The Watchtower's Bribery Dilemma ( April 1 '05 Watchtower)

by metatron 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    In recent years, some Witnesses in former Soviet territory got their names in the papers

    for supposedly trying to bribe officials to stop harassing them. In response, the Watchtower

    printed one of their nice propaganda pieces called "Simply a Custom or Bribery?" about

    students in Poland who gave gifts to teachers, with some hope of favor on grades.(WT 6/15 '03)

    and the stalwart Witness who wouldn't.

    Anyhow, this subject is a continuing dilemma for them - particularily as their growth is

    primarily in third world countries where bribery is part of their way of life.

    It was with some amusement that I read the latest "Questions From Readers" that asked,

    "Should a Christian give a government employee a tip or gift for his services, or would that

    be viewed as bribery?". While sternly warning against "bribery", the article makes allowance

    for Witnesses to give gifts or tips to government workers to get legitimate services accomplished.

    Of course, (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), it's up to you to figure out what is "legitimate" - and I

    note that a "tip" is usually defined as something given AFTER a service is performed, rather

    than before.

    Actually, this subject of "tipping" government officials may have extended beyond the

    third world ( according to past rumors). After all, the Society has been based in Brooklyn

    for many years and those OSHA and Building inspectors can be down right mean.

    A case of Scotch might help sometimes.

    In the end, the Society realizes that missionary passports must be stamped and Kingdom

    Halls have to get built, with all that entails.


  • ezekiel3

    Main Entry: bribe
    Function: noun
    : a benefit (as money) given, promised, or offered in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust (as an official or witness) ?compare KICKBACK

    Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

    Well, there's your proof!

  • ballistic

    In Britain people don't even feel obliged to tip. What you see is what you get. The countries we go on holiday to must love us though, because we are unprepared for a world of corruption. The sign outside a cafe says "beer 1 euro" - unless you ask for the 1 euro beer, you get given a 15 euro beer; ask for a small beer, you get a 10 euro small beer, ask for a large orange juice and you get a yard of orange juice for 10 euros. It makes me sick that being ripped off is a way of life in some contries, the same as is oiling the wheels of democracy with bribery money. It is all backward to me. No wonder I love coming home.

  • willyloman
    In the end, the Society realizes that missionary passports must be stamped and Kingdom

    Halls have to get built, with all that entails.

    They forgot to add: "Oh, tha Malawi thing? We were, in retrospect, inexcusably shortsighted."

  • Honesty

    Hypocrites, liars, thieves and robbers for condoning such garbage.

    "by their fruits you will recognise them" Matthew 7:16

  • Elsewhere

    Is there any way someone can scan this article? I can host it if needed.

  • Voyager




    a Custom or Bribery?

    AT SOME Polish colleges, students customarily collect money to buy gifts for their teachers, hoping to get better grades on their exams. No wonder a young Christian named Katarzyna faced a difficult situation. "Shall I give money or not?" she wondered. Her peers reasoned: "It is a common custom. You risk nothing, but you can gain a lot, so why do you have doubts?"

    "I have to admit that in my first year of studies, I participated in the collection of money," acknowledges Katarzyna. "Only later did I realize that in this way I had supported bribery, which is condemned in the Bible." She recalled scriptures that show that Jehovah strongly disapproves of bribery. (Deuteronomy 10:17; 16:19; 2 Chronicles 19:7) Katarzyna says: "I understood how easy it is to succumb to peer pressure. I thought it over and since then never shared in this custom again." Over the last three years, despite ridicule from other students, she was able to explain to some that she does not participate in these "gift" collections because of her Bible-based convictions.

    Some accused Katarzyna of selfishness and an antisocial attitude. "I still do not get along well with some of them," she says. "On the other hand, many respect my point of view, which makes me glad." Katarzyna became known as one of Jehovah?s Witnesses, who observe Bible principles in everyday life.

  • Voyager


    Economic and Social Council

    2 February 2000
    Original: ENGLISH/ FRENCH/

    Fifty-sixth session
    Item 11 (a) of the provisional agenda

    48.Aleksandr Viktorovich Usenko, a Jehovah's Witness, was reportedly arrested by three officials from the Baku City Procurator's Office on 13 November 1997 after allegedly offering a bribe in exchange for the registration of his congregation as a religious community. He was reportedly taken to Investigation Isolation Prison No. 1, Bailov Prison, where he was allegedly beaten and verbally abused by an investigator. He was subsequently sentenced to three years' probation after being convicted of bribery. He reportedly lodged a complaint about his treatment with the Baku City Procurator.

    On the actual United Nations page, you have to scroll down quite a ways down. I shortened the page here just for a review. Scroll down to # 48.

    While none of us condone anyone of any religious faith being beaten, this JW certainly didn?t make matters any better by offering (bribes) if indeed he was guilty of such. If he was, then these bribes certainly don?t surprise many of us here on this board!

    Thanks Metatron----Good post!

  • rebel8

    OMG, they didn't even bother to mention that dubs should follow the law about giving tips/bribes/whatever you wanna call it. In the US it is illegal in many instances to give govt officials items/services of value. I guess following the law is just a conscience matter, too.

  • catchthis

    Jeez. Even with many, if not all major corporations, employees are not allowed to accept "gifts" of any kind from other companies that they do business with. The obvious reason is that the party giving you the gift is relying on you to allow them to provide their services to your corporation. All it takes is one person in a position of authority to make the decision. This one person might even have enough friendly ties to others higher up in the company to influence them to accept these services.

    Of course, as long as the person receiving the gift(s) does not say anything, they probably will not be terminated. Many times though, the recipient gets free golf outings, spa treatments, dinners, strip clubs, etc. with no actual gift to take home. Many of these "gifts" are the loophole with several corps. They are simply viewed as a friend taking another friend out just for the heck of it. One time with an old company I used to work for, a boss who was two up on me was going to be let go because of a strip club "gift" from a vendor of ours. It was found out and when HR got involved he had a great excuse. He said he had won the basketball pool for March Madness --- he signed up with this other company's pool. Instead of taking the cash prize, he told them to take him out to some fancy gentlemans club. Mind you, that isn't what happened at all. The vendor took him out to influence his decision on purchasing future equipment(he was always hitting the strip clubs). He just managed to lie about the circumstances surrounding the gift.

    Government agencies are even more hardline. Gifts are not tolerated AT ALL.

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