Need Help - New JW Pedophile Project (Links)

by Amazing 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    PS: A poster emailed these links and I think they will help with the following project:

    The American Professional Society on the Abuse of ChildrenClick Here:

    There are two ways that each of us can accelerate this JW Pedophile issue with the Watchtower Society:

    1. If you have specific knowledge of any JW Pedophiles and/or victims, you can either send a letter to your State Attorney General (AG) providing information you have, or have your attorney contact the your AG. The AG in each State is the chief law enforcement officer. In most states, when a complaint is filed with the authorities, the informant is immune from libel. However, this may not be true in all States, and in some cases, the accused can sue for libel, especially if the allegation is proven false. This is why it is important to work through your attorney if you have knowloedge that could lead to the arrest and conviction of a JW pedophile. You should mention the Dateline and Panorama programs and how Bill Bowen was DF'd for trying to speak out.

    It is reported that over 23,000 JW pedophiles exist worldwide, and that the Watchtower Society has this list. It has been estimated that about 5,500 exist in the USA alone. Surely there are enough of us on this forum to report a good number of these to the authorities to make sure that they can be investigated and prosecuted. Do not worry about any Statute of Limitations, as the authorities may well uncover new victims of a JW pedophile who were violated within the time limits.

    2. It may also be a good idea for everyone, whether we have knowledge of JW pedophiles or not, to send a letter of complaint to the Watchtower Society, perhaps a short letter, citing whatever our specific concern is. The volume of letters could be overwhelming for them - which is good. We may also consider copying the news media and the authorities any correspondence we send to the Watchtower Society. Make a note of this copy in the lower left corner of your letters so that the Watchtower Society knows the authorities and the media have been alerted.

    Doing this should not require more than 3 or 4 letters each, 1 to the AG, 1 to the Society, 1 or 2 to a couple of media news outlets. Let's hope that this will come about and the authorities and the media and the WTS gets many thousands of letters.

    Finally, if our efforts leads to the arrest and conviction of more JW pedophiles, then this may also enable more civil suits by victims so that they can find some sense of justice and closure.

    Please email me if anyone of you wants to bounch around some additional ideas.

    Edited by - Amazing on 26 July 2002 17:53:52

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Amazing, some are also being harassed and lied about. I'd think a state attorney general or even the FBI would be interested in these things. Aren't there emails for those??

  • Amazing

    I recommend that a peson who is being harassed contact their local Sheriff or FBI office. However, if you go to your individual state web site - just type in your state name in the search line - and then select the State Government site, usually it will have a dor gov suffix in the address ... and the Attroney General's email and US mailing address will be there. Also, one cal call directory assistance for the Ag in their State capitol.

  • expatbrit


    You may also find this site of use:


    Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence (CPSDV)
    2400 N. 45th St.
    Seattle, WA 98103
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Phone Numbers:

    (206) 634-1903, Voice
    (206) 634-0115, Fax


    The Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence is an inter-religious educational resource addressing issues of sexual and domestic violence. The goal of the Center is to engage religious leaders in the task of ending abuse and to serve as a bridge between the religious and secular communities. The Center's emphasis is on education and prevention. The Center offers a number of resources including publications, books, and educational videos and study guides.

    Subject Areas:

    • Prevention of Child Maltreatment
    • Sexual Abuse
    • Domestic Violence


    • Conferences/Meetings
    • Training for Professionals
    • Public Awareness
    • Referral Services
    • Advocacy
  • 4skins

    Hi Amazing,

    I think you guys are going about this jw pedophillia matter the wrong way. Getting pedophiles incarcerated ultimately harms me...and you. How? We all will be taxed for more prison beds to house these criminals. Most pedophiles were victims of the same crime. Should society also pursue the perpetrators of this new generation of victimizers? And how does society guarantee that the victims of pedophillia won't later become victimizers themselves? Then, if these rock spiders get murdered in prison we're again asked to foot the bill to prosecute an investigation and trial. If one intends to maintain his rage against the WTS he needs to be careful not to rush to the primitive need to punish the individuals, who in this matter, are very disturbed members of society that need help themselves. Having said that it becomes obvious that society needs to be protected from these perpetrators. There are several options to undo the machinations of the WTS other than the fashion that you've determined upon.

    If you guys need to punish people in the fashion that you seem bent upon, how are you any different from the jaydubs you were?

  • dungbeetle

    I am not AMAZING, but I will tell you something right here and right now.

    THE ONLY effective approach for pedophiles is directing them toward law enforcement and mental health care. That means directing them AWAY from individuals who, like Watchtower ELDERS, would practice medicine without a license and endanger THEIR OWN FAMILY, OTHER JW'S AND THE PUBLIC.

    When confronted with the fact that Watchtower has conspired, since 1967 IN WRITING to place known sexual offenders AWAY from teh reach of law enforcement/mental health professionals and AT THE PUBLIC'S FRONT DOOR, J.R.Brown spokesman said:

    "We don't change for anybody".

    As far as what happeens to the pedophiles, that is neither here nor there. It is none of OUR business and none of OUR concern. What's the matter 4S, are you afwaid da poor widdle pedophile is gonna get his FINGERNAILS BROKEN OR SOMETHING?

    Watchtower has given us two choices and two choices only. Pedophiles in JAIL---or pedophiles AT OUR FRONT DOORS.


  • abbagail

    Here are the links I posted to Silent Lambs back on 6-13-02, since everyone was wanting to do something... The FBI has online chats on Thursdays where you can chat with an FBI agent, if anyone wants to get online and ask them about the WTBTS (see further below for the links)./Grits

    'Write the FBI: <>;

    Nat'l FBI-HQ: <>; Here's what the FBI does: "Criminal Investigative Division: The FBI's investigative mandate is the broadest of all federal law enforcement agencies. This division coordinates investigations into organized crime, including drug matters, racketeering, and money laundering; investigations into violent crimes, including wanted fugitives, escaped federal prisoners (in some instances), unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, violent gangs, serial murders, kidnappings, bank robberies, violent crimes and property crimes of an interstate nature, crime on Indian reservations, crimes against U.S. citizens overseas, and theft of government property; investigations into white-collar crime, fraud against the government, corruption of public officials, health care fraud, election law violations, business and economic frauds and corruption crimes; and investigations into civil rights violations."

    FBI's Crimes Against Children Program: <>;
    "Individual FBI Field Offices serve as primary points of contact for persons requesting FBI assistance. For further information about FBI services or to request assistance, please contact a Crimes Against Children Coordinator at your local FBI Field Office.: <>; (addresses/ phones/links to local FBI Field Offices - find one in YOUR area). And this link lists the field offices by state and what areas they cover: <>; "The FBI encourages the public to report any suspected violations of U.S. federal law. You can do so by calling your local FBI office, Legal Attache office, or by submitting a tip via the FBI Tips and Public Leads form." This online form is located at: <>; (Even though it says "terrorists," this online form is NOT just for terrorists tips/leads).

    FBI's National Sex Offender Registry: <>;

    FBI's Federal Statutes Relating To Crimes Against Children: <>;

    Chat with the FBI: FBI Chats: <>; 2000 Chat Archive | 2001 Chat Archive | 2002 Chat Archive "FBI Chats began in August 2000 and has since developed into a weekly program run by the Office of Public and Congressional Affairs. Representatives from the FBI answer questions sent from the public via the Internet. The person or people answering questions are directly involved in work relating to the chat topic. Chats typically take place on Thursday afternoons, from 1 - 2 pm, Eastern Time. At the conclusion of a chat, its transcript is placed on the FBI Chats archive page where it can be reviewed or printed."


    Someone else (at Silent Lambs had) mentioned getting INTERPOL involved since the WTS is an international org. Well, contact INTERPOL YOURSELF. Here's their info:

    INTERPOL: <>; & <>;
    "U. S. Department of Justice, U. S. NATIONAL CENTRAL BUREAU of INTERPOL ("Point of Contact for International Law Enforcement"); M I S S I O N: The U.S. National Central Bureau (USNCB) was authorized by statute (22 U.S.C. 263a) and operates within the guidelines prescribed by the Department of Justice, in conjunction with the Department of Treasury. The mission of the US National Central Bureau is to facilitate international law enforcement cooperation as the United States representative with the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), on behalf of the Attorney General. The major functions of the USNCB are to: *Transmit information of a criminal justice, humanitarian, or other law enforcement related nature between National Central Bureaus of INTERPOL member countries, and law enforcement agencies of the United States. * Respond to requests by law enforcement agencies, and legitimate organizations, institutions and individuals, when in agreement withthe INTERPOL constitution. * Coordinate and integrate information for investigations of an international nature and identify those involving patterns and trends of criminal activities.

    Filing a Request to Interpol: <>;


    Get the Attorney General involved. Well, here's his info:

    US DEPT. of JUSTICE (DOJ) & Attorney General(s): <>;
    Contact the DOJ: <>; or Email them: [email protected]

    DOJ'S Violence against Women: <>;

    DOJ's Office for Victims of Crime (including child sex abuse): <>; & <>;


    Lastly, some attorneys & prosecutors in the country want to use the federal RICO law in order to prosecute/sue the Catholic Church. Other law scholars think this law cannot be used against the Church, since the law was created to fight mob/organized crime. Well, decide for yourself, and write the Attorney General and/or the DOJ:

    Federal RICO Law (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations): A search at the Dept. of Justice website re: the RICO law came up with these (and many other) links:

    (100% relevant)
    Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO): A Manual for Federal Prosecutors FOURTH REVISED EDITION July 2000 Prepared by the Staff of the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section U.S....

    (100% relevant)
    9-110.000 ORGANIZED CRIME AND RACKETEERING 9-110.010 Introduction 9-110.100 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) 9-110.101 Division Approval 9-110.200

    (100% relevant) USAM 9-110.000 Department of Justice > USAM > Title 9 prev | next | Criminal Resource Manual 9-110.010 Introduction 9-110.100 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) 9-110.101 Division...


    Write the UNITED NATIONS: <>; or email them and ASK: [email protected].

    Edited by - grits on 26 July 2002 23:57:57

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    To 4skins:

    By your logic, why should we bother to incarcerate convicted murderers? They'll cost us taxpayers money too. Or anyone else convicted of a crime? Hey, why not save the taxpayers a lot of money and just get rid of prisons all over the country? That'll save millions of dollars!

    I am a survivor of abuse. I know that pedophiles do not stop. Unless they are physically prevented from having contact with children, they will continue to rape and molest. When I was in therapy, my psychologist said she used to treat pedophiles but had to stop. I asked her why, and she said it was because they were so self-absorbed they couldn't care less about anyone but themselves and worse, they showed no remorse for their crimes whatsoever. She said one told her that he used to pick his victims based on which child appeared happiest, and it was his goal to "wipe that smile off their face." You're correct when you say these people are sick. But they don't need treatment. They need to be isolated for the rest of their lives. There are few truly evil people in this world and anyone who looks at a child as a sexual object and then acts on that desire, is truly evil and beyond redemption.

    As a survivor of abuse I can tell you that not ALL victims grow up to be as evil as the men that raped them. Research shows that very few childhood victims of sexual abuse grow up to be perpetrators themselves. In fact, not every pedophile was victimized. Certainly most are, but please be careful in making sweeping generalities about a complex problem. As far as what happens to them in prison, I say who cares? Whatever happens to them is too good. And why are you so concerned about money? If taxes are good for anything, I believe it is to protect good and decent men, women and children.

    As for your admonition regarding people's attitude on this board, realise that everyone is in a different place in their journey. Many people who come here have been hideously mistreated by an organisation that claims to be loving, truthful and honest. That level of betrayal is not easily forgiven or forgotten. In a vacuum, yes we should all forgive those who hurt us, cheerfullly and willingly. But before you throw that down here, go through the experience yourself. You'll find it's not so easily done.

    You make a curious case. On one hand, you defend men and women who have raped, lied, mutilated and totally destroyed thousands of children, men and women who for the most part have escaped any punishment whatsoever, and yet on the other hand you wag your finger at people whose only "crime" appears to be a slowness (by your reckoning) to forgive. Seems kind of backwards to me.

  • abbagail

    Right on, Big Tex! I had similar feelings but couldn't find the words to get them out from being stuck in my throat.



    Hey Dungbeetle,well said.Personaly,I think they should be executed...OUTLAW

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