Their Time Will Come.....

by ISP 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    Despite an abundance of evidence that hits at the heart of the WTS, it should be no surprise that many seem to ignore everything and continue. You may wonder why particularly as many of us were in the WTS and did not ignore the comprehensive mass of proof against the claims and teachings made. You may get angry at those who still choose to defend the WTS. I don't think that is the appropriate frame of mind or approach. But I am not making criticism of any here but ultimately highlighting why I believe patience will be rewarded.

    There is usually a right time to leave. Some are not 'ready'. It is not easy to deal with the facts. The facts can be shattering. I tend to conclude that everyone's time will come. Even if someone is now an apologist, their time will come. The person might be outwardly supportive of the WTS but the fissures will show and in time the person will see the WTS for what it is, eventually.It might be a change in circumstance such as starting a family.

    In the meantime many enjoy a 'niche' position. Typically brothers can enjoy themselves as elders. They can revel in positions of influence which can be a complete contrast to their secular lives. Being an elder allows one to give talks in different congregations and to enjoy a high profile. These days you can be a biggish fish in an ever decreasing pond. This is not the same for elders wives. They do not enjoy the 'niche' position. Many elders I know have wives that do not attend regularly or have 'depression' or 'M.E.'.

    A number have doubts and misgivings but conclude that there is nowhere else to go and so stay in the Org. hoping for better things, such as reform. To some extent, this is not unreasonable for those who perceive a spiritual need. I submit that the 'need' could be arguably filled by a number of different belief systems but they stick with the WTS. Disbelief or diffidence can be revealing. I recall getting a shepherding call from 2 elders regarding my non-attendance at meetings. They had their Bibles in there hands but never once referred to them. I concluded that they did not believe the WTS stuff themselves but were giving the semblance of belief. In other words, keeping up appearances. But for how long can you keep this up for?

    Many brothers and sisters in the UK have found a 'niche' by going to Bethel. There's an enormous demand and not enough people applying and not surprisingly a number are leaving! It can be an easy way out of the standard congregational existence.

    A number also have joined a forign language congregation. This usually involves learning the language and not going out on conventional field service. Congregations in the area feed the foreign language congregation with information of similar speaking ones in their territory. The ministry is therefore quite different. This can be a 'niche' position where advancement can be made with relatively easily.

    I know a number in the UK that have 'sold up' and moved abroad, typically to mainland Spain. There they attend meetings , do very little field service, maybe just informal witnessing to tourists but enjoy a retirement of sorts in the relative warmth and in a culture where not a great deal is expected from them. This can be a pleasant 'niche' , a life away from the harsh realities of Watchtower life at home.

    Some are only in the WTS because their family is in it and fear the rejection that leaving causes. I don't blame such ones.

    Young ones perceive no 'niche' position to keep them. The WTS life can be very austere in terms of its views on education and social interaction. Consequently many 'vote with their feet' and walk out of WTS life at the earliest opportunity. Take way the 'niches' from the others and many will leave forthwith.

    In the meantime some may argue with those who have left the WTS. That is argue with us ……over certain matters but in reality there are very few good points to argue. Some 'apologists' have already sufficiently distanced themselves from the WTS and have taken already an Anti-WTS stance in so many areas that they are closer to us than to the WTS…….they just don't realise…….yet. The WTS would disown these ones that would purport to defend them. I guess their time will come.

    How should we treat such ones? The good thing about this board is that there is such a diversity of people that post…….all of whom can make telling contributions. Rather than being antagonistic to such ones ,consideration, tolerance and patience, can be shown even if they do not display it themselves. When you going to win, you can afford to show some graciousness to your opponent. Displays of bitterness only produce resentment. And there is no question about who is going to win , is there?!


    Edited by - ISP on 15 March 2001 18:47:36

  • larc


    I thought that was an ecellant post. The various reasons some will not leave was well thought out.

    I agree with us being diplomatic in expressing our views. I am sure there are some JW lurkers who read here, and I'd hate see them scared off because they think we are a bunch of pagan barbarians. That would fit the steriotype they have been told about us by the Society.

  • uncle_onion

    Yep, very good post ISP. Hits the nail right on the head.


  • Prisca

    One of the best posts I have ever read - period!

    Thank you ISP

  • Englishman

    Nice post, ISP.

    Just run that past me again, the bit about emigrating to Spain, now that I could handle!

    Someone pass me the sangria...


  • circare

    G'day ISP

    I enjoyed the equitable tenor of your post. Thanks.

    Like Englishman I thought Spain sounded pretty good too. Perhaps we could get Simon and Angharad to move there instead of Canada and then we can all retire to their little commune?

    Any reports of foot in mouth in Spain?

  • ShaunaC

    As ISP mentioned there are many reasons why a JW who know longer fully believes it is "the truth" is unable to leave the WT. Some have the typical personality traits that all cults prey on. They may have something in their life that creates a great need for the so-called worldwide brotherhood. Many just stay out of fear of not having anything else to go to. All of their family & friends are in the organization and they don't have the confidence nor strength to make it on their own.

    ISP said that he thought that the time will eventually come for everyone. I'm not so sure. Many are not able or willing to break away due to the factors above. Some have been able to leave because of certain factors. Maybe they became a JW later in life and have family that are non-JW waiting for them. Perhaps they have not been such a goody-2-shoes JW and have made strong friendships in the world or maybe have a love interest helping them along. Still they may have friends who are ex's, perhaps even helping them to see the truth, awaiting for them to have a stronger relationship again.

    But of those that are able to leave all they have to go to basically nothing or noone waiting for them on the other end, I wonder...

    What gave them the strength to do it? Do you think that it takes a certain personality trait which enables them to muster the guts to walk?

    I've been thinking about my own experience and that of a few other ex JW's who are very close to me. I have always considered myself a very amiable person. I'm certainly not very independent, in fact I'm more co-dependent than I'd like to admit. I do not naturally stand up for myself but would rather just suck it up so as not to cause problems with others. Too the acceptance & approval of others has always been very important to me, not just of my parents but strangly enough also from those in the cong. even though it irritated me to constantly live by their consciences & standards and not my own. So how did I, with this outlook on life, manage to muster the strength to walk away from it all to absolutely nothing on the other side. This is not a strength I feel I have at my diposal at other times when I need it, like when I need the courage to pursue my career or in relationships to others now.

    In my case, as well as the other 2 women I'm close to, a major factor that contributed was the disolution of a marriage. But at the time I left I still believed this was "the truth" but that I was just unable to live under the pressure for awhile. Of course, if I knew then what I know now it would have been much easier to walk away. It makes me think of a brother from my cong. (Dick Williams) who is probably one the most intelligent men I've ever known. He is an ex missionary, Bethelite & elder. The man knows just too much stuff. When I was younger I thought his comments smacked of "look at me & all I know." But later I got to know him and its just that he studies and remembers things that most people don't. I think about him now and wonder how he could possibly still belong to the WT. It's not like he's a quiet person. He has had problems with elders because he sticks up for what is right and doesn't get involved with "cong. politics." The only thing I can think of is that he has the past life that creates his need for the organzition (he has adoption issues).

    So what do you think? For someone who finds the strength to walk away from it all to have nothing at all, do they have a certain personality trait which enables them to do it? Or is it more a matter of circumstance? Does it have to be the correct combination of both at just the right time?

    Just my thoughts...

  • battman

    Sounds exactly like a good friend of mine.

    When the student is ready
    the teacher will appear.

    A season and a time for everything.

    love to all in the search for "Truth"


  • Angharad

    Great post ISP

    I'm so glad we have left while we are young, and the kids haven't been affected.

    Some people have given so much of their lives to the 'truth'. You can understand why they choose to put their fingers in their ears. Also it is such a huge part of people's lives, some wouldn't be the same people if they didn't have it.

  • battman

    Hi Shauna,
    I just reread your post and my experience and
    background is very similar to yours. I became
    a JW due to wifes' influence and family harmony,
    rather than stick up for my own "independent"
    thinking. When she told me to move out I was
    devastated and it took over a year and serious
    counseling from a professional therapist to
    realize she had her "version" of "the truth"
    and it was OK for me to have my "truth.

    Then a JW friend said search the net for information.
    WOW. What a relief!!!! I realize that I never
    again will have "the truth" but will enjoy the
    life long search for it and really enjoy the love
    of new friends and the help they provide.

    May my surplus cover your deficiency and your
    surplus bail me out when down. The greatest command
    is Love but it takes courage, courage and more
    courage to stick ones neck out but as you are
    finding out the reward is worth it.


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