Just Get Over It?

by sens 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • sens

    In The Last Couple Of days Ive Been Reading Info On The UN & WTS ...so have been pretty absorbed with the amount of info out there on the wts...

    anyway...it hasnt been that long since i left the wts...and a close friend of mine (never a witness) said to me ,twice now, and rather strongly again today...

    "Its Over, You Have Left, Get Over it...your obsessed with this, who cares, just get over it before it drives you mad...its really pathetic"

    I was pretty taken back by this...considering i hadnt talked that much about it with him..but was wondering...

    Is this common to be so "in shock'' so to speak at all the WTS has done and how it effects people?

    Or am I truly going insane

    3 Sens 4


    Hi Sens.

    You'll hear that now and again, and no, you're not a nutter for discussing this matter (U.N.).

    See, while I was out of the WTS for 20 years, I was not aware of the U.N. matter until I came to exJW sites like this one. I was completely baffled. But, at the same time, pleased somewhat, because then my exit in many respects was not in vain.

    I found validation by reading and investigating these matters, and I 'got over it' on my own time, and on my own terms.

    Sens: you take as long as necessary to come to terms with all this information; and there's plenty.

    I wish you well, and I expect you'll do well.

    Take care, and keep investigating and reading as much as you can.

    You'll not only be glad that you did, but you'll find solace, and affirmations on a personal level as a result.

    Best wishes,

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    nope you're normal I'm afraid.

    If someone you knew had been raped would you tell them to get over it? If they had been run over by a truck would you tell them to get over it?

    Of course not.

    This is akin to spiritual and mental rape. Yes I know strong words but having been a rape victim I know the after-effects are the same.

    I just got in the door but will come back with some links for you.

  • tinkerbell82
    Its Over, You Have Left, Get Over it...your obsessed with this, who cares, just get over it before it drives you mad...its really pathetic

    My boyfriend says the exact same thing. i think it's hard for people to understand how deeply it can affect you if theyve never been a part of something like this. please dont think your feelings about this are not legitimate. they are. you are justified in needing time to heal.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I would address it slightly differently.

    1) You're not going insane.

    2) You have the right to be angry, shocked, etc., and we'd all be worried about you if you weren't.

    3) Your friend is probably reacting to a perceived (that is, might be accurate, might not) focus on your past, to the detriment of your future. You have a whole lot of growing and learning to do to re-integrate yourself functionally into society (or if you were raised in it, integrating for the first time). We have to dedicate some hard work to moving forward. Unfortunately, the effort we dedicate to the past - reminiscing, getting angy, trying to find "even more evidence to show how wrong they are", etc., is effort we aren't putting towards our futures.

    Congratulations on taking a huge step. Always honor who you are - and keep on moving forwards.


  • happyout

    Lady Lee hit it on the head as usual. Coming out of a cult and recovering is a process that can take years. Anyone who hasn't been in one may find it hard to understand. However, a true friend should have been just a bit more understanding, and not spoken in such a harsh manner. You might want to tell your friend Lady Lee's comparison, and see if that will help them better understand where you are coming from.

    You don't have to worry about talking about it too much here, we're all eager to discuss all the time.

    Happyout (who has been out for over 10 years, and still isn't over it)

  • shotgun

    Hi SENS

    I'm not going insane and your (probably) not either.

    The word for me was obsessed...and not by the devil. I researched for hours everyday for several months on everything imaginable until I had acumulated a mountain of shit on the organization...then I started to realize it didn't matter how much more shit I added to the pile..it was still shit.

    Sometimes I dig out my shit and look through it just to confirm it again..and yep....it's still shit.

  • ballistic

    Just in case you're wondering, some of us here are over it. Just happen to like it here.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    OMG, shotgun, my sides hurt.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hi sens,

    Completely typical.

    I felt like I was hit across the chest with an aluminum bat, knocked to the ground, and then had my teeth kicked in. It’s only been a few months for me, so I’m still reeling a bit from it all.


    For me, it’s akin to being married for half of your life, and the whole time your spouse is telling you that you aren’t good enough, you have to do more, you’re making the marriage fail, it’s your fault the kids are f*cked up, etc..

    In the end, you just can’t take it anymore and divorce your mate and go to start life over again thinking that you’re a complete failure.

    And so you move on with your life.

    But then people start coming by and telling you things never knew about your spouse:

    “Did you know your spouse was a crack whore?”

    “Hey, look at this video. Your spouse was a porn star.”

    “Did you know that your spouse was sleeping with the judge during your divorce hearing?”

    And they show you video tapes, written documents, you name it, all showing that your spouse was a louse. It had nothing to do with any of your shortcomings.

    Guess what? Any normal person is going to feel compelled to learn more about the ‘Truth’ regarding their snake spouse once that Pandora’s Box is opened!

    But once you digest it, come to grips with it, you will hopefully move on and grow from it to have a healthy life.


    So sens; ya, the WTS is a two-timing, cheap whore that rode the UN for 10 years. The ex- JW community that found out about it was in shock too.

    Now we are here at this JWD online clinic to make sure that the bee-yoch WTS Harlot didn’t give us crabs.

    Take care,


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