Has the WTS always been this paranoid?

by jgnat 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    This question disgusted me and I could read no farther:

    TMS School Review, Our Kingdom Ministry, December 2003, Question 11
    What is the difference between ?drifting away? ?drawing away? and ?falling away?? (Heb 21:1, 3:12: 6:6) W99 7/15 p. 19 par 12, W86 6/1 p. 14 pars 16-17, W 80 12/1 p. 23 par 8).

    I have heard a lot of talk the last few months about the evils WITHIN the congregation, how there are "chameleons" walking among us. Is this a relatively new trend, or has the WTBTS always been this paranoid?

    The Russians took up Vodka. How do Witnesses live in suspicion of without and within year after year?

  • Satanus

    The monster starts tearing at itself. The org is getting sicker. It's comparable to an autoimune disease, such as multiple schlerosis. In this disease the body attacks the nerves' insulation, the myelin sheath.


  • jgnat

    I get that feeling, too SS. The paranoia is starting to turn inward. That can't be good for the organization or the people. Sheesh, a JW can't even be alone with his/her own thoughts. Where can they go for peace?

  • acsot

    jgnat: What you said struck a chord. I always berated myself for "thinking" too much; it would drive me crazy not being able to connect the dots between all the contradictions I'd find with what the WTS would spout, then I'd feel guilty, then wish I was like a pioneer friend of mine who was the type of person who'd put her nose to the grindstone and plug along, day after day, month after month, year after year, never questioning, never doubting, never wondering about things. I thought she had real "faith".

    Eventually I was so worn out mentally and emotionally I got to the point that I was probably going to die at Armageddon and I didn't care any more, it was better than being with such hypocrites. Then I heard about the UN, saw the Dateline program, got on the net, and ... welll... here I am !

  • jgnat

    Nice to have my observations verified, acsot. I am off to bed, but I will check on my thread in the morning. Out of curiosity, how does your brain function now? Has the extra exercise from "independent thinking" strengthened or weakened you? Have your thoughts calmed?

  • acsot

    jgnat: at least now I find that my thinking about everything (religious, political, environmental, etc.) is getting me somewhere, and it'll be my place, the one I was meant to be in. I'm hbeginning to feel as though I finally fit into this universe somehow, and I'm enjoying the ride! All my thinking and questioning hasn't made me Christian though (I know you are). As with many here, I've questioned everything since having my eyes opened, the Bible included, and I cannot believe that it is inspired and infallible. It has some important things to say and good teachings, but so do many other faiths, which is what I'm finding out about these days. What's your take on the Bible? Literally true, infallible, inspired? Was it a particular church that you attended that facilitated your beliefs? I know, I know, here I go, questionging everything .

    One thing I am really happy about is that I can pursue other interests without feeling all that guilt. I'm taking journalism and creative writing part-time now, as well I joined a poetry workshop with five other women. It's wonderful to have a life!

  • Gopher
    What is the difference between ?drifting away? ?drawing away? and ?falling away??

    Drifting away = a gradual realization that your association with the Watchtower Society is a huge mistake.

    Drawing away = a more sudden realization that your association with the Watchtower Society is a huge mistake, often based on discovering one or two Watchtower doctrines that make no sense at all.

    Falling away = getting out of the organization as fast as you know how, because the whole thing was a terrible mistake.

  • DanTheMan


    What is the difference between “drifting away” ‘drawing away’ and “falling away”?

    This is utterly bizarre. Only in dubland.

  • Euphemism

    If you really want to see paranoia, jgnat, read the Watchtowers from the early 80's.

    It's ebbed and flowed since then.

  • jgnat

    I had a wonderful, elegant reply, and the computer ate it! Drat! Here I go again....

    acscot, thanks for sharing what freedom feels like.

    My ideas about the bible are in flux. I am leaning towards all good things in the earth belonging to God, since He created it. Therefore all good things we find here belong to Him, regardless of how we have labelled it. I think Christianity is best transmitted person-to-person (as Jesus did with his disciples) rather than from literature-to-reader. There are aspects of the Christian life that must be modeled rather than taught. I think the bible is largely true, but I do not think the whole thing was ever intended to be a literal instruction manual. Manuals, in my experience, are prone to misuse by bureaucrats. Manuals must be read keeping the original intent firmly in mind. Otherwise the rules become nonsensical and meaningless.

    I was birthed in to the Christian life out of an abusive marriage. I think God picked the best resources available to answer the cry of a desperate woman. My church is evangelical, but I really don't think denomination is important.

    Gopher - thanks for the laugh, I needed it! How I wish I could have shared that answer this Thursday past.

    DantheMan - you nailed it - bizarre!

    Euphemism - thanks for the historical perspective. But no thanks on the literature review. It is kind of depressing to realize that the organization can continue to grow in such an atmosphere of paranoia.

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