewilder someone you love. It takes a lot of courage and personal conviction and I'm proud of you. I hope you're proud of yourself for your honesty.



    P.S. I was going to say something to SOJ and his horridly inappropriate post, but I've decided that JWs on the whole are not worth my time or attention. I'm wiping the dust off my feet. *grin*

  • heianderen

    My friends also felt that I was the one that betrayed them.But you eventually will fiend new friends, don't worry to much. Try to understand why they feel the way they do, and your bad feeling will be atenuated. It is possible that you are going to experience a lot of rage, if this happens is better to stop thinking about the things that you dislike about the WT for a while or you can lose your selfcontrol. Try to maintain now a healthy live style, making some physical exercises everyday, eating healthy thing, etc.. you are going to need a lot of strengh and being physically fit can help alot because your body are going (is already) to suffer a lot of stress. I've been there, and I still managing to readjust myself to my new life. I'm with you...

    SwordofJah, you are still here!!!, it seems that you are just like the one in the classroom that pretend to be a clown, and likes to be beated by everyone to gain their attention. C'mon, your mere presence here demonstrate your hipocresy, its enough to endure the obstracism of former friends and we don't need you here to hear your senseless words.


  • shamus

    Remember: Don't feed the trolls. If you want to feed them why don't you PM them? You can argue in private.

    Yes, they love they're guilt, don't they? The whole organization is about guilt.

    Serve jehovah.

    You owe it to him.

    You're letting your family down.

    Utter nonsense. Stay in and feel guilty or find freedom, sanity, and truth. I think I'll take freedom. Sorry that it has to come as a price.

  • stillajwexelder

    Inducing guilt in anybody is NOT a Christian quality - Jesus Christ never did that

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    "HYSTERIA", that is what floats cults.; SURROGATE/DISPLACEMENT RAGE

    Are You Agitated?
    Watchtower commands shunning of family.

    IS BLOOD THICKER THAN DOGMA? Not in the cult cocoon. Family is held hostage.The WT$. twisted take on the 'disfellowshipping chapter'..1 Corn. 5. Here we have St. Paul's adroit adjudication.,,,,"Let him be as a man of the nations, i.e. a Gentile. Or as a tax collector i.e. IRS agent. These were people's who were disliked, but not ostracized. [especially, if they were your own blood kin.]

    Later in the new testament,at ;[2 John 1
    11 Anyone who welcomes him shares in his wicked work"] we have St. John's condemnation of who?THE ANTICHRIST to come. NOT A WAYWARD TEENAGER John is not elaborating here on the 90 day shunning protocol of Paul. What is the watchtower's motive for family wrecking?

    The WT$ leaders are;"control freaks with a mean streak"They are also blinded to reality insulated in their Ivory tower.

    Back in 1989 I calculated that as the world turns,4.4 men women and children were disfellowshipped per hour.The WT$ asserts that all were expelled @ "the direction of the Holy spirit".This is blasphemy.

    Danny sez;"the headless horseman runs their show" Hatchet

    Most offensive of all JW sleaze is the notorious,"Two Witness Take down".Simply put,if a JW perpetrator stabs me in the back and the entire congregation sees it happen. ....

    .....Unless "Two Witnesses" are willing to come foreward and testify, they pretend it never happened.No matter how wicked the offense may be.

    This absurdity is an overextension of 2 Corn.13:1 and is selectively enforced at the whim of the elders who play favorites. How JW cult leaders hook into your guilt and shame : They exploit the Scripture at Prov. 28:13: "He that is covering over his transgression will not succeed, but he that is confessing it will be shown mercy". They dupe you into 'spilling your guts' about intimate details of your private life so they can use it against you if you try to leave. This is standard operating procedure for all high control cults. This sleaze has a name it's called the:"Cult of confession".

    The Cult of Confession [spilling your guts]

    Serious sins (as defined by the organization) are to be confessed immediately. The members are to be reported if found walking contrary to the rules.

    There is often a tendency to derive pleasure from self-degradation through confession. This occurs when all must confess their sins before each other regularly, creating an intense kind of "oneness" within the group. It also allows leaders from within to exercise authority over the weaker ones, using their "sins" as a whip to lead them on.

    The 'flunky','Ghouls for GOD '.Jehovah witness church elders Arrogance of Ruthless Egotism create your disastrously dysfunctional problem in the FIRST place.with their politics,and cliques.Disfellowship,you for the problems that they initated.

    Then, come up from behind and like 'ghouls,'analyze till, their paralyzed',as to why on earth you had a ,shipwreck of your faith?

    So,sometimes in dispair you stumple into an odyssey SURROGATE/DISPLACEMENT RAGE a.k.a. the, "BOMB".....of self destructive behavior.Leaving the'truth' and going to the dogs is not a self-fulfilling prophecy.They are the ones who 'wreck' you and your family.

    The bastards are truly wolves in sheep's clothing.(Matthew 7:15).Your family is now out of the picture,to render you support,because of the WT$'s satanic divide and conquer family wrecking.

    This is a pure demonic, psychopath,play book.The demons wan't to get back at humanity,and crave anything carnal and harmful,to us because they know they are doomed and wan't to take as many, as the chosen with them.

    That's why the watchtower has an evil draconian unscriptural family wrecking shunning ritual.It's a doctrine of demons from the get-go.

    Stay strong mate.I kept a toll free 800# for 15 years,accessable anywhere in the world.So,no matter how destitute my loved ones may be they could contact me.I just took the # off line didn't get even one call in i5 years Dedicated to my family members, nieces and nephew Lauren, Ashley and Kevin Haszard that have gone missing in the Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't know who in my clan is dead or alive....X 15 years

    I look like you feel

    Undaunted Danny, been there

  • M.J.

    To help put things in perspective, it may be helpful to know that people leaving other groups deal with the very same issues. I've found some interesting stories on Here are a few quotes:

    "Until a person leaves Mormonism, they have no idea how painful it can be. When I left Mormonism (the last and final time) I was filled with fear and guilt. I was angry at a huge religion that had taken so much of my time, energy and money for so many years. I wrote my letter asking to be removed from the records of the church and was asked to come to what I call an exit interview. Actually it was a summons to my excommunication. I asked ... "How can you excommunicate me when I already quit?"

    "We officially left the church in March of 1994 through a letter requesting our names be removed from the church records. Since that time, in all too typical mind control like fashion, members of the church have avoided us. The Regional Representative even came up from Alabama and spoke out against us in a Sacrament meeting three weeks after we left and told the members that if they ever talk to us or if we give them materials, they are to contact their Bishop. Only an organization that had something to hide would be paranoid about the truth being revealed about itself. It is interesting that we would be considered such a threat. We had done nothing except request our names be removed from the records of the church. That was all. We learned that we really had few friends within Mormonism."

    "After he has taken his vows as a priest, how shall he dare to violate them? He knows that if he loses his faith on a mission--in other words, if he dares to make any inquiry into the authenticity of the mission which he is performing--he becomes a deserter from God in the very ranks of battle. He knows that he will be held forever in dishonor among his people; that he will be looked upon as one worse than dead; that he will ruin his own life and despoil his parents of all their eternal comfort and their hope in him." From, "Under the Prophet in Utah," Frank J. Cannon and Harvey J. O'Higgins.

    "It has been difficult to get past the idea that if I'm wrong (about leaving the church), my eternal salvation is at risk. It has been difficult as I have watched my friends walk away."

    "I wrote down some thoughts about the Mormon perspective. This has helped me see why it is so difficult to leave the LDS Church. These points are all official doctrines of the Church and perspectives that are regularly ingrained into the membership:

    (From his list:)
    "Anything written by a former Mormon must be false or, at best, unreliable. Bottom line, you believe that former Mormons have evil intentions."

    "Former Mormons leave the Church because of serious sin. Those who leave the Church in reality know that the Church is true and are liars just like the Book of Mormon anti-Christs."

    "Not we, but you" are "evil." Again, on the surface, Mormonism wants you to believe that you are still an individual, but when their Words fail, the disappointed one is accused of self aggrandizement ... of even being above those who are above you ... self assertion becomes "aggression" against the members of the Flock; you became the exception, therefore, you are "guilty."

    "Today, I still attend church periodically with my wife and children. The bishop, my friends and my family know where I stand. I don't hide my beliefs from anyone who asks. I don't allow home teachers in my home because I'm tired of being treated like a sick patient by them."

    "The bishop called me in for an interview just a few weeks ago. He told me he was inspired to call me as the gospel doctrine teacher for our ward. I declined and he of course asked me why. I repeated to him many of the questions that I have shared in this letter and he had no answers other than the standard cop outs that I refuse to accept, such as "God's ways are not man's ways" and "someday we will know the answers to these questions". He cautioned me from doing to much critical thinking and said we had to "live by faith alone". I'm sorry, but if there is a god and he created me with my brain, I expect that he would expect me to use it..."He then went on to threaten me with a "disastorous event in my life or in the life of one of my family members that would bring me to my knees and back, weeping to the church" if I didn't repent and come back willingly ... [he went] From concern to the lowest form of manipulation."

    "Mormonism keeps its hold by suggesting that the elect will discount the assaults on logic, and remain faithful. Obedience, worship, and sublimation of will are the earthly tests for eternal companionship with the Cosmic terrorist known as Eloheim. Mormons are fighting for your eternal soul, and in the process, they cause many people to experience a loss in the richness of the here and now of this life."

    (His decision to leave the mission field through the regular channels:) "The mission assistants ...tried to persuade me to stay. ...I couldn't explain all my doubts to them, but simply told them I didn't believe and I couldn't be a missionary any more. They didn't understand..."We returned the next day because President Lee wanted to speak with me on the telephone. The missionaries that had been friendly and cajoling the day before were stone faced and tense. A definite wall had gone up between us. President Lee called ... He started with reminding me all that Jesus Christ had done for me, he lived and died for me -- and now I was turning my back on him, and kicking dust in his face. That's what he kept saying over and over -- that I was kicking dust in the face of Jesus Christ. That hurt -- but what could I say?...He asked me why I was leaving -- and I told him. He didn't believe me -- told me that that was just and excuse. Wanted to know why. He couldn't accept that I just didn't believe in what I was doing. He said that Satan had led my father away, and through my father was leading me away...He told me that I was making things worse. He warned me against planning on repenting later, that I was almost throwing away my chance to go to the Celestial Kingdom and become a God.
    ....Events took a definite turn for the worse. He said "It sounds like your mind is already made up -- before you even talked to me." I said "I think it is President." He then said something that still rings in my head -- and will for a long time. "Elder Hudson, by the authority of the Melchezedic Priesthood, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I command you not to leave the mission. And if you do, something will happen." Stunned, I flatly said "What?" (pause) "I'm not telling you Elder, and I say it in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Click....My brain exploded and my soul cried out that this was wrong. This shouldn't be happening. The only thing this man of God had used to "persuade" me to stay were guilt and fear. I told the assistants what had happened, and they were stunned. They said I must have misunderstood."

    "Once I made my break with the church, I thought that I should not "hide away." On the contrary, I intended to meet with all of my Mormon friends, family and leaders ... answer their questions straightforwardly and bluntly. I wanted to accept their right to their own beliefs and would consider their views. I only hoped that in return my views might be treated with equal respect. This was quite naive on my part. All future communication "elevated" itself to an official level and became a sort of "one-way street." They felt free to bear their testimony ...but responded angrily when I would bear mine. They crossed my beliefs and I respected their difference of opinion. When I stated my beliefs then "I was trying to hurt people."

    Hope this helps.


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