Misconseptions JW's have about us

by terafera 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • terafera

    I was talking to my jw sister the other night, long distance. She, like me, was raised a JW. She is a sweet, sincere and wonderful woman. But I've noticed that sadly, she seems to put all trust in the Org with no thought of her own. She said something that really floored me.

    We were talking about marriage and it's tribulations... she said that if it werent for her husband or herself being Witnesses, they would probably be divorced by now. When her son questioned her why, since it really shocked him, she said that it was a well known fact that worldly people have no reason to stay together. She said if her husband was worldly, after a fight he would just pack up and leave. But being jw's, they have a standard to live with and dont want to risk being df'd ... so they get through any problems.

    This floored me. She knows that I am not a Witness, nor is my husband. I know she meant no ill will towards me at all... she is absolutely a kind and dear woman. What hurts is that she really believes this because it is taught to her at the meetings!
    This makes me wonder what other crazy things do they (jws) think of us (non-jws).

    Do they really think all non-Witnesses are all unhappy and live horrible lives? Or do they have to believe it so their mundane lives seem a little better?

    Just wondering.....

  • DazedAndConfused
    Do they really think all non-Witnesses are all unhappy and live horrible lives? Or do they have to believe it so their mundane lives seem a little better?

    I think it is a little bit of both actually. I remember just after 9/11 here in the US our city had like 35,000 people show up at the practicing ballfield for the Diamondbacks to have pictures taken for a human flag to send to the rescuers in NYC. My youngest daughter, who was just leaving the "troof" said, as we were leaving "Wow, all these people working together in an organised way and there are no riots!" I aksed her what she meant by that. She said "Well, when I would go to the meetings we were always told that we as Jehovah's Witnesses were the only ones that could get this many people together without problems. Now I see that it does happen." She went on to say that she is now realising, at 18, that a lot of the things she was told growing up by the JW's are not true. Outside I was calm but inside I was jumping up and down with joy. SHE GETS IT!!!!!...I was thinking.

  • U.2.K.

    Your Sister should of just said, People who are married and if they do not have & follow the bible, like they are suppose to, those people will have many problems... It aint got nothin to do with the Jehovah Witness....

  • Room 215
    Room 215


    One of the most pervasive myths that comfort JWs is that ``out there in the world'' there is nothing but darkness, self-interest and despair. They see everything outside their walls as a monolith of negativity, aned really believe they have a monopoly on decency, morality, honetly and industriousness.

    Their subborn refusal to recognize the good in anyone but themseles is on of the most repulsive traits of the JWs. It stuns them when they are confronted with irrefutable examples to the contrary.

  • seedy3

    Room 215, you are sooooo right, I could not agree more.


    if they do not have & follow the bible, like they are suppose to, those people will have many problems...
    That is one of the stupidest comments I have ever heard, so the taoists, shintuists, hindus, buddists, pagans have a larger divorce rate then Christians or live more miserable married lives then christians? Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!
  • seedy3

    Oh I forgot Athiests, Muslims and Agnostics................... Well the list cold go on forever.

  • MarchOn

    Well, I think one of the misconceptions they have is that when things go good, like they land a great job or someone pulls through a serious illness etc. etc. they believe God had a hand in it. If it goes bad then it was Satan. So what about when things go good for a non-jw? It could'nt be God because they are the only ones who have him. But if they go bad for a non-jw it is because they are not jws.
    By the way, I'm in an awesome marriage to a heathen. My question to her would be why are so many JWS getting divorced, in just the last week alone I've heard about 2 more jw marriages ending.

  • U.2.K.

    seedy3, WhAt I was trying to say is, the only way you can have a "PERFECT MARRiage" is you must Obey Jehovah(God) & The Messiah, or Follow the Bible.... The Bible Is a/gift from Jehovah and it's a guide to help us......

  • Matty

    Seedy3, I think what U.2.K. means is just the simple basic stuff in the bible that's really just common sense - i.e. we should all love and respect and listen to each other - (I think we'll just gloss over the misogyny and intolerance bits shall we?). The nice stuff - you know what I mean!

  • AjaxMan

    JWs, like many people living under a tyrannical dictatorship, live with misinformation: All their sources and their only allowed media comes from the dictator. They (correct me if I am wrong), in many cases, are threatened if they are going to look at the other side of the story. Therefore, they have a lot of misconceptions about us.

    Do they have freedom? NO. They don't have freedom of thinking for themselves as everything is thought out for them. They don't have freedom of speech as they cannot question the elders and their doctrines. What other freedoms they don't have? I bet countless others. Even one of their main media source, the bible, is altered to conform WatchTower Society teachings and politics.

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