The Scripture They Ignore, Ignore, Ignore...

by metatron 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    Once upon a time a guy named Jesus founded a new religion.

    One of the things he - and his biographers - emphasized was "Stop judging!"

    He went even further, saying "Stop condemning!" (Luke 6:37) The context of these

    remarks talks about having love for your enemies, giving without expectation of return,

    kindness, mercy, and to stop looking for faults in others while concentrating on your

    own defects (Luke 6:39).

    So, when do Jehovah's Witnesses ever stop judging?

    They condemn the governments as run by the Devil.

    They condemn Catholics, Protestants, and Jews as "false religion"

    They condemn 99.9% of the human race as not of the Great Crowd

    and doomed at Armageddon.

    They judge their neighbors, schoolmates, and workmates as "bad associations".

    Oh but wait! --- They also judge or condemn other Witnesses - who miss

    meetings and magazine peddling - as "bad associations" or worse, apostates.

    We also need to add judgements based on personal disputes - take a good look

    at ANY WITNESS DIVORCE for that! If you don't know what bitterness and

    scheming look like, you'll find it there!

    In my Bethel days, some overseers condemned other Bethelites as facing

    "destruction at Armageddon". Toss them into the mix.

    So, there may be a few people on this planet that aren't judged or condemned

    by Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Honestly, judging to a Witness comes as naturally as breathing. I doubt you

    could really be any kind of a Witness without a lust to condemn others.

    and all this got started by a guy who said "Stop Judging!"


  • DanTheMan

    JW's are disciples of Jeremiah and Paul, Jesus is waaay in the background

    Like all Christian fundies

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    Good post Metatron,

    Matt 7:1 is the same take on this subject. I like what Luke 6:40 says; "A pupil is not above his teacher, but everyone that is perfectly instructed will be like his teacher". (NWT) Their actions, as you brought out, shows what they understand when it comes to their worship. When they finally learn to apply things Jesus was teaching, they will consider it to be 'new light'.

  • ellderwho

    I will attend a meeting the next time they have one that 'honors' Jesus. John 5:23 "honor the Son just as you honor the Father." Oh wait I have to check the NWT to see if that veres is even in there. It might just be give obeisance. Come to think of it do they really need Jesus?

  • Maverick

    The judging will never stop! The duds need it. How else can they maintain an air of superiority? By what other means can they spread fear? What mechanism would they use to disempower dissenters?

    As for Jesus, what he did has nothing what so ever to do with the duds. They use him as a prop to legitimize their existence. Just as they use the Bible to mine bits of spiritual gold to cover over their hypocrisy, like gold leaf covers over plaster. Maverick

  • proplog2


    What do you think YOU'RE doing? Haven't you made a hobby of condemning and ridiculing JWs? Judging is a matter of declaring someone or something "good" or "bad". We do it all the time. It is essential for life. Every cell of our bodies carries on this process.

    I don't know what Jesus meant by that statement. He certainly judged people and organizations. It sounds like a one-liner from a long discourse. That's the thing I HATE (judgement) about the Bible.

    I think Budhist have made real progress in this area. They try to maintain a kind of neutrality (creative indifference) toward Good & Bad. They realize that Good & Evil are a never ending cycle.

    At least JW's don't kill the people they judge. They don't grab guns and go to war. They wait for some kind of universal solution from above. I know someone is going to say JW's prefer to kill their own by banning blood transfusions - THAT IS BAD and I feel comfortable making that judgement.

    One of the problems with this forum is that JWs are JUDGED as being uniquely bad. All this does is betray the narrow experience of the ones highlighting such claims. ALL organizations do their "dirt".

    I prefer to attack the bad logic that lurks behind the bad behavior.

  • DanTheMan
    One of the problems with this forum is that JWs are JUDGED as being uniquely bad. All this does is betray the narrow experience of the ones highlighting such claims. ALL organizations do their "dirt".

    What is your solution to this supposed problem? That we stop talking about JW's, stop providing a refuge and a place to vent for people who are still affected by this miserable religion? Stop exposing the lies and hypocrisy of Mother Watchtower and the ill effects that this bad mama has on JW's?

    The Watchtower is unique, and so the JW experience is unique. That is undeniable. However, I don't think anybody here thinks that everything JW is bad, everything non-JW is good, which is what you seem to be implying. The whole point of this db is to be a JW discussion, not a Seventh-Day Adventist discussion or Enron discussion.

    I really don't understand what the point of your post is.

  • proplog2

    Dan The Man:

    What I suggest is that people quit posting non-sense like this. I call it Metatronics. It's only purpose is to take a swat at JW's. It isn't well researched. It isn't truthful. And most important it isn't of any significance what-so-ever. OK if JW's really ignore Luke 6:37 you would expect they wouldn't discuss it. But as you see below they do discuss it. If they ignore it in practice then show how they are significantly different from other religions on this matter. If they don't admit their weakness in this area that would be moving in the direction of significance. However, they DO admit their short comings on this matter.

    Watchtower June 1 1995


    It would also show sensitivity to avoid commenting about whether the deceased will be resurrected or not. Some brothers and sisters have been deeply hurt by judgmental remarks made about the future possibilities for a dead unbelieving spouse. We are not the judges of who will or will not be resurrected. We can be relieved that Jehovah, who sees the heart, will be far more merciful than most of us would ever be.—Psalm 86:15; Luke 6:35-37.

    Watchtower 12/1/95


    "Every man must be swift about hearing, slow about speaking," says James 1:19. To help weary ones to regain power, elders must also be empathetic listeners. In some cases congregation members may be struggling with problems or pressures that cannot be solved in this system of things. What they may need, then, is not some solution to "fix" their problem but simply to talk to a good listener—someone who will not tell them how they are supposed to feel but who will listen without being judgmental.—Luke 6:37; Romans 14:13.

    Watchtower 10/1/92


    In Luke’s account of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told his hearers not to find fault with others. Rather, let them "keep on releasing," that is, forgiving the shortcomings of their fellowman. This would cause others to respond in kind, as Jesus said: "Practice giving, and people will give to you. They will pour into your laps a fine measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. For with the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you in return."—Luke 6:37, 38.

    Watchtower 10/15/78

    During the first century C.E., the Pharisees tended to judge others harshly according to the false standards of non-Biblical traditions. Any of Jesus’ listeners who were in that habit were to "stop" it. Instead of continually finding fault with others, they should "keep on releasing," that is, forgiving and overlooking the shortcomings of their fellowman. (Compare Luke 6:37, Authorized Version.) Doing so, they would impel others to reciprocate with the same forgiving attitude.

  • DanTheMan
    If they ignore it in practice then show how they are significantly different from other religions on this matter

    Well, JW's aren't too much different from any other fundy Christian sect in their judgementalness.

    But for the people on this forum, our experience is with JW's. That's why we talk about them here. This is a JW discussion forum.

  • talesin
    One of the problems with this forum is that JWs are JUDGED as being uniquely bad.


    I haven't seen a lot of judgement of individuals on this forum. It's mostly ex-JWs who are criticizing the ORGANIZATION.

    And yes, the JW is a C-U-L-T. This is not an opinion I formed on my own. Go to your local library, look up books on religious cults. You will see that they are listed as a cult by most authorities in this field. And, imo, they are 'unique'.



    will they ever change? Hell, no! If they stop judging others, then they could no longer be so 'self-righteous' and therefore the 'only true religion'. They could no longer exclude others (free thinkers) by shunning them. It would make the cult organization a lot less powerful.


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