My opinion about everything.

by notperfectyet 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • notperfectyet

    There has been alot of hurt on this board for a while. The hurt doesn't come from the board, but from the experiences each of us have experienced in our life time.

    I get hurt, and abrasive and hostile over certain personality types I refuse to deal with anymore.

    Mr. Moe gets hurt and abrasive and hostile over certain personality types she doesn't want to deal with any more.

    I don't read or respond to anyone who has taken my ex husband on as a friend , and who beleives him. They will learn about it in time.

    I hope the ones who have taken on Mr. Moe will at one time learn about depression.

    In case Brother Simon and his commitee decide to DF me, Minimus is a troll, I have said that from the start, and is out to destroy this board.

    He is gathering information, tells nothng about himself, except his daughter is marrying a worldy guy, he is married, does he ever mention his wife? I could be wrong here, I only read this board every day, <was > an elder, did he step down or removed for,,,,<gasp> a bad word??? or something worse. Anyone in the know knows how hard it is to remove an elder. Did it get personal Minimus? It did with me.

    When it gets personal, it's a whole different ball game.

    It's personal now with me on a lot of levels. Minimus is attacking Farkel, in his underhanded slimey way he does that he has learned so good from his elder days, Farkel doesn't follow the rules. Why would Minimus care if he was really leaving the Organization?

    It doesn't matter what Farkel has done for anyone or any cause, he doesn't follow the rules. Oh my..that is so jw like, and the rest of history in this world. And who were the ones who made history? The ones who broke the rules, and now we have holidays about them, and we get paid days off! Here in the good old USA that is.

    Simon, get a clue about what you are doing. Once again like the Borg you are protecting sick people, the good ones are smart, have been through alot, and know shit about shit.



    I have kids older than you class

  • Valis

    Amen npy..there seems to be a lot of concern over the occassional naughty word, but not the baiting that goes on and really stirs the pot...I guess that's what happens when people get more concerned over one word versus say a collection of words used to bait people into arguing or get them castigated by new users and old.


    District Overbeer

  • teenyuck
    I guess that's what happens when people get more concerned over one word versus say a collection of words used to bait people into arguing or get them castigated by new users and old.

    Boy is that true!

    NPY...I agree

  • notperfectyet
  • minimus


  • Farkel

    I try to play by the rules of the board, but I definitely do not play by other poster's opinions of what THEY think I should think and comment about.

    In case anyone else hasn't noticed, a number of those people who constantly harp on what they think are inappropriate or harsh comments are themselves guilty of the biggest vitriol ever posted on this board.

    Unlike those hypocrites, I never tell other people how I think they should write and what I think they should say. I just cut through any crap that might be there and challenge them on that.

    Those who wish to impose their own self-righteous indignation and their own self-righteous attitudes of what they think people can and cannot say (other than what is within reasonable and commonly accepted bounds of decency, that is), are jerks that I do not tolerate.

    You know who you are.

    With very few and rare exceptions that occur from time-to-time,I do not have any problem with how this board is run and moderated, by the way. Some do, I know, but I don't.


  • Brummie
    I could be wrong here

    You ARE.


  • 144thousand_and_one

    The ironic aspect of this forum is that much of the kingdom hall conduct that many ex-JWs complain of is frequently engaged in by some ex-JWs here. Food for thought: You can leave the Watchtower organization, but does it ever really leave you?

  • Englishman
    In case Brother Simon and his commitee decide to DF me, Minimus is a troll, I have said that from the start, and is out to destroy this board.

    He is gathering information, tells nothng about himself, except his daughter is marrying a worldy guy, he is married, does he ever mention his wife? I could be wrong here, I only read this board every day, <was > an elder, did he step down or removed for,,,,<gasp> a bad word??? or something worse. Anyone in the know knows how hard it is to remove an elder. Did it get personal Minimus? It did with me


    You've made a statement there. You've said it as a fact, not as an opinion. Supply proof or delete it is my recommendation.

    The "Bad words" are a red herring. You swear at somebody, then you are attacking normally, so I don't buy all that crap about us - ME - being obsessed with just the words. Drop the insulting language and you also let go much of the antagonism.


  • Simon

    Yes, bad-language is easier to spot and usually more black and white / clear-cut.

    Baitig and antagonising is more difficult to track and get to the bototm of so naturally, it is more difficult to catch but we do catch it. To be honest, those involved in it are just being childish and for them to need moderators to come and sort things out is really pathetic. WHy should we spend hours of our night reading through past history and trying to piece things together when it may very well be impossible - some of the ones involved are so petty that they have been carrying on grudges since pre-H2O days YEARS AGO !!

    One thing I think is unfair and that is certain posters having things deleted and cleaned up constantly but in the meantime they have got to say the nasty comments they wanted. From now on, if they don't follow the clear and simple rules about being nice then they will find they cannot post here. We are not your mother, grow up !!

    And in case there is any doubt, I don't care who it is - it applies to everyone.

    As for the "I don't care if I'm deleted for saying this" and similar expressions. It really is getting rather stale and no one has ever been deleted for expressing opinions like that or disagreeing with me which is the implication. I do resent that.

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