Bathroom breaks

by freedom96 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I remember watching people so well back when I was growing up and going to the meetings. One thing as I look back on was the ban on the bathroom.

    You just did not leave your seat to use the bathroom. You went before the meeting started, or after. You did not even go during the song in the middle.

    Now, of course once in a while someone would go. And did they ever get the evil eye! What are you doing??

    And of course you could never go to the back and get a drink of water. But the water fountain was right next to the bathroom, so sometimes when in the rare event that someone did use the bathroom, they usually would sneak a sip of water.

    I was an elders kid, and no way in hell was I allowed to leave my seat for any reason whatsoever, especially something like the bathroom.

    Being the kid that I was, I just accepted it as the way things were. But as an adult, I look back and think to myself, how unbelievably crazy that was! To get scorned for using the bathroom?!? Come on!

    Was that just my hall/ prison?

  • Ed

    To get scorned for using the bathroom?!? Come on!

    I remember seeing a badly-mimed drama at an assembly once, in which a father and son were in their living room watching TV or reading or something after a meeting. Suddenly, the father says -

    father Son, do you need to go to the bathroom?

    son Uh... no, Dad. Not really. Why?

    father I think maybe you do. Off you go. Now, please...

    son Ooookaaaayy.... [frowns slightly and walks off]

    <ten minutes later>

    father Time to go back to the bathroom, Son.

    son Whut? I just went ten minutes ago.

    father Yes I know, best not to wait too long. Go.

    son Riiiiighht.... [walks off looking even more confused]

    <ten minutes later>

    father Hey, Son...

    son Yeah, allright, I'm going... [gets up to walk away] WTF is this, anyway?

    father Well, it seems that during the meetings you need to take a bathroom break every ten minutes, so it shouldn't be any different here at home. You do need to go that often, don't you...?

    son Okay, okay, I get the message...


  • Yerusalyim

    This used to be true in many churches, not just the Dubs. You'd have a church of 1000, with one bathroom.

  • Yizuman


  • target

    I remember that Drama, probably because the people in it were from my hall. There were no restrictions on the bathroom at our hall. People were always going. No one thought much of it


  • Nosferatu

    I remember the looks I used to get from people. They would give you that smile - you know, the one that says "You know better than that". I used to get up for a drink of water a lot, so I could get the feeling back in my butt.

  • josephus

    hi guys

    in my old hall, i used to go out of the hall, down the road and to the sweet shop. These sweety breaks eventually changed the song break into "the sweety break" till a lousy local needs ruined it!.

    i still did it though, and its even better to go to the pub afterwards!.



  • imanaliento

    I too remember that one ED mentioned, but I think it was in a talk.

    LOL Yizuman, where do you find those?

  • nelly1

    yep it happened to me I was an unbaptised publisher at the time and I got called into the hall by 2 elderly elders, at the time I thought they wanted to meet with me to give me encouragement as I had just been through 2 very harrowing high court trials for my x husband raping my small children.

    noooo the meeting was to scold me for letting my daughter go to the toilet too much in the meetings,(she was 4 at the time) not taking into account her history of what she had had to suffer since babyhood, they really got on my case and told me off good, I left that hall in disbeleif and sister said say to him ok when my daughter wants to go il get her to do it on the seat and you can clean it up!!!!!!

    even use to get told of for going to the toilet at assemblies.

    they r obsessed with everything, and now i stay home and me and my kids go to the toilet whenever we need to.!!!!!!

    love nelly

  • Yizuman

    I too remember that one ED mentioned, but I think it was in a talk.

    LOL Yizuman, where do you find those?

    Right here....


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