How can they sleep at night???

by doodle-v 20 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • doodle-v

    How can members of the governing body sleep at night, when they claim to be the voice of god and so many people put faith in their twisted words?

    My brother is 21 years old. All his life he's been a JW. He has leukima and now the doctors have said that he has a 10% chance of survival without taking a blood transfusion.

    I talked to him on the phone today. I've struggled because I wanted to find the right words to tell him that I want him to make sure that the decision he is making (not to take a transfusion) is the right one. I've struggled because, I know that if I say certain words, he'll refuse to even hear me out because I'm sounding like an apostate. I feel that I have to say my peace because I wouldnt be able to live with myself If he died and I didnt at least try to put some voice of reason in his JW-washed mind. I did bring up how the society changed their policy on organ transplants and how they had once said that organ transplants were the same as cannablism, and he was like "where'd you your read that??" like i was making it up or something. And I said from the watchtower. He didnt know what to say, he just went on rambling about how I've changed and he knows its the troof. And he's going to be resurrected. *sigh* I cant really type anymore, my heart is breaking.

    How can the governing body sleep at night?? My 21 year old brother is going to let himself die for some old men in Brooklyn.

  • avishai

    (((((((doodle-v))))))))) Show him the literature FROM the WT. He's only 21. What's gonna happen if you don't try?

  • doodle-v

    I plan to show him quotes directly from the Watchtower, I just got off the phone with him not even an hour ago, and as it stands he's refusing to talk with me, but hopefully I'll get a chance to talk with him about it again. any tips would be helpful


  • Sassy

    I'm sorry for you. I don't know how I'd feel. I only left the org part of a yr ago and still haven't figured out how I feel about the blood issue. I told my bf about it and he said I am going to have to give him an awfully good reason for not taking blood before he will honor my wishes.. and right now because I am so new out, I have no idea what I believe in. So look at your brother, still in, how much more so it would be hard for him.

    I know I really do have to figure out my stand. Its just that every day I realize things I thought were real aren't. I guess maybe this one isn't important either. But I am still caught up in the scripture that says not to take blood.. I don't know.


    (((((((((((((Doodle v))))))))))))))))

    I can't begin to imagine how you must be feeling, but I do feel sad for you and your brother.

    There's not much I can say except that I get so angry when I hear about people trusting the borg with their lives. After leaving I always thought ":thank goodness I never had to make such a choice (re: blood issue) with my children while we were dubs." I'ld never forgive myself!

    You just do what you can to make him think, and the rest is up to him. He's an adult and I guess free-will is something we are all greatful for.

    My thoughts are with you, stay strong and let's hope the gb eventually lose sleep over their blood guilt.

    Cheers, Bliss

  • drwtsn32


    This is horrible... I'm soooo sorry to hear about it.

    I completely understand where you're coming from. On the one hand you face your family getting upset at you for pushing a blood transfusion. On the other hand if you don't try to convince him to take a transfusion you'd feel guilty. I would probably do exactly what you're doing... try your hardest to get him to take one.

    Good idea about showing him the organ transplant flip-flops. Here are the quotes in case you don't already have them:

    You also might find some good information here regarding blood:

    You have our full support... if there's anything we can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask!

  • nilfun


    I'm so sorry, Doodle... this is just terrible. DrWtsn32 put up some really good links. Other than that, I have few words, except to say that my thoughts are with you and your brother during this difficult time.

  • happyout

    I just want to add my sincere sympathy (((((((((( doodle ))))))))))))))))))

    I really hope for the best.

    Happyout (who hates those old bastards in NY also)

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I wonder that myself. I am going through the same thing as you right now. My brother is very ill, and could have gotten relief from a blood transfusion, but refused. He, too, has a disease that will eventually terminate his life. I think it would be good for you to get together all you can, send it to him, and hope for the best, and try to take care of yourself and your health and emotions right now. Unfortunately, these are adults and there is nothing we can do to force them to see things a different way. Because they are JW's, they are totally blind to others' points of view, and can only see the light if the voice of doubt breaks in. If you ever need someone to talk to, please PM me. I have had a hard time dealing with it, too, because I love my brother dearly.


  • doodle-v

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