Matt 24:14 fulfilled..anyone called bethel to confirm?

by candidlynuts 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    has anyone called bethel to confirm that this is an official proclamation?

    a few 1000 phone calls might get some attention... probably cause warning talks on getting your information thru emails instead of publications ... i know some of you here do call bethel on occasion..just wondering if anyone has called to ask about this latest stuff.

  • candidlynuts

    truthsetsonefree posted this in another thread....darn , all this excitement from 12 year old news!

    w95 9/1 p. 17 par. 17 Christian Witnesses for Divine Sovereignty ***

    17 Still, that first-century preaching work was merely a foretaste of what would be accomplished during the last days. Looking forward especially to our time, Jesus said: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10) Has this prophecy been fulfilled? Indeed, it has. From a small start in 1919, the preaching of the good news has now been extended to more than 230 countries. The witness is heard in the frozen North and in the steaming tropics. Large continents are covered, and remote islands are sought out so that their inhabitants can receive a witness. Even in the midst of great upheaval, such as the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the good news continues to be preached. As in the first century, the witness is bearing fruit “in all the world.” The good news is openly announced “in all creation that is under heaven.” The result? First, the remaining ones of the Israel of God have been gathered “out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” Second, the millions of the “great crowd” began to be brought in from “all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.” (Revelation 5:9; 7:9) Matthew 24:14 continues to be fulfilled in a large way.

  • 5thGeneration

    I think he just meant that the command to preach has been accomplished but he doesn't really imply that means it is over.

  • Junction-Guy

    Hey I just remembered something, back in Novemeber when I went to Ky, my grandma and I visited with her JW niece. Her neice also said this, she said that there is only one prophecy left to be fulfilled and that is Babylon the Great being destroyed. She must have heard this too at her special asembly or something. Anyway I see that this has been in print before, but hearing it from the platform has a different feel to it. I bet they have something planned in the works.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Wait a minute. Isn't he referring to what he heard at the ANNUAL MEETING 2006? If so, he would have quoted DIRECTLY from a Governing Body member.

  • seek2find

    The Following E-Mail is currently being circulated. seek2find Hello to all, I sent you an audio and a word doc from a talk that was given at a SAD in Texas. PLEASE DELETE THIS EMAIL AND DO NOT FORWARD IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just contacted by a friend who informed me of the following: The Governing Body has NOT given its authorization to ANYONE to make the statement you heard/read. Friends have contacted Bethel personally and the Governing Body is requesting that anyone who hears of this/ reads it...should delete any emails and inform everyone that the statement you heard/read is NOT AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BODY.. I apologize for sending it to you. One would think that if its a talk at a SAD, it would be bona fide info. However, as I think about it, the hint was when the brother said " I'm going to put down my notes for a minute......." He then gave info outside of the outline. Once again I apologize for sending this to you. I should have been more careful . We ARE in the time of the end and this is a lesson for me to be even more cautious. If you have already forwarded this to anyone, please inform them of this current corrected info.

  • Nosferatu
    Once again I apologize for sending this to you. I should have been more careful .

    Wow, the GB doesn't even have to blame dubs for believing something they heard from the platform. They're already programmed to blame themselves!

  • blondie

    It does confirm what I said about fantastic seeming announcements from the platform. Unless they appear in the WT publications, they are not considered official and it leaves room for the WTS administration to disavow what was said as reflecting that individual's beliefs not the organization's. Can someone send me a copy of that email on my pm?


  • kwintestal

    Very interesting email. I believe, should the email be genuine, that the GB will start cracking down on these speakers so they don't "put down their notes". They can't afford to now so many are in-touch with each other.


  • ButtLight

    It still would be cool for someone to call and ask about this. I wonder what they would say?

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