What the WT took from me.. is it gone 4ever?

by LyinEyes 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I was raised JW, so I have nothing to go back to as far as belief.

    The WT has been exposed to me as nothing but a bunch of lies, coverups, failed predictions, interpreting the bible to fit their teachings etc. etc.

    Therefore I can say that the WT has taken my trust.

    Now I stand here,,,,,,,,,,,, with no belief system at all. I swear I could not tell you what I believe to save my life. I have hopes , that is about it. I have things in my head that I wish were true,but I don't trust myself enough to believe them. I am so scared to be lied to again,,,,,,,,, to lie to myself even, just because a certain belief sounds pretty to me.

    If I were not born into being a JW , would I have faith in God? Could I find some kind of belief system?

    Being JW is a cult , and once you leave a cult, you are never the same, you realize how you were used. I say we were used because everything they taught us , the rules, the works, were all to benefit the WT , money wise and bringing in more recuits. Once you have been used , you find it hard to trust.

    THis is my point, since I have lost trust in the Bible, in God, in my own thinking( if you become part of a cult and get out,,,,,,you still wonder how it could have happened to you) I wonder if I will ever be like other people who have a belief system?

    I am not saying I would go back to what I was , I am at peace to a degree with not knowing. I am working on finding my way.

    I guess I am just resentful to the WT for making it a hard journey. They tell you how to do everything, what to do, what not to do, so much you never think for yourself. Now that I am out ,thinking for myself ,, leaves me a little empty since I dont have the answers. Being JW , we had ALL the answers.

    So if there is a God, and I am not doing his will,,,,,,,,,, I hope he understand that I am still getting over being a JW, and I am not trying to deny him at all. I want to believe , but because of their wicked ways, they have put this burden upon us all. I can only hope that there is a God to make them accountable for the way they have abused his people.

  • SixofNine

    Hey Dede,

    Not to defend the WT, but all other belief systems are just about as goofy, some even more so, and therefore I don't know if it makes sense to blame the WTBS for our lack of belief. My lack of belief stems from logic. Which if you believe in god, is a gift from he/she/it .

    If you take a long hard look around, I think you find that it's not working out so good for many, maybe even most, of the people in this world who were raised in belief systems.

    We really have been given a gift, if we take it. We can craft a life, a philosophy, that isn't just as good as the average joe's, but better. We can be happier, we can be more content. We can raise our children free from any bogus indoctrination. Remember what jesus says

  • ugg

    i do not think you can leave the organization and not have scars...some very very deep that will last forever.....how much you change and grow after wards i think depends on you as a person and also the environment you are in...

    i hope the best for you...you have some deep scars i know...i suggest taking small steps and going just one day at a time....((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( lyin eyes ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • Shutterbug

    "I guess I am just resentful to the WT for making it a hard journey. They tell you how to do everything, what to do, what not to do, so much you never think for yourself. Now that I am out ,thinking for myself ,, leaves me a little empty since I dont have the answers. Being JW , we had ALL the answers. "

    Dede, an individual with your obvious intelligence scares the daylights out of them. The only part of your post I disagree with is "being a JW, we had all the answers." We really didn't have all the answers, but we supressed our questions to avoid bringing the elders down on us. From this post and past ones it is obvious to me you probably had questions all along.

    So the questions is, do we use the brain our creator gave us or do we remain as puppets on the controlling strings of the WTS ???

  • wheelwithinwheel

    We feel like you do. We debate these questions often, my wife and I and some friends. What we seem to agree on is we were had. Lately we have come to accept that we allowed ourselves to be had as one person repeats constantly -we were the dummies. Right now were talking about why this happened

  • herself

    It took me a long, long time to trust enough to believe anything. I guess I maintained some kind of belief in God, but that was all. I didn't have a "system" to engage my time in worship.

    Today I do, and it doesn't matter which one it is really. I could have gone any number of directions.

    I found the "trick" to it was to not worry about finding exact truth. There's no way to know for sure. I trust that things are as they should be, I am ever vigilant about what my religion teaches, making sure I don't buy anything blindly, and I joined a religion that doesn't get on my case for questioning and questioning hard, or for having beliefs that aren't exactly theirs. I don't have to explain to anyone, and never get questioned. They aren't looking for people to kick out.

    Keep it personal for as long as you need. Don't be hard on yourself. Don't expect that you'll find ANY religion that you will be able to buy into 100%. You need to be able to think for yourself.

    Enjoy your life.


  • pettygrudger

    Lyin - I found it helpful (when I was ready) to look at various religious beliefs. Trying to do that with an "open mind" is extremely hard at first - because you find yourself comparing everything to what you were taught. Eventually you level out, and in that there is peace. I have found that "being spiritual" in of itself is therapeutic. There is good in most religions (even the JW's ) and I have learned to take the good & the bad as I see it.

    The one for sure thing is that there are good & bad PEOPLE in every religion. You usually always know the "true christians", and they really are few and far between. I have many friends from many different religious backgrounds that I consider truly "christian" (or truly following the steps of their professed religion i.e. hindu and even a hari-krishna or 2). These individuals prove by mouth and action that they truly look to "serve God's will", regardless of the way they express it. And we can have SPIRITUAL discussion - not just the lip service meetings citing all the appropriate sentences in the WT & bible as our "elders" would have us say them. REAL discussion - real spirituality and real works. It helps - it truly does.

    Good luck on your journey - try not to feel depressed. Being released from your bonds gives you the FIRST REAL opportunity to know and seek God - in that isn't there just a little excitement and joy?

  • onacruse
    We can craft a life, a philosophy, that isn't just as good as the average joe's, but better.

    That is so true! And, at the same time, that is such a challenge! It's much easier to become set in our ways, settled in our minds, predictable in our actions. Growth is change, and change takes us out of our emotional and mental "comfort zone." That comfort zone is all too often surrounded by walls that say "trust others more than myself."

    Time for some remodeling.


  • Gig

    Please try to understand that the Bible repeatedly says the God wants your heart. Your comment that you have lost trust in the Bible, in God, and your own thinking concerns me greatly. The WT CANNOT and SHOULD NOT have the power to shake your trust in God and His Word. Your own thinking was affected but try to make it stop there. When you are ready, trust His leadership of your heart. Ask Him in prayer to lead you to Him. Ask Him to speak PLAINLY to you when and if you visit other churches. Pay attention, if it isn't unconditional love you're seeing, God isn't present.

    The most simple way I can say it is...ministry, love, and fellowship isn't something we do FOR God, it's something HE does THROUGH us. His Spirit is IN you, and causes you to will and act for His good pleasure.

    As soon as anybody says that they have the way and nobody else does, you can be sure they don't understand the Bible and are incapable of obeying it. It is foolish to think that all of mankind could not only agree on but live by the exact same rules. That's called uniformity, the word the Bible uses is unity, BIG difference. Unity in love for the sake of peace, all for His Glory. That's the one true religion, there really aren't any other rules, and there are no stupid questions.

    Have faith, not in any man, but in His power to guide you.

  • freedom96

    I believe that there is a God, and his Son, and as long as we believe, and accept them, then we are on the right track. Following the rules of any religion is following rules made by man, not God. We know the frustrations that being a witness brought us, and then when we found that it was not the "truth."

    I believe that God knows what happened, and that it takes time to heal. For those of us that do believe in Him, I think it is more of a disbelief in religion, than in God. We need to be more concerned about what God thinks, instead of man and their religions.

    It will come with time.

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