Why Depression Sucks.

by shamus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    Because you can make jokes and appear "happy" at the drop of a hat, meanwhile, you're being chewed up from the inside out.

    Because you can't learn to take one day at a time because your good days are always overshadowed by knowing that you're going to just slip back down again. It's inevitable.

    Because you cannot communicate properly how much life is truly an ordeal at times. Your own brain tells you that you're a failure and there's nothing that you can do to stop it.

    My pet peeve? People telling me to "think positive" and "do this" and "do that", meanwhile, they have they're thumbs up they're a$$es because they have no idea whatsoever what depression is. They just have no idea... Typical dub way of branding those ,"Oh, that person just feels sorry for themselves right now". I have heard that on more than one occasion about more than one person. I have heard that about myself, too.

    In short, if you wish to reply and understand what depression is, for god's sake, walk just one day in my shoes. Just one day. No, I'm no trying to feel sorry for myself. I'm trying to get better, so please just f-off.

    To those who suffer from depression, what do you feel you hate most about it? And I mean those who are diagnosed with depression, not just those who are "feeling down".

  • imallgrowedup

    What I hate the most is feeling out of control of my emotions. I hate that when something "small" happens, that it feels like something enormous, and I hate that I look like a total idiot for over reacting when I know that on a "good" day, I would be in better control.

    I hate "walking around the clock." When I'm at 12:00, I feel great, but then I slide to 1:00, then to 2:00, and before I know it, I am fighting like mad to keep from hitting 6:00. No matter how hard I try, I still end up there, and because I've fought it so hard, by the time I arrive, I land with a "thud". Once there, I shut out everyone and everything. Ignoring life only causes it to scream in my face which only keeps me stuck there longer. Eventually I start moving to 7:00 and then 8:00, and by about 9:00 I start feeling hope again. The hope catalysts me to 12:00 - and then the cycle starts all over again. It sucks.

    It seems that over the past several years I've gotten more of a handle on it, but the past couple of weeks have been rough. The holidays are always tough, but I think I'm pulling through now.

    Anyway, Shamus. I know how you feel and I hope things improve for you.


  • shamus

    You see, allgrowed up?

    That is what I mean. Nobody can truly understand unless you've walked in these shoes!

    I only wish that I had cancer instead. At least Cancer is curable for god's sake.

    I just get tired of the brand that gets on me. I'm not talking about anything that goes on here, but in the troof, it was made far worse. The guilt was incredible.

    About the only advice that I got was what my original post said. And the layman dub would tell us to just stop feeling sorry for ourselves.

    I'm not looking for sympathy here in this post. I don't need it. I'm looking for some kind of understanding here.

    Like I say, I wish it was just Cancer.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Shamus..

    big hugs man.

    I can't imagine what it's like to be in long time depression..

    Englishman described depression as being visited by "the black dog"..

    Long term depression must feel like something different than that.

    What animal would you describe it as, Shamus.


    Special K

  • Sassy

    I am not dealing with depression now, but I have in the past. I had a breakdown twice in my life. Once hospitalized. I think what was the worst was lack of control, lack of focus. Even if the sun was shining, you felt like there was a cloud over your head.

    I was remembering when Shamus said that people see you laugh and smile and think you can't be depressed... when I first was bringing my son to a therapist for his ADD, the pschycologist took me aside and asked me how I was doing. I told him fine and he said are you sure? he wanted me to talk more and I told him naaah, we're here about my son. You can ask anyone, I am fine. People always see me happy and smiling, just ask anyone I know. He told me many of the most depressed people in the world, appear happy and smiling, when underneath there is so much more to know.

  • pc

    Shamus, I'm not sure if your writing about clinical depression or if you have been diagnosed. I have spent the last two to three years in not exactly a depression but a feeling of forboding. I could not get my thoughts together and felt totally out of it. People and the docotrs said oh your 42 and getting older blah blah blah. Then I started to research myself. I was tested for thyroid problems. I found out I had a thyroid problem call Hashimotos disease. Not that big a deal if treated correctly. I have been on medication for two months and I'm like a different person. I'm of course not saying that is your problem just wanted to put it out there if anyone needed info. Going through the time I did I can, however, understand how you .


  • shamus


    Alas, you said it so well. You feel like such a loser. You just can't get it together. It's impossible.

    It upsets me when I hear some people talk about how they suffer from "depression", yet they have only been down for a few weeks, months, or whatever. Try since you could remember. Have you ever begged God for cancer so that you could die? You don't know what you're talking about if you haven't gone through that. You don't know what it's like to want to die every day.

    I want no pity posts from anyone here please. In fact, it would be nice if the only persons who post here either have suffered from depression, or are currently suffering from depression. People just don't understand what it's like, and sometimes comments can be really taken the wrong way by me. I get very angry over little things, like "I'm sorry", and things like that. It makes me feel WORSE! It makes me lose my temper now since I left the dubs and they said about a sister who was depressed in our hall as "Oh, I suppose she's just feeling sorry for herself", as we drop flowers off to her trailer. She didn't answer, and she stuffed the flowers in the mail box.

    I would have stuffed it in her tailpipe the next time I saw her.

  • flower
    To those who suffer from depression, what do you feel you hate most about it? And I mean those who are diagnosed with depression, not just those who are "feeling down".

    I was diagnosed a few years ago with major depression after a lifetime of it and I think I know how you feel. I'm not anywhere near as bad as I used to be but still its always there in the background and unfortunately I think it always will be.

    To answer your question I think the thing that I hate most is like you said, the lack of understanding and the loneliness that accompanies it. The majority of people will have a period where they are down or depressed but most will never suffer from clinical or major depression for years at a time, thus they will likely never understand what it is and how it is different from what they go through. Its nearly impossible to explain to the everyday person also which adds to the ignorance leading to the comments you described. In their defense though, in a way they are right. Depression is partially just feeling sorry for ourselves..however they are wrong in thinking that one can simply stop feeling as they do and just snap out of it. People dont mean to make you feel bad with their comments its just that they have no idea what you are going through. I do, and I can only sympathize with anyone who has to suffer through the things that I did.

    I'll tell you one thing though, freeing my mind was the best thing I ever did for myself. I was then able to focus on what was causing my depression (even clinical depression can have a trigger !) and work to eliminate it as much as possible.

    I'm living proof that you can get better. Now I can usually tell when I am sliding back into that mindset and *usually* I can prevent too much of a lapse. Sometimes I actually have told myself 'no i'm not going to start feeling this way again' then I start thinking about something more positive and planning things I am going to do in the future and believe it or not it works. It never would have worked in the past though so I like to think I have a major handle on the depression these days. I hope you can get to this point too...pm me if theres anything you'd like to ask or talk about.

    a couple of silly superficial things that helped me during the past year(dont get mad if they are stupid or sound like something you've heard before:)

    -healthy diet (i feel better not only physically but mentally when i eliminate simple carbs, all sugar and empty calories from my diet) not easy but i do notice a difference when i do it.

    -pick something your interested and become obsessed with it. i know it sounds silly but if you pick one thing at a time and throw yourself into it theres not much time left to think about all the 'stuff' that is there in your head just trying to convince you that life isnt worth living. this works for people who arent ready yet to face the actual 'cause' of their depression but still need to get through the bad time and stave off suicidal thoughts. the depression is still there but it isnt in control.

    -shop. yup shop. be irresponsible and get a credit card. then buy a couple of really REALLY great outfits that you just look absolutely AWESOME in. when you are having your worst depression force yourself to shower, shave, get a haircut and put on a great outfit. seriously. even if you dont go anywhere in it. but going out in it works even better.

    theres a lot of ways i have learned to deal with this so like i said, give me a holler if you want to talk.


  • shamus

    Thanks, Flower. I appreciate your advice. And it's really good too! I've done everything except for the latter.

    I don't get angry at the person trying to give me advice... I get angry because the person who gives the advice lacks understanding. I'm not crazy, eccentric, fat, ugly, or anything. I"m normal. I am your neighbour. I'm not weird... I'm just like everyone in your neighbourhood.

    I just want to die everyday. But I can also laugh. WTF??? I just hate it sometimes. And sometimes well meaning people get me very angry. I'm not mad at anyone here, I'm just telling you how it is.

  • Mystery

    Thank you.

    You have helped me "understand" more, things to do and not to do to my son. He is sunk in a depression that he can not seem to get out of. I will try to understand more. I do know that the last thing to say to a person in the state of depression is "i know what you are going thru.... but...."

    Just know that when someone says "i love you" what they are trying to say is "i want to help, I just am not sure of how to do so", don't turn away from someone just because they don't understand. Maybe... just maybe they simply don't know how to help.

    maybe holding on to you is the only way they know how.

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