Hint of disillusionment among bethelites regarding downsizing?

by watch the tower 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    Here is an email I got from a JW friend regarding the downsizing.

    Can you sense the uneasiness in the last part of the message?

    "Bros VanDeWall, Jaracz, Pierce and Weaver gave a talk
    to the Bethelites after the Watchtower Study Monday

    They wanted everyone to be there so they made an
    announcement ahead of time.

    The emphasis is being put more on the field and they
    are going to start to drastically reduce the number of

    Some will be sent to Gilead, some as sub CO's some as
    CO's. They asked them to please accept the assignment
    because it is as if it's a Bethel assignment.

    Some will be sent out as Special pioneers, some as
    foreign Bethelites but not as BIFS, permanent Bethel

    The older ones too will be able to do telephone
    witnessing in Bethel and those who can will be going
    out in service one day a week. What a loving
    arrangement. Sounds exciting!

    Bro. Jaracz says now get a good nights rest and be
    ready to work tomorrow.
    Everyone laughed because they know they will be all
    night crying or thinking about the new arrangement.
    The chariot is changing directions right?"

  • Confession

    "...The chariot is changing directions right?"

    That's right, friend. The chariot of eyes is changing direction. The question is, will you really stay on this chariot regardless the consequences? What if instead of moving left, right, or back and forth, it plunges you toward ruination? At what point, really, will you jump off with your parachute?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    The chariot is changing directions right?"

    They want to think that. Better than to think that they don't need so much lit anymore I guess.

    It sounds like good news to me.

    How much are the downsizing? I guess I have missed the threads on that.


  • Check_Your_Premises

    Does anyone know how many people we are talking here?


  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    There are other threads here that say between 1200-1500. That's about 20%-30% of the bethelites. It's a huge downsize.

  • JT

    for those getting CO assigments that ain't too bad, but i feel for the poor Speical Pioneer, they just get a stipend

    get out the tissue paper cause there is some crying going on right now- but for many of the sisters, there is much rejoiciing they get to leave bethel - have a home and kids without feeling guilty

  • JT

    Does anyone know how many people we are talking here?


    from what i was told it is close to 50% reduction, between brooklyun, the farm,, patterson and kingdom farm there are over 6000, usa bethelites something like 15,000 world wide

  • stillAwitness

    So what happens? They get sent home?

  • FadingAway

    Does this also mean that the window washing/toilet cleaning market will be flooded? Guess I'll have to take up college....

  • watch the tower
    watch the tower
    So what happens? They get sent home?

    According to them they get "reassigned" as a blessing from Jehovah. But for all practical purposes yes, you are right.

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