WTS and "Leaning"

by Farkel 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    JT in one of his many classic posts pointed out that a common expression in Bethel whenever a new publication would come out would be "which way is the Society leaning in this article?" This was also heard at the Kingdom Halls I attended. I'm sure it is still heard today in dubland.

    One has to wonder why the ONLY true Organization chosen by the King Jesus Christ himself would have to "lean" at all. Can you imagine the apostles of Christ after hearing him speak say to themselves, "I wonder which way the Master is leaning with that speech he just gave to us?" Or Moses who just got the tablets containing the famous ten commandments saying to Aaron, "I wwwwww--on--ddddder wwwww-hich wwwwww-ay JJJJJJ-e-hhhh-ovah is lllllllllll, er llllllll-eaning with these ttttttttt-en commandments, AAAAAA-aron." (Moses had a speech impediment. This is Bible-Based(tm))

    Yet despite the fact that God is a God of certainty and action and doesn't waver once his mind is made up, dubs blithely accept the fact that their religious leaders "lean" in one direction and if that doesn't work, they "lean" in the other direction. To put it bluntly, they "lean" whichever way the current winds are blowing and then send out test marketing ideas to their dupes. If their dupes don't accept their "leaning" then they "lean" the other way. Eventually after all this "leaning" they write doctrine and claim it is God who is directing them. In fact, this is "test marketing" using dubs as their audience.

    So my question is: if the WTS leaders not only have truth, but have God's direct backing, why don't they just come out and say stuff? Why all this "leaning" in this direction or that direction?


  • wasasister
    why don't they just come out and say stuff?

    Because this really IS Bible-based! The Bible never comes right out and says stuff. It says,

    "In the beginning, the Word was, and the word was God/Divine, and the Word was The Divine Miss M, and the Word may or may not actually be God, depending on which translation you read, and the Word was not God, but was part of a Trinity but only if you are Catholic...."

    And God said, "Let them worry about it for the next several centuries and if they get it right they can live, but if they get it wrong I'll fry their sorry asses."

    And his Son said, "Oh yeah? You think you have them confused? Wait until I send the vision to John on Patmos!"



  • shamus

    Trying to make sense of the bible gives me a headache. Figuring how how stupid witness beliefs are in they're simplest form makes me giggle.

  • mustang

    Bad Day @ Black Rock (or The GB Takes a Little Heat with a New Explanation)

    "And thus came to be the Doctrine of "Tacking" "? saith the Governing Expositor?

    "But ships don't "tack" on a reciprocal course, or 180 degrees: you end up going nowhere; bad analogy!!!" noted the Lowly Peon?

    "DF the Lowly Peon, get another", saith the Governing Expositor?

    "Now, where was I, Oh, yes; and thusly we should explain the New Light!!!" continued the Governing Expositor?

    "But, replacing one analogy or metaphor with another is surely bad form; and analogies or metaphors are not proof, to begin with?" exclaimed the new Lowly Peon!!!

    "DF this Lowly Peon, get another", saith the Governing Expositor?

    "Now what have we learned today, besides Lowly Peon's are cheap?" queried the Governing Expositor.


  • ozziepost

    Interested persons were also Service Department who'd pore over the new publication to see if there were any deviations from their "official" policy. If they found any, they'd shoot off a letter first to all CO/DO, then to local BOE with further corrections.

    The result? At times we've had the ludicrous situation where "the brothers"are keenly absorbing this new "spiritual food"whilst the elders are being told "It ain't necessarily so!"

    Cheers, Ozzie (of the standing up straight class)

  • blondie

    Bozo the Clown Bop Bag

    Bozo the Clown Bop Bag

    The original 3D Bozo Bop Bag has bounced back into action! This "re-inflation" of the classic consists of all the same features it had in the 1960's:

    3D Hair
    Squeaky 3D Nose
    a "Bop Zone" target
    Sand Filled Base
    Durable Vinyl Construction

    The original BOZO TM the clown bop bag stands at a whopping 46" high!

  • TallTexan

    I agree...truth is absolute - it doesn't change. When I bring this up to JW's they say "Well, man thought the earth was flat for many years, and yet science proved them wrong eventually". My point to them is that we're not talking about 'man' philosophies - we're talking about what is supposed to be the ONE TRUE CHANNEL for God to his people here on earth. Why wouldn't he have made the Bible clear from the beginning of Russel's writings and never waivered one bit? Why would he want to confuse the issue w/ continually changing 'new light'? If there were such a doctrine as 'new light', it would be building upon 'old light' and clarifying that, not completely changing views. I view the new light concept like math. You start with addition and subtraction, build on that with 'new light' that progresses towards algebra and calculus, etc. But the fundamentals of math never change - they are absolute. With the JW's, the fundamentals of the beliefs change in many cases. Just my thoughts.

  • Sunspot

    ***Or Moses who just got the tablets containing the famous ten commandments saying to Aaron, "I wwwwww--on--ddddder wwwww-hich wwwwww-ay JJJJJJ-e-hhhh-ovah is lllllllllll, er llllllll-eaning with these ttttttttt-en commandments, AAAAAA-aron." (Moses had a speech impediment. This is Bible-Based(tm)) Fark, you are sooooooo b-a-a-a-d! LOL! FUNNY---but definitely BAD! ROFLMAO! Hugs, Annie

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