Because They Treat People Like Sh*t!

by metatron 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Sorry about that title. I rarely use such language - except when it makes a point that needs emphasis - and this one does.

    I have run into 3 Witnesses in the past couple of days. The first is Sister Hounded. She is currently being harassed by elders who

    want to disfellowship her for smoking. I could tell you endless tales about how her kids made her suffer heartache, about how the

    elders treated her family badly, and about how her Witness husband has told some of them to never come to his house again,

    due to their insults and dismissive judgements of the families' probelms ( after covering up their own kids misdeeds to a degree

    that appalled even the Circuit Overseer). To say that she is bitter would be an understatement. Why do they want to make her

    into a hardened enemy when she has given up attending or claiming to be a Witness?

    Then there's Sister Worried - who's going to college because she fears trying to make a living amidst a poor job market.

    The elders say she just doesn't listen to counsel. Why are so many young Witnesses drifting away?

    And then there's Brother Old Time Elder! He bends my ear with complaints about how the congregation I left is slowly dying

    and what a contrast his CATHOLIC neighbors are compared to the sullen families in the Hall. Why can't the Society wake up

    to what's happening?

    Why, indeed? Why don't they care? Why is growth slipping? Why are contributions going down? Why the declining

    meeting attendance? Why are so many Witnesess depressed?

    And why aren't you going to meetings, Brother Slacker?

    Because they treat people like sh*t! See? You don't need any of that ' 607 chronology' esoterica. You don't need

    to research which Watchtower President had a mistress or an obsession with being gay or whatever. This sums it all up

    without even using a complete sentence! The amazing thing is, that so many 'loyal' Witnesses know this to be true!

    They believe "it's the truth" - even though they can regale you with long horror stories about what the "organization" has done

    to them. I'm often tempted to tell them , "wouldn't it be great if the organization acted like Christians?" - but that might be

    too much for them to grasp.


  • cruzanheart

    Bravo, metatron! "By their works you will know them."


  • sf


    I kkep saying it, and I'll say it again...

    I think Metatrons threads should be in "best of" section. Can this please happen?


  • Finally-Free

    Treating people like sh*t is probably the only thing the witnesses are good at. You're right - you don't need all the research to refute them. Even when I was still a believer I decided I'd rather burn in the catholic hell than live in the JW paradise. I stayed in for family, but had resolved to shoot myself if I were unfortunate enough to survive armageddon.


  • xjwms

    I agree with Nina

    By their works

    Thats how I was treated, no more guilt ...fault ... or blame. I don't need any of that.

  • BluesBrother

    Just the same around here . The sole topic of conversation ,if the long time witnessses in the family get together, is how lacking the congregations are. My own wife is true blue dedicated to the cause , and the faith, but she hardly gives a toss for the congregation and it noticeable that her meeting attendance is getting more irregular, ....not that the elders seem to notice

  • GetBusyLiving

    This was such a simple yet awesome topic.

    All of my dub ex-friends would bitch INCESSANTLY about how much they:

    1. hate the elders

    2. hate the condescension in the congregation

    3. hate field service

    4. hate boring ass meetings

    5. hate boring ass assemblys

    6. hate being treated like morons

    7. hate being cheap shotted by pansy's in witness sports

    8. hate having to associate with selfish people (aka their brothers and sisters)

    9. hate their lives

    10. hate feeling depressed all the time

    .. but none of them had the stones or the common sense to wonder "Why do I always feel like shit if Jesus said his yoke was kindly and his load was light? Why can't I stand the people I'm supposed to love??"



  • Crumpet
    Why do they want to make her into a hardened enemy when she has given up attending or claiming to be a Witness?

    Its not about making her into a hostile though is it. Its about making an example to the rest of the congo and anyone who wishes to join. But yes I do wonder sometimes why they bother to pursue long gone witnesses. the only thing i can compare it to is the witch hunts of the middle ages.

    I also suspect in some instances some elders want to distract attention from whats going on with their own kids - drinking and worldly behaviour by hunting down those who have left. You can only have so much prey to victimise at each elders meeting.

    Busy with the long departed, can't pay atention to the rebellious elderlings.

  • DannyHaszard

    Thats it ! it's all about the RELATION-S**TS

  • joelbear

    sorry, they have always treated people like this and they have experienced tremendous growth.

    the difference is that sociologically, people expect to be treated better now that they did in the past.

    people have changed, the society hasn't.

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