For Brummie

by Big Tex 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    For the past couple of weeks I’ve been at home whilst dealing with some personal issues and I’ve had my children in and out of the library wondering what daddy was reading all the time. Well Jennie (a very precocious 9) loves looking at everyone’s avatars. Her favorite is Brummie’s smiling kitty (she was very disappointed Minimus stopped dancing). She was in fact so charmed by your kitty that she was inspired to come up with her own rendition of Brummie. So here, as seen through Jennie, is Brummie:

  • xenawarrior

    YAY Jennie !!!!! That is a great picture sweetie !!! Brummie is going to love it !!!

    here is something else for you Brummie:


  • Brummie

    Awww, now isn't that a treasure!

    Jenny what a FANTASTIC drawing, you truly are a precious little one, I love your drawing loads. I am going to print it out and proudly put it on my wall today. You have brightened up my day so much.

    This is for you (hope it shows)

    Now ask your daddy to go and make you a nice cup of British tea, you truly deserve it. And ask him to give you a huge hug from me and my little children who also love this drawing of yours.

    Brummie (very proud).

    XW you are precious too, I searched the entire database for those! :)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Brumm, I'll let Jennie herself reply tomorrow afternoon when she gets out of school.

    Cheers mate!

  • Brummie

    Thanks Big Tex, thats made my day, I went off line for an hour or 2 and came back to such a pleasant surprise!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    This is from Jennie:

    Thank You Brummie!!!

    Just so you know I don't like tea.(No offense!)

    Where do you live in England? Is it by a Harrods? I want to know if you live by a Harrods because, when I was 2 I got a Bear from Englandand it was from Harrods! By the way do you want to see a picture of me and Bear? (That's his name.)


  • shera

    Aweee,so cute.

  • Brummie

    Hey Jennie, its real nice to meet you, my little boys dont like tea either, I think they will enjoy it more when they are older, but they will have to buy their own as I dont share tea with anyone.

    Harrods is a very special place so people who have gifts from there have to be very special too. I don't live very close to Harrods now, I live about 2 + 1/2 hours drive away (that is considered to be very far by English people, almost the other side of the world).

    I live in a little house about 5 doors away from the farm on this website:

    So the views you can see from this farm are the same ones I can see from my window or garden. As you will see, it is very different from London which is a big city.

    Yes it would be great to see a Picture of You & Bear, do you still have Mr Bear now? Thats cool if you have kept him from the age of 2.

    Take care and thank you again for the picture you drew, it really is great, I'm very proud of it.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    This is from Jennie:

    Yes I still have Bear and I hope you like the pictures. I would love to visit England someday but I still wouldn't drink tea.

    This is a picture of me and Bear.

    This is a picture of me and Puffy Bear (my other bear).


  • blackout

    WOW, what a beautiful place you live in Brummie, It makes me want to come visit.

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