All my life...

by SixofNine 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    ....I have always heard the term, "dedication", used as part and parcle of the term/act of baptism. You know, "dedication and baptism".

    Just recently, I've been wondering, why?

    It's not that I don't believe dedicating oneself to Jehovah is a noble thing, I'm just wondering what the reasoning is for formally linking dedication with baptism.

    Have I missed something really simple here? Should a relevant scripture be popping into my head right now?

    Edited by - SixofNine on 7 January 2001 20:17:9

  • Frenchy

    Good question.
    The Reasoning Book: " Christian water baptism is an outward symbol that the one being baptized has made a complete, unreserved, and unconditional dedication through Jesus Christ to do the will of Jehovah God." P.54
    An effort is made to make marry the two in an article in the Insight Book (Vol 1) P. 251 It says:

    The ark was tangible evidence that Noah had dedicated himself to do God's will and had then faithfully done the work assigned by God. This led to his preservation. In a corresponding way, those who would dedicate themselves to Jehovah on the basis of faith in the resurrected Christ, get baptized in symbol of that, and do God's will for his servants would be saved from the present wicked world. (Ga 1:3, 4)

    I know of no Scripture that combines the two. What came to be Christian baptism actually had its roots in the Mosaic Law in the ritualistic cleansing ceremonies. If you note carefully the verses in the NT dealing with baptism it conveys the same idea of washing away sins.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • mommy

    I will never forget the day my mom told me my 16 yr old brother was going to be baptized. I was sooo dumbfounded.
    This CHILD could not commit to marriage, a DEATH long sentence... to those that view it that way.
    But he could risk his reputation, friends, family, life, for a vow?
    My children do not start the car for me.. because it is to dangerous, and they are too young.
    But a JW mom will allow their children to make LIFE LONG changes at young ages, for the sake of?
    sorry just another one of my outbursts:)

  • mommy

    BTW my brother is 19 now disfellowshipped, hurting,alone and not understanding any of it!
    You see it was an elders house he got drunk at... that brought on the DWI... and subsequent disfellowshipping.

  • joel

    Your post got me thinkin' how glad I am...thinkin' back on it now...that when I got baptized in '74...I did not have to say the words that later JW's had to say.

    There are 2 we know that one is asked at baptism...the second one now includes a dedication to the Org.

    I dedicated my the Jehovah and Jesus... :)

    just the way I would have wanted it!


  • Simon

    I didn't say the new words either.
    Also, if the person was not an adult then legally, they could claim that any dedication (which they see as a legal thing!) is null and void so in effect should not be Dfd as they have never really joined.

  • joel

    I like the way ya think there bud!

    Too bad things don't always work the way we like though huh!


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Wow, have I been in the dark. I got baptized in '73 and it fact that we didn't say those words escaped me. I thought it was always like that. Nothing like living in a fog.
    I do know that the dedication thing wasn't made such a fuss over until recent years. I never could understand it. I thought it was just a given that the two were one and the same. Like Frenchy, I never saw it in the same verse.
    I know exactly what you mean. I have one brother who was smart enough to know better. Unfortunately that is not the case with the other two. I am so sorry for your brothers pain and confusion (and rightfully so that he is confused)
    My husband brought up an interesting point. The witnesses talk against getting married too young (although that is not the trend anyway seems marriage at a very young age is the trend for Witnesses) but yet they will allow and even encourage young children to commit to a lifetime that they could not even possibly understand.
    I was thirteen. How was I supposed to know the twist and turns my life would take? I had no clue. Not in my wildest imaginings. So sad to find out the hard way later.

    Edited by - Thinkers Wife on 8 January 2001 6:23:22

    Edited by - Thinkers Wife on 8 January 2001 6:24:29

  • trevor

    I too was baptised at 13 years. I then vacationed pioneered Now called temporary)every school holiday until I was 15. I then became a regular pioneer. Naturaly I cleaned windows to pay my way - didn't we all in the UK. Nothing unique about my story. I was just one more defenceless kid who was brain-washed into wasting the first 30 years of his life.

    I am 45 now happy married and free of all that nonesence. I urge anyone who has doubts - to get out of her my people - flee from the disgusting thing that causes desolation. I mean the Watchtower Club.


    Edited by - trevor on 8 January 2001 9:5:59

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I am so glad you are happy. I am too now. But that hasn't always been the case. Took me a little longer to figure it out.
    But life is good now. Married to a wonderful understanding man "in the world" thank god! Rid of the self-righteous, ex-bethelite, abusing, hypocrite and all the rest of the tripe.

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