Why does the Government *OWE* You?

by teenyuck 38 Replies latest social current

  • teenyuck

    With all the recent political threads, I have a question.

    What do you think/feel/believe the government or your country *owes* you as a citizen?

    I am talking about Pensions, health care and other *social services*. Not roads and bridges and military.

    With all the BS flying about what side/party is better, why does the government of your country owe these things to you?

  • ashitaka

    We pay the taxes, so they had better give us something. No taxes, and I woudn't ever need to use their social services, such as social security and pensions. I'd have enough in my paycheck to start saving early in life, with more to spend on a house, kids, etc.


  • obiwan

    A decent wage for all the millions of dollars they make selling thier product. If they didn't have us they wouldn't have a product.

  • expatbrit

    I'll tell you what the government should owe me.

    It should owe me the barest minimum, the smallest amount possible to achieve security. That's because it should tax me as little as possible, and stay the hell out of my life as much as possible.

    Currently, the Government of Canada owes me far too much, I'm afraid.


  • teenyuck

    ash said:

    No taxes, and I woudn't ever need to use their social services, such as social security and pensions. I'd have enough in my paycheck to start saving early in life, with more to spend on a house, kids, etc.

    That is the problem...the US government decided with Social Security that US workers were not smart enough to start saving and decided to do it for them. Now they have run that program to the brink of descruction.


    A decent wage for all the millions of dollars they make selling thier product. If they didn't have us they wouldn't have a product.
    That is why US companies are moving manufacturing overseas or to Mexico. If they didn't have us, they wouldn't have anyone to purchase the products, which are kept at affordable prices by the companies abilities to go overseas or south of the border and pay less. As a result *we* can afford those products. I read a report in Business Week that showed how the US is moving from being a manufacturing nation to a service nation. Expat:
    It should owe me the barest minimum, the smallest amount possible to achieve security. That's because it should tax me as little as possible, and stay the hell out of my life as much as possible.
    I agree. People complain about taxes. People complain about government. In the US, the dems have been in the Congress and the Senate for decades. The social programs created and supported by dems and taxes are costing the US billions every year, that are not there. Now people want *free* health care. Why does the government *owe* us free health care? I am trying to understand the mindset of *The government Owes me* mentality. Nothing is *free*. When the gov gives out something *free* they took the money from *someone*. That someone is anyone who *PAYS* taxes. If the government cannot balance a budget and spend within the limits, they certainly cannot be trusted with our health. Ask any patient on Medicare.
  • Elsewhere

    Anytime I pay somone money, I expect something of equal or greater value in return. Is that so bad?

  • Jayson
    I am talking about Pensions, health care and other *social services*. Not roads and bridges and military.

    That is "mommy" government. I believe in "Daddy" government which is kick the crap out of the bad guys and leave the rest of us alone. States don't have the same "Robin Hoodism social makeups."

  • NeonMadman
    That is the problem...the US government decided with Social Security that US workers were not smart enough to start saving and decided to do it for them. Now they have run that program to the brink of descruction.

    Exactly. Social Security was (last I knew) 15.3% of every dollar you earn. They take 7.65% out of your pay, and your employer pays an equal amount. Now imagine that you had taken 7.65% of every dollar you have ever earned since you started working, plus 100% matching contributions from your employers, and invested it privately. Then extrapolate that investment (with continuing contributions at the same rate) right up to the time of your retirement. Figure out how much money you could have in the fund, and how much income it would produce for you.

    Then, if you really want to get depressed, compare that number with the piddling amount that the government will give you when you retire.

  • NeonMadman
    Anytime I pay somone money, I expect something of equal or greater value in return. Is that so bad?

    Well, you certainly won't get that from the government. What everyone seems to forget is that the government is us. The government as such does nothing to generate wealth. All the services we get, we pay for through taxes (assuming we are productive enough to be taxpayers). Additionally, we pay for all of the services rendered to those who are not productive. Nothing is free, and government inefficiency eats up a lot of the taxes we pay, so that, even when we get services, we aren't getting our money's worth. But there's a mentality today that says that the government should be our mommy and daddy and take care of every aspect of our lives. And the more we embrace that philosophy, the more power we give the government in regulating our lives. In my opinion, we've already gone too far down that road. Here's a side note: My wife and I subscribe to a large theater here in NJ. We buy tickets for six plays a year, as a package. Every time we go to a play lately, they take a moment at the beginning of the play to remind us that they need more donations because the current governor has stopped public funding for theaters. When they make the announcement, everybody always boos. I want to clap (and believe me, it's the only time that I've felt like clapping for this guy since he became governor). Why should other residents of the state be taxed so that I can go to the theater? What compelling public interest should there be in maintaining a privately owned theater with tax dollars? I say, let them raise the ticket price if they have to, and leave my tax money alone! The theater is a business, and should be able to support itself as a business. If it can't, then it shouldn't be in business. The company I work for doesn't get government subsidies; why should a private theater?

  • teenyuck
    But there's a mentality today that says that the government should be our mommy and daddy and take care of every aspect of our lives. And the more we embrace that philosophy, the more power we give the government in regulating our lives. In my opinion, we've already gone too far down that road.

    That is exactly my point. (you said it much better)

    Why should other residents of the state be taxed so that I can go to the theater? What compelling public interest should there be in maintaining a privately owned theater with tax dollars? I say, let them raise the ticket price if they have to, and leave my tax money alone! The theater is a business, and should be able to support itself as a business. If it can't, then it shouldn't be in business. The company I work for doesn't get government subsidies; why should a private theater?

    Again, this is a *social service* that most just shrug and shake their heads at. What's a few million here and there? Next thing you know, it is a few billion.

    Government should not be funding this. Let the wealthy people (like in the past) support it and make it *affordable* for the average Joe. The government took over the job of the *wealthy* supporter.

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