The WTS: Masters of the GRANFALLOON (propaganda technique)

by M.J. 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • M.J.

    In honor of the late Kurt Vonnegut, I would like to introduce / promote a term to Watchtower Watcher land: Granfalloon.

    This was a term Vonnegut invented in the novel Cat's Cradle, meaning (in his words) "a proud and meaningless association of human beings".

    But the point goes beyond disparaging the "meaning" of certain human "associations".

    It turns out that Vonnegut touched on a basic human tendency, that an individual's self-concept is largely derived from the social groups he/she perceives his/her self to be a part of. In other words, our own definition of who we are to a large extent is wrapped up the various social categories we put ourselves into. Yet upon critical examination, our perception of the meaning / importance of such categories tends to be hyper-inflated. An experiment by H.C. Tajfel showed that even when test subjects were categorized into two groups according to the flip of a coin, this mere act of categorization led to favoritism among individuals within each group, and bias against individuals in the "other" group.

    Advertisers and propagandists take advantage of this basic human tendency toward their own aims. Marketers create an imagined category or "exclusive" group, play up the elite image of this category or group and invite you to secure a bit of this elitism for yourself. At the same time, they present a bleak image of those outside of this "wonderful" category, resulting in an aversion to be like "them". The resulting "us vs them" mentality results in loyalty to the category/group THEY control.

    The results can be as mundane as convincing someone to buy a certain brand of peanut butter ("Choosy moms choose Jif") to a Jonestown-like group paranoia about the "outside" world, depending on how systematically people are subjected to these tactics. Take Nazi Germany for example. Hitler and his Minister of Propaganda Goebbels glorified the Aryan "us" while vilifying and dehumanizing the Jewish "them". The rest is history.

    I'm sure by now that everyone can see the obvious application here to the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY.

    Pick up just about ANY piece of Watchtower literature. Any of it! You'll find it loaded with a bag of your basic, run-of-the-mill GRANFALLOON tricks. It's so simple. The Watchtower shamelessly utilizes the Granfalloon technique more than any other pursuasion method.

    But now we have a term to go with the trick. We can now learn to spot this trick and understand it for what it is. From now on, when you hear them slamming "the churches of Christendom", or when they so typically bask in the glory of themselves, you have a word to describe what's wrong with the picture...

    "Yep, there they go GRANFALLOONING again!"

    Links to more info:

    People Who Drive Silver or Blue Cars Should NOT Read This <--check this one out. Very good explanation

    Social Identity Theory

  • ninja

    brill old grandfallooner you

  • jgnat

    You are right, MJ People Who Drive Silver or Blue Cars Should NOT Read This well worth the read.

    Of course, we all know that JWD'ers are brighter and funnier than the population at large.


  • M.J.

    Forgot to mention:

    The WTS creates this incredible Granfalloon. This image of an omnipresent organization supervised by Jehovah himself. It makes sense why the WTS insists so strongly that its members shun other granfalloons competing for their attention! It takes away from the intensity of their own granfalloon.

    No nationalism.

    No political parties.

    School and professional sport team participation severely looked down on.


  • Leolaia

    Rutherford's antithesis between "God's organization" and "Satan's organization" is a case in point.

  • TD

    Fascinating M.J.

    I especially liked this part:

    "...the key secret of those who seek to control your beliefs and habits in order to take your money, your votes, your time or whatever else it is they desire from you -- is that nobody believes they can be manipulated by marketers all that much. But that's the key reason why marketers can manipulate them so much."

  • M.J.

    The following exerpt is from Chapter 35 of the book, Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Pursuasion, by Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson.

    The chapter is titled, "How to Become a Cult Leader":

    (the WTS actually quotes from this book here:

    2. Create a granfalloon. The granfalloon technique requires the creation of an in-group of followers and out out-group of the un-redeemed. The technique allows you to control members by constantly reminding them, “If you want to be a chosen, then you must act like a chosen one. If you are not chosen, then you are wicked and unredeemed. To be saved, you must act like you are supposed to act.”…

    …The essential ingredient in establishing an in-group of believers is the creation of a social identity—an image of who “we” are. Joining a cult represents a break from the “other” world and the acceptance of this new identity. Many cults require a “baptism” or other initiation to indicate acceptance of this new identity. A new name can be given…

    The outward trappings of the believer—the new name, distinctive garb, a special diet—all confirm that the member is indeed a chosen one. To retain this valued membership, all one needs to do is continue to grow in this newfound life and, of course, continue to obey.

    The reverse side of the granfalloon tactic is the creation of an out-group hate…The creation of an evil out-group serves the dual purpose of making members feel good about belonging to the group (“I’m glad I’m not like them”) and increasing their fears about leaving the group (“I don’t want to be like them”).

    If granfalloon techniques are correctly applied, then you should be successful in creating fear of the “outside” world and the belief that the cult is the only solution to a happy life. Life is thus impossible outside the cult—the only solution to life’s problems.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I grok, waterbrother.

  • yaddayadda

    Very interesting. Yep, Rutherford was clearly a master Grandfalloner. He was the grand Poohbah as well.

  • greendawn

    There is little doubt that the WTS hired some mass psychology experts to direct them, such as Bernays, in designing a persuasive tactic that would then enable them to deceive people into becoming their exploited victims.

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