Another sign of being spiritually weak

by freedom96 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I remember back in the day, as I was growing up, that if you missed a meeting, everyone knew. And even me, subconciously, would know if I hadn't seen someone.

    Becoming an adult, I missed meetings a lot, and no one really said much. Not that I contributed much to the meeting anyway.


    If you were to miss the assembly, or especially the memorial, you might as well be totally gone. It seemed you could miss the regular meetings ok, but to miss these others, was a sign of doom for you. You were totally on your way out if you missed those.

    I still have just a couple of witness friends that I see once in a while. They know I don't go to the meetings, and we really just don't talk about it. As long as I don't make a stand, then ok. Just buying my time with them.

    But I make a special effort not to be around when the memorial comes, or the assemblies. I remember the first time one friend found out that I didn't make the district convention at all. Just silence. Still get together with him and all, just limit my time around those activities.

  • DannyBear


    *** Not that I contributed much to the meeting anyway.***

    You mean that you didn't even summarize the answer from the paragraph provided, in answer to the canned questions at the bottom of the page? Why you laggard you!

    Weak you may be in thier eye's, but to anyone who has a lick of sense, you my friend are a role model!!!


  • LB

    I know what you mean about getting judged. Miss an assembly and you are spiritually dead. My last couple of assemblies I would just pretend to not feel well and leave early. The same old crap over and over finally got to me and I couldn't sit there any longer.

    Now if I had a bullshit bingo card handy I may have stuck around.

  • MikeMusto

    the true kiss of death is missing the recreation of Nisan 14 at the local kingdom hall.

  • freedom96

    I remember the last assembly I was at, and as lunch ended, and the new talk started, I was "caught" by the local "helping my spiritual needs" elder, when I was leaving. I was halfway to the car, clearly intending to leave, with all my stuff in hand.

    Pretty funny when I look back at it.

  • Blueblades

    THE Bible and the watchtower say that if you miss the memorial you can have a private memorial at home on the same night or even the next evening.whose to say that you didn't do just that. Blueblades

  • Farkel


    : You mean that you didn't even summarize the answer from the paragraph provided, in answer to the canned questions at the bottom of the page? Why you laggard you!

    Each paragraph has three to four sentences. TOPS! Each question begs the answer from one of those three or four sentences. As long as you underline anything (and I mean ANYTHING) from each paragraph, and hold it up so that other people around you can see that you've carefully "studied" that article, you are considered to be "spiritually strong."

    I was a dub back when the Watchtower studies were "hard." They asked the question FIRST and then expected answers and finally read the paragraph. Now I hear they read the paragraph BEFORE they ask for the answer. DOH!

    Dumbing down of already dumb dubs is the dumbest thing a dumb religion could do unless they only want truly dumb dubs. (They do.) How dumb.


  • DannyBear

    Farkel said:

    ****Dumbing down of already dumb dubs is the dumbest thing a dumb religion could do unless they only want truly dumb dubs. (They do.) How dumb.****

    MuHaHaaaahahahahhaahah or very funny!

    Tell me they don't do that now. They read the paragraph's first? (Sorry Elsewhere had to do it)

    I believe the jw's may be single -handedly responsible for the growth of the 'yellow highlighter' market. When applying colored marks to a page of written material, is thought ot represent an indication of spirtuality, someone needs to call 911.

    Some deep therapy and counciing is in order. What is sad is that what you say actually goes on in every Kingdom Hall around the world. Well maybe Boswatania they use yellow monkey doo or died coconut juice, but I pretty well guarantee you they have a method of displaying thier spiritual state to some snoopy elder, looking over thier shoulder at the wt study.

    Don't ya just miss it all?



    This is so true. I was out of the truth for 12 years. Divorced my wife. Living with my girlfriend. Drinking, drugs everything. No one said to much about that. But when I didn't attend the memorial everyone said, Oh he's out of the truth for real. WHAAAT!!


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