How can fear = love ?

by kenpodragon 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    So much of my past as a Witness revolved around fear. So many different types ...

    Fear of Jehovah
    I was always afraid that I was not doing enough and that I was not acceptable to him. I felt that even with my best efforts, something about me would make me unacceptable

    Family Fear
    I was always afraid as a child that I would bring my mother shame in doing things that the congregation would scorn her for. I remember elders talking to her all the time about things we were doing and asking for her to improve the way things were done (My father was not a active Witness). I remember seeing the embarrassment from her when these things happened.

    Congregation Fear
    I was always afraid that I would have someone report me for doing something I didn't, and then I would have to waste so much time defending myself. I was also afraid that something like this would happen to my wife, or other friends I cared about.

    World Fear
    I was always afraid that something would tempt me and I would be brought out of favor with the organization and the way Jehovah wanted things done.

    ... so answer me something. With all of these fears that 100% of Witnesses have, how does that equal out to love. To me love is a positive number in the equation of life, it is the largest of plus numbers and moments. Fears are the negative numbers, so if you add so many negatives together, how do you equal that great big positive? Basically, you don't! You end up with a really large negative number that can be spread and seen for miles around by all.

    So basically, to equal out the equation that is life. You can not sit in fear, and say it is love. Fear is just that "FEAR!" Love is just that "LOVE!" No scripture twisting will ever get me to thinking otherwise. All those thoughts are meant to take away your "love" and to put more control on you through "fear".

    Oh how nice it is to be free of such fears, and held by so much love. :)

    Take Care

    Edited by - kenpodragon on 10 July 2002 17:14:48

  • DJ



    Unfortunately, the Only way the wt can keep the troops in line is by using the emotional snare of fear. I was afraid of everything.....and my fears regarding 'the worldy people' just turned into a hateful self-righteousness! It was a miserable existence......and my self-righteousness only proved to be a bigger snare, just what the devil ordered!

    You remind me of 1John casts out fear! I'm sure that many can relate to the fear thing!!!

    Love, Dj

  • onacruse

    "Fear" can mean so many things! Afraid of pain? (natural). Afraid of men? (cowardice). Afraid of change? (uncertainty). Afraid of God? (respect). Trench and Vine distinguish between abject "negative" fear (Gk. deilia), a "middle" kind of fear (Gk. phobos), and a "healthy" fear (Gk. eulabeia). Phobos is by far the most common NT word.

    "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment." (1 Jo 4.18 NIV). Phobos is used here, but with kolasis (punishment) clearly takes the negative sense. Love overcomes all "negative" fear (gives us personal and social courage, as our participation in this forum demonstrates). " fear" are usually negative fears, especially insofar as they involve fear of man.

    Love and fear are both factors in the "equation of life," not ying/yang, but matter/antimatter. The "matter" of love will destroy the "antimatter" of negative fears.

  • ItsJustlittleoldme


    I've used that exact scripture soooo many times with my JW friends, and their answer is that they are talking about a different type of "Fear"... Funny, they never can explain what 'fear' they are talking about though!!!


    I couldn't agree with you more.. It's funny, I even brought the fact up that they don't believe in hell, because a LOVING GOD would not torment anyone.. You just cease to exist, or go to 'sleep'.. I said, well it's interesting that you all fear Jehovah, fear the world, fear apostates, fear losing favor with your family and friends, fear the GB and the organization.. I said it seems to me that it is fear that is your biggest motivator for anything you do.. (She of course said that I didn't understand, and no, it wasn't like that!!!)

    And then I bring up the 1 John 4:18 scripture again :-)

  • invisible

    FEAR =





    Posted about this before, see if I can retrieve said input.

    Take care

    Celtic Mark

  • KKLUV155

    I know exactly what you mean, growing up a JW I used to fear dieing at armegedon b/c I never felt worthy enough in Jehovah's eyes. I used to pray to die before armegedon so I could at least get a better chance of surviving. The fear they instill in children.

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