I am lazy, and addicted to JWD, I need your help

by horrible life 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    MsMcDukets thread

    What do you do when this board isn't enough?

    MsMcDuket, I seem to have forgotten that there is a life outside of JWD. I lost my job last Christmas, so I lost my housekeeper. I stayed in bed for 5 months. I finally got up, and got a part time job. About the same time, I started lurking here. If I'm not working, I'm at the computer, here.

    My house, shudder, is as bad as it gets. I am having a garage sale tomorrow. I have been piling up stuff in my living room for several months. Today I have to mark and plan. Yesterday at work,( 25 miles away) I mentioned the garage sale, fellow employees said they would come, and one asked if she could bring some stuff and stay. OMG I can't allow somebody in my house!!!!

    I literally have dust from 1 year ago. I have new stuff still in packages. My teenager is a pig. I have junk mail stacked on my cabinet, all over, you can hardly even see the kitchen. I thought I was really doing something committing to a garage sale, advertising it, so I am committed. Have to get off my butt.

    But I didn't commit for all of my new fellow co-workers to see that my family are total slobs. You know how people say their house is a mess, but you think, yeah right. Mine really is. I am so worried, that I dreamed that my whole office, including my boss came over, and they were just standing looking.

    So I need everybody's help today, If you see me posting at all, please tell me to continue cleaning, and get my butt off of the computer. Thank you HL

    I am as serious as a heart attack. And step-daughter is coming to town for Thanksgiving, I must be an idiot for getting in this mess.

    If I could post a picture, you all would have bug eyes, and shake your heads. "How can people live like that?" Now mind you I have to take up for myself a little, there are no dirty dishes, the laundry is always kept up, (but hanging everywhere). It is just everything else.

    As I accomplish something large today, I will run here, post what I have done, and continue, so please root me on. GO, GO, GO, GO

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    You go girl! You can do it!
    tall penguin

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Thanks tall, thats what I need, as I push back my chair, literally GO GO GO GO

  • AlmostAtheist

    Stop posting and get to work!

    (seriously, I know what you're saying. Don't fall into the trap of pushing everything around. Dont' clean the living room by further cluttering the hallway. Box/bag everything in sight [you don't need it, you didn't even know you HAD it until you started cleaning] and shove it in the garage/basement. When everything's at least out of sight [days/weeks/months later], then you can pull out a bag and organize what's in it.)


  • anewme




  • Effervescent

    HL- I'll be rooting for you! I know how it is. I have to watch my computer time too, hours could fly by. Theres some days that I won't even let myself turn on the computer until I know the things that have to get done are done. It's a real will power thing. I'm an addict too!

    One thing though... you need to kick that teenager in the butt to help you today. If you guys both dug in, maybe it wouldn't be so overwhelming for you. At least in the main living area... no one needs to see bedrooms. And they have so much more energy anyways....

    Good luck with that garage sale! It'll make you feel so much better to get that stuff cleared out!

  • mrsjones5

    You need these ladies

    I love their show and they really show the bad and the good after the clean up. And when I say bad I mean jaw-dropping bad

  • Effervescent

    Oh my gosh- I watch that show all the time- even my husband watches it with me!

    They are such flirts though- gotta love it!

    They totally make you feel better about having a little clutter or even a little mess. The way some people lived... oh my! Wasn't there one where this woman had trash piled knee high and they found like $5,000 in small bills all through the mess?

  • mrsjones5

    And she lived in a multi-story condo building. I wonder if there was a smell and if the neighbors complained?

  • fairchild


    Um, your post is both, hilarious and sad. The way you describe your place, it does seem like as if it is a mess. It reminds me of someone I work with. Same thing happens in his house.. you can't tell the difference between the kitchen, the living room or any of the rooms, because they all look alike.. stacks of crap all over the place.

    Perhaps you could try in the future to devote a half hour a day on household tasks. I know that is not much, but it is better than nothing. Do it right after breakfast and don't allow yourself to turn on the computer until you have put in your half hour of chores.

    I am about to log off, but everyone else... KEEP HORRIBLE LIFE OFF THE COMPUTER TODAY

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