Musings on the WTS Funk

by Farkel 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    The Watchtower Society is in a funk. No doubt about it. It is stagnant and paralyzed by its own inertia.

    It has survived for one and one quarter centuries for a few very simple reasons:

    It has motivated people to excitement by the means of well-sounding but preposterous slogans.

    It has promised a simple solution for the complex problems of the human condition, with the attainment of such solution still being possible by alleviating its believers of the responsibility, work and dedication required to deal with and solve current problems facing man. There is not a lot of genuine sweat and sacrifice required to memorize a little one-minute spiel and offer books and magazines from door-to-door, nor to conduct “studies” which are rote question-and-answer sessions, with all the questions and all of the answers provided beforehand. The Watchtower model requires your time and it requires your money, and hardly anything else.

    It (the WTS) has predicted the implementation of this solution within a decade or so from its many different announcements of this soon-to-come solution. Many people who might otherwise be somewhat skeptical have been willing to risk ten years or less of their lives to realize such a grand promise offered by the Watchtower Society. Had they promised this grand reward to occur in say 30, 50 or a hundred years, their rate of success in achieving converts would have been greatly lessened.

    It has removed the responsibilities of individuality, thinking and the responsibilities that go along with such from its followers and taken that responsibility upon itself. To be blunt, the Watchtower Society’s message appeals to intellectually, ethically and morally lazy people.

    To me, the saddest part of this religion is that it has striven to go against the laws of nature and the human spirit; laws that they claim were given by God to man and for a good reason. This entire religion has repudiated the laws of God and the attributes God gave to all humans, which laws include a human’s ability to individually solve problems through critical thought, to naturally want to take care of our own needs first, and when possible to take care of the needs of others, and others of us when we need it and others can do it.

    Like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and other mass-manipulators, the WTS has recognized that there are a certain number of people who are blind sheep, and for whatever reason, are too lazy to do their own thinking, to determine their own destinies and explain in their own way the meaning of their existence and the human condition.

    They have therefore taken lazy people and through their various well-documented techniques, turned them into braindead robots. These poor souls take as FACT unanalyzed assumptions fed to them by their religious leaders. They are convinced that what charismatic leaders like Fred Franz has said MUST be profound, because they don’t understand what Franz said! It never dawned on them to consider the possibility that if Franz couldn’t state something that was understandable, it was no doubt due to the fact that he didn’t understand it either. Or, the possibility that Franz deliberately made it impossible to understand because had he done otherwise, some of the charades of Watchtower doctrine might be easily spotted as the frauds they are by its members.

    The Watchtower religion has worked hard to cultivate (and even brags about it) a membership that is like one large “collective brain.” Each member who is considered “good” thinks and acts like each other member who is considered “good.” Since this is just another unanalyzed assumption by most R&F dubs, it doesn’t dawn on most dubs that the term or concept of a “collective brain” is an oxymoron. If they all think exactly the same way, they are not thinking for themselves at all. They are parroting what others think.

    Jesus said that all laws and commandments were wrapped up in two simple commands, love God and love your neighbor. Virtually all religions, but especially the Jehovah’s Witnesses have turned those two commands into volumes and volumes of rules, regulations, suggestions, and regimentations. Jesus was making a clear point about how simple living a good life can be by tossing out all the old rules and regulations that had accumulated and caused so much misery over the centuries. Since then and for two thousand years, religionists and ESPECIALLY Jehovah’s Witnesses have worked hard to undo what Jesus tried to do. They have piled up all those thousands of volumes of rules and regulations Jesus tried to away with AGAIN! They all try to justify themselves by “explaining” what Jesus meant when he uttered those simple words. Did it ever dawn on them that those words of Jesus actually meant what they meant? Duh! Did it ever dawn on them that those simple words could be applied in many and DIFFERENT ways by the many and different people who inhabit this planet? For example, what if “loving” God for one person meant showing indifference to him, or even not believing in him? The rationale being, “I’ve got enough problems to deal with in my short life, and I’m sure God is big enough to understand that, since he put me in this lot to begin with. Besides that, he would probably be annoyed if I spent my whole life trying to please him, since nothing I could ever do would affect him in the least, anyway. And I’ve got a family to look after, too.”

    Could it possibly be that one definition of “loving our fellow humans” would be to create great music, or art, and nothing else? People who’ve chosen this path have contributed in immeasurable ways to millions over millennia. Such artists have inspired people to achieve great things, to do great deeds, to have great loves in their lives. Who can argue that such inspiration is not one of the greatest contributions one human can give to others, and an act of love in itself?

    I’m not making a case one way or the other. That’s not my purpose here. My purpose is to state that I demand to keep and will never again cede my right to think for myself and to make decisions for myself.

    I won’t join any group, even if it embraces every single one of my ideas, because I don’t want to get thrown out of it when we get down to specifics! (Thanks to Ayn Rand for that one!) Besides that, I reserve the right to change my mind about anything. At any time. And for no reason, either. That’s why I will never be part of any formal group.

    Yes, the WTS is in a funk. Do you know why I think that funk is going to get worse? Simply because there are people who used to be just like me and others like me, but sold out their individuality and thoughts to someone else. And there are others who WANT to be able to think like me and others like me, because the way they are isn’t working. Both of these groups are naturally fed-up with giving up their own individuality and their right of individual thought and expression to others who want to control them. They are like caged animals, but worse than caged animals. Their brains and individuality are encaged and for a human, that is the worst condition possible.

    It isn’t working in WatchtowerLand because the way they have let themselves become is contrary to the laws of nature and the naturally individualistic traits of the human condition.

    Will it be too late before the Watchtower Corporation finally realizes this? Probably. They are firmly intoxicated by their power and intoxicated people make irrational decisions.


  • SanFranciscoJim

    Interesting observations, Farkel. As one who was disfellowshipped more than 21 years ago, I can tell you that the differences between the average JW then and now are visible.
    Every summer, the San Francisco chapter of A Common Bond performs our own version of "street work" across the street from the Cow Palace, where the San Francisco Bay Area District Assemblies are held. (See ) One of the observations I made the first year we were out there was that most of the JW's didn't have the familiar cloned, pasted-on crocodile smiles that they had back in the 1970's when we were advertising ourselves as "Jehovah's Happy People". (Yeeeeeecccchhhhh!!!) Today's JW looks bedraggled, worn out, forlorn, and a tad angry.
    When we are standing outside the Assembly, the looks we get from JW passersby in their vehicles run the gamut from startling to downright hilarious. However, the JW's are becoming bolder and ruder as the years go on. Last year, we had a "sister" in a black pick up truck actually give us "the finger" as she drove past! (Unfortunately, I was not fast enough with my digital camera).
    Years ago, "apostates" were viewed merely as another "sign of the times of the end" and were largely ignored. Today, we are percieved as a real threat, both by the Society, as well as by individual JW's. Oh, the times, they are a-changin'!

  • think41self

    Bravo Farkel!!!

    Very well said. As you so eloquently stated, there will always be people who don't want to think for themselves, who would like to believe that someone has all the answers, and for those people, there will always be religions or groups to ensnare them.

    But I too believe the WTS's reign is coming to an end, because their claims are so preposterous that you have to keep people ignorant to keep them believing. And no matter how much they rant and rave against the dangers of the internet, they will not stop the progression towards knowledge, which the internet is enabling. You are right, if they came right out and told people, you may have to wait 70 years or whatever to see this new world, people would say, screw that, 70 years might be all I have! Therefore, they are losing more and more of the middle aged and younger ones, because we have seen how our parents WASTED their lives, and we are not so stupid that it requires a slap in the face to make us not want that outcome for ourselves.

    Thanks for the thread, Farkel. As usual, you stimulate to thought.


  • nojw86

    SFJ as you said getting bolder and more rude. Well I had an elder spit as I walked past him how about that. Shocked as I was I spit right back at him. Not a new elder at that but one in there about 30 years. These are angry and hurt people knowing full well the lies handed to them which they in turn to remain faithful must continue the same pattern of deceitefulness. nojw

  • Amazing

    Yes Farkel: Very well stated. I enjoyed your point, "Like Hitler, Stalin, Mao and other mass-manipulators, the WTS has recognized that there are a certain number of people who are blind sheep, and for whatever reason, are too lazy to do their own thinking, to determine their own destinies and explain in their own way the meaning of their existence and the human condition."

    And, when we finally do start to 'think for ourselves' we cannot help but quickly leave them, and discover how much better life is when we live it oursleves, and not for them. If I am to be held accoutable before God one day, then by George, I want to run my own cottin-picken life, make my own decisions, and do my own thinking.

    Thanks again. Amazing

  • Mr Angry
    Mr Angry

    This thread sums up my current thinking on the WTS.

    The WTS now is being hit by the fallout of its extreme policies a la Knorr/Franz from the 1950's to the late 70's. Behind closed doors in Brooklyn now they must have some hard thinking to do. Do they:

    a] Mainstream, thereby losing possibly hundreds of thousands of followers in the process who finally see the unneccessary injustice of the blood prohibition, shunning and all the other crap invented by Franz in the past 50 years.


    b] Become even more fundamental, tightening their grip furhter. In which case they still stand to lose thousands who finally get fed up with the ever restrictive lifestyle imposed from without. Those who simply can't take anymore of the petty rules on a day to day basis decide to get out before what freedom of thought they have is strangled altogether.


    c] and despite their track record in this area IMO still think this could be a possibility especially if it generates a new wave of hysteria: set a new vague date or timeframe for the end. It might all end in tears (as all the previous ones did especially 1975) but they might take the short term view that to get rapid growth and sales again. The short term advantages of sales and growth would outweigh the fallout at a future date. And anyway some of the converts ensnared along the way would stay in.

    I agree with SF Jim's view. I can recall in the 70's and 80's the eager awaiting of the end. But now I just see resigned despair in the faces of the Witnesses.

    IMHO I think we in the exJW community have a very priveleged position of watching the WT squirm as it decides what to do next. It's all coming back to haunt them.

    Just my musings.

    Mr Angry

  • hybridous

    Rather than feeling contempt for loyal JWs, I am inclined to feel pity.

    People like my grandparents, who slaved for years for a WT (not God's) promise of a new world which would arrive (according to the WT) before their natural lives on earth were over, now see that that promise will not be realised. Can you really picture them giving up on the WT church when they spent their whole lives within it? To leave at their old age would amount to calling it all a waste. Not a pretty thought to have, and I don't blame them for shying away from that admission.

    As far as the average JW getting bolder and more rude...I chalk that up to the slow subconscious realization that over the years, God has shown them to be liars...maybe in His name...but still liars, and when you've preached a lie as THE TRUTH, as I did, you may end up feeling bitter and resentful. The WT dismisses people and says that they were serving for dates, well, I ask, if the WT wanted people to avoid doing that...why were the dates held out there as an issue in the first place. If someone was serving with a date in mind, ask the WT how that date GOT in that mind. I agree that a person should do good not because of an immediate reward, but to place the blame on individuals when they did what was expected of them is dishonest, and perhaps...immoral??

    Farkel makes a great point about how love towards others comes in many forms. To me, it is a great love towards humanity (and self-rewarding) to use whatever gifts we have for a positive influence on those around us, and ultimately, the world at large. Some people are born with aptitude in art and music (art for the ears), and I think it would be an affront to God to dismiss those talents, especially in favor of a life of uninspirational servitude.

  • DannyBear


    Ditto on the whole sad treatise.

    Doing my own musings about life as a jdub, I will add only one caviat about this 'thinking for oneself'; the finely tuned and spiritual elite 'jw in good standing'....has no concept or experience with critical, independent thinking. As a matter of fact, they fear the very idea, of free thinking. To them (former us) it is like the ultimate taboo, on a par with serious sin, in fact if your independent mind isn't kept in check, you could possibly commit the 'unforgiveable sin' you remember, jeeez, talk about pressure..THE UNFORGIVEABLE SIN man. Theirs, yours and my brain were so conditioned against this basic human nature, freedom of thought, that it seems almost impossible to penetrate...I will go so far as to say, it is impossible, unless something or someone ignites the spark, that looses the flame. Once the fires of free exercise of will get going, very few will ever want to go back.

    Perhaps that is why you continue to post...great work 'firestarter'!


  • Englishman


    Adeptly explained and proved. I relate to the not being part of a group, ultimately the groups good intentions regress to the survival of the group as the be all and end all.


  • metatron

    Solid stuff, Farkel

    I admit to being obsessed with the goings-on of the WTS
    because I'm so curious as to how it will all end up. I've
    never studied anything in human behavior as interesting
    as this unfolding tragedy.

    My current view of what-happens-next is reform by accident.
    The old bloodless theocrats will never willingly give up
    control of the downtrodden mass of Witnesses. However, the
    decline in meeting attendance and general zeal will gradually
    awaken many Witnesses from their zombie-like state. The
    gerontocrats may attempt a few cosmetic changes but at
    this stage anything they do could backfire on them.
    People thought Communism could be deliberately reformed, too.

    I like the thought from the posts about Japan that zeal
    quickly turns into outrage and anger, once you remove the
    veil of deception. Nice to see some justice on this planet,
    every so often...


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