My fading brother(ex-PO) thinks he was marked this week!

by nvrgnbk 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    And he doesn't even post here cause he's afraid of his wife. LOL!

    She came home from meeting Thursday night and told him they had a local needs about the difference between "willfully" inactive ones and "discouraged" inactive ones. They said that one should not associate with the "willfully" inactive.

    I'm proud of my bro! What an accomplishment!

  • flipper

    Nvr- yeah but did your brother's wife say what to do if your willfully discouraged ? It can be all and the same. Jeez, now they are trying to classify or judge what kind of discouragement I have! Enough psychobabble already!! Good luck with your brother! Tell him to watch the lurking wife

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks, Mr. Flipper.

    She already threatened to leave him. She's a pioneer!

    He'll be alright. He used to angrily call me an apostate. Now he says it affectionately. LOL!

    I wish he'd get on here.


  • Effervescent
    they had a local needs about the difference between "willfully" inactive ones and "discouraged" inactive ones

    So this is like inactiveness with "Greed", is it? I wonder which scriptures they managed to twist and take out of context to support this one....

  • quietlyleaving

    He'll be alright. He used to angrily call me an apostate. Now he says it affectionately. LOL!

    - hallelujah there is hope for us. A reverse transformation in our loved ones

  • wozadummy

    There's that WTS black and white thinking again - two classes of inactive ones "willfully" and "discouraged" ones.

    My question is what about the "willfully discouraged" ones?

  • thecarpenter

    is there a category for the happily inactive?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Congrats to your brother.

    Being "marked" is really nothing, anyway. The faithful members decide to
    stop associating with those that don't regularly attend, anyway. They would
    pretty much welcome them with open arms if they started back to regular
    attending. Marking doesn't name the person, it just reminds the faithful to
    be careful, which they did anyway.

    I was always surprised that more than half of the cong. didn't know who was
    spoken of in marking talks, and the vast majority forgot about the marking
    within months.

    I suppose if there was any official "willful" and "discouraged" categories, they
    would nail me into the "willful" one, while I told them I belonged in the other.

  • blondie

    I wonder what scripture they use to determine who is "willful" and who is "discouraged." The WTS has said numerous times that people can't read minds and hearts only Jesus and God can. So is mind/heart reading okay now for individual jws? What is a WTS approved discouraging factor?

    What a load of crap!!!!!!!!!


  • nvrgnbk

    I guess because he's not on meds for depression, he's being "willful".

    He was an MTS grad.

    I know of another with serious doubts.

    We have some posting here as well.

    The Tower is in trouble like never before.

    Let's hope Anderson's CD blows more of the foundation away.

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