Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Sacrifice

by Marvin Shilmer 11 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Jehovah’s Witnesses and Child Sacrifice

    For the most part Jehovah’s Witnesses are viewed in their communities as law abiding citizens and neighborly. Most of us would never imagine that this religious organization of people teach and promote a theology which, in effect, sacrifices lives, even of children. How so?

    The Doctrine

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught by their central governing body to abstain from some forms of blood at whatever the cost, even death. The tenet is promoted as the will of God. Any Jehovah’s Witness who conscientiously violates this doctrinal position will be shunned in a manner so extreme that persons outside the faith can hardly comprehend its effects. What are the consequences of this theology for children?

    Effect to Children

    Children of Jehovah’s Witness parents are faced with dire consequences if they experience a medical condition where they will die without a blood transfusion (this discusses addresses scenarios where alternatives to blood transfusion therapy are insufficient). In cases such as this, if parents remain faithful to the “no blood transfusion” tenet, the child’s life is placed in severe jeopardy. Unless a third party steps in and forces the medical blood transfusion therapy the child who would die without a transfusion of blood is doomed to an early grave. Jehovah’s Witness parents making a conscientious choice to allow a forbidden blood therapy are shunned in the most extreme way imaginable, which places huge peer pressure on them to stick to the policy. Naturally, because parents are “parents,” some Jehovah’s Witness parents accept the inevitable shunning in order to provide their child with every opportunity to grow up healthy and make their own religious choices.[1] But this is the exception and not the rule among Jehovah Witnesses.

    Child Abuse a Crime?

    Remarkably their controlling governing body has recently sent letters to all congregations of Jehovah Witnesses in which it states that child abuse is a crime.[2] This letter is quite explicit that child abuse includes sexual abuse, self-evident physical abuse, and extreme neglect involving a minor. What is more negligent and abusive to a child than refusing medical therapy essential to continued living? Nothing! So, how do Jehovah Witnesses rationalize their abuse of children facing the medical scenario above? What is the rationale?

    License of Religious Belief

    Jehovah Witnesses choosing to stick to the “no blood transfusion” tenet respond to critics that their actions are a religious position and therefore should be respected by everyone else, including medical personnel. Furthermore they assert the consequence of letting a child die rather than permitting a necessary blood transfusion is not murder or child abuse because their actions are in harmony with God’s will. Boiled down to its most basic premise, the assertion is that sacrificing a child’s life by disallowing a blood transfusion is okay because it is God’s will. Of course, the central governing body of Jehovah Witnesses is who decides what God’s will is for the masses of Jehovah Witnesses. It does not matter that some Jehovah Witnesses feel accepting blood transfusion is not contrary to God’s will.[3]


    Jehovah Witness apologists practically fall over themselves trying to refute critics of their deadly “no blood transfusion” tenet, but their apologetics fail because they refuse to address the most serious flaws of the doctrine. In a nutshell, what are some flaws these would be apologists fail or refuse to address? Following is a question they have yet to answer with any sound scriptural argumentation:

    Why are Jehovah’s Witnesses taught to SHUN a fellow Jehovah Witness who CONSCIENTIOUSLY accepts a platelet blood agent to save their child's life but they are taught to RESPECT a JW who CONSCIENTIOUSLY accepts a similar or greater amount of a hemoglobin blood agent to save their child's life by continuing to view them as "in good standing"? What Biblical texts soundly support the details of this teaching and practice as God’s will?

    Most persons do not fully understand the question above. It addresses one of the most bizarre features of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ doctrine of “no blood transfusion.” (Better described as “semi-no blood transfusion”) This doctrine teaches that some forms of blood components must be avoided at all costs (even death!) and that other forms of blood components can be accepted. It happens that platelet therapy is one that must be avoided under pain of shunning and hemoglobin therapy can be used without repercussion. (Both platelets and hemoglobin are taken from donated whole blood)


    Can any Jehovah Witness provide a Biblical text or Biblical argument that teaches something so absurd as “Upon pain of death or shunning, we must avoid THIS from blood but we need not avoid THAT from blood”?

    Child Sacrifice?

    So, though Jehovah Witnesses are generally viewed as good neighbors and parents, we also see one of their peculiar religious tenets can lead to the death of a child that could otherwise have been saved, or at least had a fighting chance for survival. Yes, Jehovah’s Witnesses have allowed and affected the loss of a child’s life by following tenets of their central governing body. Most people call this child sacrifice. Does anyone deny that child sacrifice is a crime? Does it matter that it is done in the name of religion?

    Ironically, based on the Biblical text of Jeremiah 7:31, Jehovah’s Witnesses have long taught that sacrifice of life on religious grounds aside from God’s will is one of the worst forms of false worship.[4] Yet in the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses affecting the loss of children’s lives with their theology they cannot substantiate their teaching as God’s will to the same detail as they practice it, but they continue in this practice of sacrificing children’s lives anyway.


    [1] Read the account of the Jehovah Witness father in Calgary, Canada who stood up to this doctrinal position and reaped the shunning of his wife. The online story can be read at:

    [2] Letter from the central governing body to all congregations of Jehovah Witnesses, dated February 15, 2002.

    [3] Questions From Readers article, The Watchtower journal, 1958, issue dated 8/1: 478.

    [4] Insight on the Scriptures Volume I page 833 under the subject Fire states: “Israelites sacrificed their own children in the Valley of Hinnom. (Le 20:2-5; De 12:31; 2Ch 28:1-3; Jer 7:31; 19:5) However, faithful King Josiah put an end to this gruesome practice by making Topheth in the Valley of Hinnom unfit for worship.”

  • Gozz
    Can any Jehovah Witness provide a Biblical text or Biblical argument that teaches something so absurd as “Upon pain of death or shunning, we must avoid THIS from blood but we need not avoid THAT from blood”?

    Where are the blood-transfusion-is-a-sin Jehovah's Witnesses?

  • SixofNine


  • Joyzabel


    Thank you for a well-written thread. I agree with you 100 %.

    When I was a young jw, I was always horrified by reading the accounts in the bible of “pagan’s” sacrificing their children to their false gods. And yet, that is exactly what the wtbts wants their followers to do. Excellent point, “Ironically, based on the Biblical text of Jeremiah 7:31, Jehovah’s Witnesses have long taught that sacrifice of life on religious grounds aside from God’s will is one of the worst forms of false worship.”

    The majority of jws don’t understand the blood issue, with all the different components that are now acceptable. So in their minds, all they can spew is “no blood at all”. What we then see is blind obedience to a man-made law that costs precious lives when enforced. Or the horrible shunning of ones who do decided to choose life, by whatever means.

    I wish there was an easy way to help clear up for jws the real issue about blood, which you are doing a good job. But I’m afraid unless the GB changes the policy themselves, there will be no changing the jw’s minds, no matter how much the medical/legal system gets involved. I agree with you that refusing blood for a child is criminal child abuse, especially in loss of life and thus people should be held accountable for their criminal acts. (I mean the adults responsible for the child, not the health-care providers.)


  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    That the leaders acknowledge the sacrifice of these children is
    evidenced by the way they are glorifed in WT publications, effectively
    hailed as modern day martyrs.


  • Joyzabel

    Good point Lee Elder. (sick as it is though. modern day martyrs)

  • Pathofthorns
    Why are Jehovah’s Witnesses taught to SHUN a fellow Jehovah Witness who CONSCIENTIOUSLY accepts a platelet blood agent to save their child's life but they are taught to RESPECT a JW who CONSCIENTIOUSLY accepts a similar or greater amount of a hemoglobin blood agent to save their child's life by continuing to view them as "in good standing"? What Biblical texts soundly support the details of this teaching and practice as God’s will?

    The refusal of the Society to answer the above question is absolutely sickening. I would hate to be an active Witness and be in the unfortunate situation of having to come to grips with this question in an emergency environment.

    To create and enforce a policy "on pain of death or shunning" claiming "it is each member's personal decision" and then refuse to explain it by answering the above question, is the absolute height of arrogance.

    I would hate to see this issue get lost in all the publicity over child molestation. Obviously it relates very well and it being included under the umbrella of child abuse is certainly not a stretch. I think this form of "child sacrifice" affects many more people than child molestation among JWs and it is a doctrine peculiar to them and the link between their policies and child death is clear.

    I would love to see the same well-orchestrated attack on the Society over this policy as was done with child molestation. This is an issue where nothing has to be sensationalized for the media but only has to be told as it is. If this was ever pulled off in an effective way, I think this could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


  • LanDi

    The bible is very specific in 'Abstain from blood', a 16/17th century Bishop states quite rightluy that it was never anulled in scripture.

    It is worth noting that the actual compexities of blood are much more complex than type and the chances of finding a matching transfusion are 50,000 to one (yeah I forgot my source, but its good) And, it is worth noting, blood transfusions are BIG business. In the UK (Nhs) a 250 ml of unfiltered blood sells for £ 65. Yes in the NHS. Its BIG business my friends.

    However, you have absolutely no right to allow a child to die for your beliefs - that IS child abuse. Tell a child God will let you live forever yeah they beleivve , and to a degree so do adults ( witness the vigin Martyr Situation - the brain is easily won over) So if another religion were refusing children life saving treatment on the basis of their religion - wouldn't the Society be trumpeting it as a 'aprt of Babylon the Great'

    However, lets not miss the (very arguably misguided) truth here. I lived in a SSalvation Army hostel for a while, they happily gave us black pudding, yet refused us fish curry because it had wine in it!!! (aAll alchohol is evil to them see) But even the bible says a little wine is good for you , so who's closer to the truth?????

    But then, the society can't see past their own noses. Yeah ' We pray for Gods spirit and are the faithful and discreet slave.'

    Child Abuse anyone ?

  • undercover

    Ask a JW what Jehovah thinks of child sacrifice. What was his reaction to the non-Israelites who gave their children up as a burnt offerings to their gods?

    Of course you'll get "He hates's's could anyone do that..."

    Then ask them why allowing a child to die in order to prove obedience to Jehovah is any different.

    By the way...Welcome LanDi

  • greendawn

    Poor JW children if their parents want to sacrifice their own lives that's more understandable but also those of underage children that can't decide for themselves? No wonder why many courts take over and impose the life saving transfusion while the parents instruct their children to say that their bodies get raped or violated in this way. Of course their blood policy is totally twisted and absurd but they can't admit it now due to the law suits that will follow.

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