An interesting "paranormal" experience, that was actually "normal"

by AlmostAtheist 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    So last night I was in the basement. It was dark, just the light in the crawl space was on. I happened to see something moving out of the corner of my eye, so I turned. There was Zach's punching bag, swaying slightly, maybe 4 inches off center. It will do that if someone is in the living room walking around, but no one was. So why's the bag swaying?


    So I watch it. And I start to notice that while I am truly perceiving the bag as swaying, the LIGHT hitting the bag is swaying with it. In other words, it is the entire picture of the bag that is swaying, not the physical bag itself. The bag wasn't moving at all, nor was the light. But I could clearly perceive it as moving. The only thing that clued me into the trickery was the light bit. (If it was actually swaying, the light would appear to move back and forth across the bag)

    It got me to thinking about people that see things move. Did they REALLY move? Or did they have an experience like mine, but without the "tell" that I was lucky enough to have?

    When I was whacked out on anti-depression meds a few decades ago, I used to see, hear, and feel all sorts of things. A little dude from the Gremlins movie came out from behind a garbage can and danced for me. A shimmering spiderweb appeared in the air and I could feel it sticking it to me. I heard people outside the house talking about how to get in so they could "get" me.

    I know people have an amazing ability to reform the real world in innumerable ways. All of this makes me even more skeptical that there's anything out there in the "paranormal" world at all.

    Have you ever had a paranormal experience that you're comfortable can't be explained by anything other than something supernatural? (I won't attack it, or claim you didn't see what you saw. I'm just curious about the experiences of others.)


  • DanTheMan

    Long before I had ever heard of JW's I had a friend who, in a bad area of town (do you remember the Greenbriar Apartments on Stelzer Road? "Uzi Alley" was the standard nickname for the complex) made a flippant remark (something like F*CK YOU ASSHOLE) to some dude that he shouldn't have, and he wound up taking a bullet in the head. It lodged in his temple, so he survived it without any permanent damage.

    I wasn't with him when it happened, but the whole day I couldn't stop thinking "something bad has happened to Mike, something bad has happened to Mike". And I was right. It was weird. I wasn't surprised at all when I learned what had happened. Mike had been my best friend since childhood, and we were really tight, it was like we were on the same wavelength with everything.

  • loosie

    while one time while I was leaving the house, just as I was stepping outside, I heard a voice (not an inner voice) an external one. There was no one on the porch but me. This male voice said "get out now". Instantly I was in tears, I was so afraid. There were no men around in the house or outside. I could even feel hot breath on my ear when I heard the "get out now".

    I was not on any meds at that time, and I had not been diagnosed with anything. I can't explain it, and I don't want it to happen again.

  • Kaput
    Have you ever had a paranormal experience that you're comfortable can't be explained by anything other than something supernatural?

    Plenty of 'em...after a while you get tired of worryin' about it.

  • gumby
    It got me to thinking about people that see things move. Did they REALLY move? Or did they have an experience like mine, but without the "tell" that I was lucky enough to have?

    Bingo my friend. I also think many ghostly experiences related by others are from people who are quick to assume the supernatural rather than anylise the issue when it happens. There was a thread awhile back that related a glass floating across the table. A fellow poster reminded them that a hot coffee cup sitting on a slanted granite or formica countetop will slide.

    I however am intriqued by others who claim assured experienced with the unseen. If this we're ever proved to me or experienced by me, and after I shit my shorts........ I'm sure it would challenge my belief system beyond measure.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Loosie's experience reminded me of another one of mine. I was 12 years old, my dad was asleep (he worked 3rd shift) and my mom was at work. (Was it summer time? I was home, so prolly was) I was working on the computer. On this computer, the only error message was "WHAT?". If you typed anything wrong, it would just stop you and spell out WHAT? on the screen. I was programming happily along, pretty intently into whatever it was, and I overlooked a mistake. When I ran the program, the word appeared on the screen, but it was accompanied by a man's voice coming from upstairs. He distinctly yelled "WHAT?!?!". Scared me out of my mind!

    Just like Loosie, I heard it. I didn't "think" it, I totally heard it. But in my opinion, I actually did "think" it. I was just so into what I was doing that it became real to me. The computer was yelling at me! (But why from upstairs?)


    Dan: Gina's mom and her aunt have some weird connection like that. They know when the other gets pregnant, even before the preggie herself knows. The aunt would call and say, "Are you pregnant?" and sure enough Gina's mom was. This happened twice, both times she was right.



    I had been on sleeping medication for a while and one night I woke up and two cat figurines started talking to me. They were beautiful collectible hand painted cats and when they started talking it distorted their faces into horrible looking creatures. I remember telling them to "Shut-up" and then realized what was happening. One of my sons came running in the room wondering who I was talking to...and we both started laughing when I told him what happened. I called my doctor the 1st thing the next morning and got off those meds! At least I knew what was causing my problem. I don't think this is the case when some people really have seen or heard something weird and weren't on meds or alcohol or drugs....


  • Soledad
    I had been on sleeping medication for a while and one night I woke up and two cat figurines started talking to me.

    Sleeping medicine has the most awful effect on me! Many times I have awaken during the night and seen polar bears sitting on my bed, little light beams dancing around my walls, the numbers on the digital clock doing somersaults, and a whole mess of other stuff!

  • damselfly

    When I was still a young kid ( 7 maybe? ) my cousin spent the weekend with me. We made a snowpeople on the front lawn and stayed up late giggling. At some point we both looked out the window and gasped in shock. I made her tell me what she saw first, and OMG! it was the same thing I saw. What was it you ask? We both saw Care Bears ( remember those? ) dancing in the snow around our carefully made snow people on the front lawn. She panicked and wanted to call her mom. I convinced her that we hadn't really seen them and we were just really tired. I kept this to myself naturally thereby saving witness children all over the world the pain of having their beloved Care Bear dolls ripped from their arms and burned ( or would they? LOL )


  • Kaput
    We both saw Care Bears ( remember those? ) dancing in the snow around our carefully made snow people on the front lawn.

    You probably had eaten some laced gummy bears.

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