Long assemblies

by freedom96 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    There have been a couple of postings lately about long assemblies.

    Does anyone remember these, or maybe even attended them?

    I was just a young child in the early 70's and something tells me I remember a long assembly, but don't remember if it was 8 days.

    How long were they exactly, and what times. What the hell did they talk about???

    Of course to me, a special one day assembly might as well have been a week long in itself.

  • IronGland

    Hehe. Considering they don't really talk about anything in the first place, I guess its pretty easy to just stretch that as long as needed.

  • Bendrr

    I can remember when district conventions were 4 days long. And when they served hot food too.

    Mike, who's still a young buck.

  • cruzanheart

    Well, youngster, since I remember being at the 1958 assembly - yep, I remember the long ones. Eight days long, all day and evening too. I have a copy of the program from the 1963 "Everlasting Good News" assembly at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA. It was held September 1-8. Morning sessions started at 9:10 (8:45 on Saturday and 9:00 on Sunday, for some reason). One hour and 35 minutes was allotted for lunch, and two hours for dinner, and the session ended each day at 9:05 p.m. On Sunday we were SUPPOSED to get out at 6:00 p.m., but Br. Knorr had the closing remarks and ran a wee bit overtime - five hours to be exact. We dragged out of there at 11:00 p.m. I was 8 years old. Don't remember if I went to school the next day. I don't know how my parents did it.


  • Elsewhere

    I remember my parents telling me about those long 8 day assemblies.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    yup been to a couple of them

    very long and I don't know how we did them either.

    I mostly enjoyed the cafeteria lines where we would meet people from all over the world.

  • garybuss

    Yup! 8 days in NY in 1958. I was 14. From 9 to 9. Remember it like yesterday. Body odor city! Ug


  • Makena1

    Yes Cruzan- those eight day assemblies. Attended my first in a basket in Nuremberg in 1955. Lots of pictures and slides, but no memories. Have some vague memories of that last mega-assembly in 1958 - NY Yankee Stadium and Polo Grounds. Wonder how the mothers with babies survived that. My mother 45 years old had me 3 years old, my brother 2, and was pregnant with my sister. Dad only helped out part time - most of the time he was translating one of the foreign language sections, and playing in the orchestra.

    1969 International Assembly - attended Chicago, Milwaukee and back to Nuremberg - total time wasted probably at least 15 days. What a priviledge! LOL


    Trying hard to not sound like the cranky old man on SNL who said -"And that's the way we liked it" HA!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I missed the 8 day, but I was around for the 5 day. I also remember circuit assemblies lasting until 9 or 9:30 p.m. Once we drove 3 hours to the Saturday session, got out at 9, drove 3 hours home got up Sunday and drove 3 hours back. I think the Sunday session got out at 5:30 or 6, but we still had to drive those same 3 hours back home. Looking back I don't know why my parents didn't get a hotel room.

  • jimbob

    Any assembly was LOOOOOONNNGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!

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